Saturday, December 11, 2004

heyyo!! i'm backk from youth camp!! yay! was so great and spiritually reviving. bwahahas! it was soo great manx. it was at the boys' brigade at zion road. reallie reallie nice!! ok. i'll give you a summary of the entire camp kaes. woots.
day one
we went to church at 1030. woots. uncle david
fetched me n cheryll. woO! okays. then we left for camp at 1.30 plus.
the BB was reallie nice. haha. after we reached then we had to split into our grps
then we played the game - familiar strangers- budd it was quite
lame. we played 'bomb' in our grps lah. so our grps were called according to
the five-fold ministry. lyke the grp names were teachers, pastors, evangelists, prophets and apostles. cool manx. i'm glad i didn't bring anyone along although the worship n everything was great cause they will hinder me in worship n activities n stuff coshh they'll be like clingin on to me and liking n flirtin wiff all the guys. carnt take it. okaes then we washed up after the like warming up gamess n then dinner then night service by ps. eileen. tt night = the first night= was the praise n worship night so had a lot of singing n dancing. cool. then until leg painn! numb larx. okaes then supper then lights outtaa!!! woots.
day two
6.50 wakey wakeyy haha. then devotion n breakfast then morning service entitled 'surfing emotional tides' by rachel hee. the service was reallie gd abt love n then gender thingys bwahaha budd of crse gott spiritual stuffies too larx. ok. then was dirty games in the afternoon aft lunch. we played like a relay. we had to pair up guy girl (ppl in the same grp) then crawl under the rope n not hit the coconuts/obstacles then spin ard 10 times then slide across a soapy table wahaha. then carry his legs thenn he crawl to the other line. bwahaha. being gurlls so fun. haha. then the whole grp mus do the same thing. bwahaha. then the usual budd the service was by ps ronald reallie nicee and reallie gd. then the usual again.
day three
same. same. same. then workshop by ps. lindsey called scoring goals in life. then usual then R&R then liquid tension and reallie reallie wet game(s). lyke soapy dog and bone. bwahaha. then nicholas dislocated his arm.. ugh. it was reallie reallie gross then casualty marx so then we go n make water bombs for the next game-bombyss!! then okay yah the day b4 i fell off the lower deck of the bed n injured my last toeee.. ugh. it looks rotten nows.. okay then after that usual larx.. [shawn was aiming at me the whole tyme of the water bombing game coshh i was dry] then USUAL.
day four
ALOHAA!! today is banquet night n the theme is aloha! okay. morning service and then night service change to 3pm. then we had to think of the skitt.. ours was like based on battle royale . ugh. gruesomee. then chioin urpp then boy meet girl. i got joshua who is lyke nearly twice my age. bwahaha. then cheryll gort yishun ugh. oh yah. in the skit i had to act lovey dovey with lyke ernest[i love you, you love me stuff]. ugh. then it was so funny coz the moral was like everyone was killing each other so(after ernest 'killed' me he got killed too) ughh abt the rhythmm n passion blahhs. okay then later really fun tyngs happened. the presentation of the skits n all. then after eleven no lights out can do anytyngs so the guys go play soccer thenn the girls have talk n lorxxxx.. very funny. then i fell aslp while everyone was out. I know, i slpt like a pigg. budd it was like 3 am lerx. the other ppl slept at five plus lorx.. haha. okays nites.
day five(today)
yay. go home lerx. woke urp damnn lates brkfast already over somemore. wahaha. clean up. thksgiving. wah. almost everyone mus give testimonyy then homE SWeET hOmE!! yay! So HApPYY!!!!

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