Thursday, February 10, 2005

i'm dying of amusement.
it's nice. really, really nice.
to just be a pain at times.
i just love to annoy you [lynette's pep phrase to me. haha]
-pained laughter/ku xiao-
now i'm just sitting back and relaxing, without a care in the world
it's really good!
your mind is at peace
and then you are at peace with yourself.
that sorta thing.
it's great, that i don't even get angry
or even anything else bad. i'm just plain happy.
it's the self-satisfaction thing.
i don't mind if i piss the world off, and get whacked.
when you're in this mode, you don't feel anything but sheer happiness.
it's beyond wonderful.
ay. you know, when you insult me, you can't take it back.
seriously, i have photographic memory and not to mention a good memory.
i remember everything everyone says or do to me or to others.
and i remember all the feelings that rush to my mind at that moment too.
you can't fool me and
i don't give in so easily either.
several people have labelled me icey.
and they explained that i have a very cold exterior but a warm interior.
and added that it's hard to break the exterior. ahaha.
i'm sorry, you made such an effort to put me down, but unfortunately,
it didn't work at all.
you're just hopelessly wasting your time. tsk-tsk.
i think differently so don't use the method you use with other girls.
it doesn't work. yep.
ay. today went to uncle's place. watched kungfu hustle during lunch [mee siam] .. yupps. then at night, we had the popiah party. hahahas. no laas. just had dinner with my maternal relatives. they were so funny! cheryl was wearing this adorable so-called-by-joel javanese top. woo. nothing interesting to blog today just that, i'm SO elated, exhilarated, beyond the joy of the Lord! wahhahahahahahahahahaha!

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