Friday, February 04, 2005

today band was really fun.
we did chingay at the start.
then later the percussionists went up to the band room
while the rest of the band learnt the gimmicks for
the school opening. yeah!
i was in ensemble, together with :
beiyu ;
jasmine ;
shital ;
sindiya ;
we learnt the sax orientale and moonlight kungfu song.
the moonlight kungfu was so cute!
it's a bell solo and you know whadd?
it sounds just like nippon minyo. bwahhs.
so jasmine, beiyu and I kept getting mixed up.
the band's gimmicks are soo adorable!
they were dancing aroundd canns.
it was quite funny lar. but think about it,
it's really cool when a group of people do lame stuff together.
haha. i'm not saying their dance is lame!
okay maybe it is a little.. haha. -looks around and hides face-
so now the moonlight kungfu thing is done!
the gimmicks, the drumline, the solo, all put together!
woot. okay! gotta runn now. heh.
i love hwee en ;
i love rachel ;
i love beiyu ;
i love peishan ;
i love erica ;
i love jasmine ;
i love nurul ;
i love wen theng!
this is the clique i do stuff with.. haha.
they're such nice people!
[except when they turn nasty... hahahahaha.]
quote qiuling `lurrve loadds.

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