Thursday, December 16, 2004

*tries so hard to type and lick her melting like mad ice cream* yumm. am eating ice cream now. yay. split to be exact. today's events really made me feel good all over for the rest of the day although I am like pms-ing awayys. dunno whyyes. the last four days have been so 'hectic' for me, literally. i was always grumpy [except when I am with special ppl, the jamm gang, et cetera.], always feeling pissed off and angry with people which is so true 'cause it shows. ya. serious! lyke I just scolded cheryl, 'cause she was annoying me on msn. not reallys but sending a lot of 'msgs' and splitting an already short sentence into like FOUR messages. my nose hurts by the way and my leg disease is recovering. (well, if you mean turning darker instead of whiter in air conditioned places) lames! my eldest sister just cut my hair and i've just finished bathing. it's reall short and I totally love it. So cute. short and bouncy. (don't think dirtyy) today. we went to church early at like 9.30 for christian service. yay. it was so fun. we were at tp interchange at 9am and michelle was like hitting us for being 10 mins late. then jeralyn was so late. we left and took 145 by ourselves. she was left behind. ouchies. it totally was not my idea. it was michelle's then later cheryl agreed with her then I too. I was also grumpyy laas. i hate waiting for people you know. for christian service, so fun! we wrapped the newcomers' christmas presents, cut up and folded the invitations (tt was all done by me!) and service time sheets. then we went lunch together at mac and chatted with ps. lindsey about baptism (she broached the subject ferst) . thenn valerie a.k.a miaomiao a.k.a marcus's sister kakakakakakakakakaka-ed away. blabbing her own nonsense and omg, she was practically contradicting herself in every sentence she spoke which made us totally collapse with laughter as I did the invitations and cheryl n val were doing wrapping. i did a lot of bow-tying and present wrapping and bible study!! omggg!! okay. later in the afternoon, we wenta see two patients at sgh (one has cancer, one has liver problemsss) by cab. it was frightening, the hospital i mean. the woman with the liver problems was really friendly and nice and seemed fine. she was just admitted into the wardd 3 daes ago. her husband had leukamia (no idea how to spell) ouch. really saddening. then the cancer guy. he's only got one month to live. they only allowed 2 visitors so ps. lindsey and michelle went in. while cheryl and I were outside playing with the vending machine (buying drinks and watching the cups be filled and the dispenser and everything else) we were retarded - fyne. oooh. i love my hair. yaya! okay. i felt really sad for the cancer guy anyway, at first it was 6 months to live. now it was cut short to a month. but actually he might feel it better to be earlier for him to expire 'cause he has growths on his body. i imagine it and it looks gross. ouchh. i wish i could do something instead of just watch him die so silently.

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