Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Yawn, all over.

I hate Spam.

Read the papers this morning, I think in Digital Life, they did write about Spam in blogs (Spam + Blog = Splog) which I fully agree is super, super irritating!

Ah! I went out with Cheryl and Michelle today to town and I bought quite a few stuff. And three christmas presents - Great! Cheryl & Michelle walked as slow as tortoises, and tired me out la.
Started : 1pm
Ended : 9pm
8 whopping hours.

Everybody's saying that I'm blogging really little nowadays and even when I blog, there's hardly any content & funny stuff. Ah, don't know why, but after Blogger keeps erasing off my posts, I don't really feel like writing really long stuff.

Busy now, bye.

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