Friday, November 25, 2005


Read: Boys Do Cry after seeing it on my MSN Messenger pop-up
Hmm, I know boys do cry, guys do cry and men do cry, it's just about how appropriate the situation is. I mean, if girls were to cry almost at every upsetting juncture of their life, it can get a little annoying after a while, and also guys actually find girls that cry at everything and anything a bit of a turn-off after too much of it, which I know is true since heh, my sister told me one situation. And also because of their inability to express emotion (or how much they successfully try to hide them), their average dying age is earlier. Hurray to Female Domination. Hahaha. =p

Hmm, don't be childish and think I'm reading about Love & Sex because it just happened to be in a pop-up and I didn't know it was gonna be in that category of reads.

Read: The slap to Xiaxue's post.
Haha! An excerpt:
"Maybe, just maybe, it stems from the fact that no one but obsessed fangirls give a crap about details. Not that details aren't of interest, it's just that they're so... weightless. I mean, seriously, the only reason why Xiaxue noticed Barty Crouch's moustache was because she was on a details witch-hunt, and the poor man's upperlip hair wasn't "ruler straight". Anyone else wouldn't even have looked at his moustache. I mean, what's the point? You find him slumped, dead, against a tree. He's only there because he's a plot device, live with it. The most hilarious bit is her being upset at the speed of speech. It's yet again another translation problem. Miranda Richardson as Rita Skeeter oozed so much oomph during her 8 minutes of screen time that, hey, she doesn't need to talk fast to be a convincing Rita Skeeter. She was so convincing, I could almost smell her perfume. If she had to mimic the character ad verbatim, she wouldn't be a very good actress. Likewise for Moody and Dumbledore- whose intensity really reminded us that there were veteran actors in the cast.

Not that Xiaxue would've noticed, she was too busy wondering why Moody had blonde hair."



I spent a day at home, simming, sinning and whatever else. Went out for a short while to slack, then slacked again at Cheryl's place, then headed to chomps and finished a whole plate of sting ray, yummy. And, home. What a day! I'm tired.

I love the weekends!
I anticipate Christmas!
I gotta shop tomorrow!

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