Saturday, November 12, 2005

Pitter patter.

I look forward to heavy rains, thunderstorms and lightning when I'm at home. ^_^

So went to church for comm meeting with Constance, Michelle, Jael and Audrey. Shawn didn't come because of some barbecue! That naughty boy. Lmao. Aud and I had to act out this really lame skit on stage and totally embarrass ourselves just for publicity of the camp. Man. We were acting like bimbos who refuse to share my mirror. Haha, Jael thought of it.

Had special speaker during service, the unfortunate part - I mistook her as a crazy auntie, since genuinely crazy aunties always appear in our services. =p

After service we went KFC for dinner at... Shaw Plaza and Jinghan was being absolutely bitchy, behaving like one la, Michelle was making fun of the 'white fat chicken' (he was really fair and flabby with wings like a chick chick!), JH was "EEEE, so HUMONGOUS", Cheryl and I were laughing about Jinghan's distorted expression and Jolene was, lost. Haha.

I insisted on going home to pee. Haha.

Home, and Desti (I almost called her Dusty), oops.

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