Wednesday, December 15, 2004

that perfectly painted scene
replays ever so often in my mind
so beautiful. so wonderful.
i question myself if it is but not a dream.
extracted from 'dreams so alive. they speak.' written by louisa

another eventful day. woots. i went out with jeralyn. heys. i dunno whadd the heck's wrong with my msn. keeps playing tricks on me. like signing in and out and when i talk to certain people, it closes the window automatically. *smashes computer* and my computer, not to mention. is so annoying. i'm currently using the one in the study (which is faster although pentium 3! ironic! *mine is pentium 4 by the way.* ). i hate using the one in the study laas 'cause it doesn't have my stuff to do stuff. hahas. i'm crapping. okay. my phone inbox is full. stupid phone. my smses from jasmine and whoever that msgs me. carnt delete. Cause, i like seeing my inbox full. lame right. fyne. smack me then. *grins* woo. jason is online. whoops. i feel like i've forgotten about him. the last tyme i was talking to him, i was trying to get him to go to church which was hopelessly failing. he's darn cynical and all i can do is watch him insult me (normally i do retaliate, now, i'm trying my best to get him saved so i don't care!) he's my cousin's friend you see. we really want him to go to church and experience what we do. he's too 'un-open' laas. he's so cynical you can strangle him. but we must be patient. *runs 1 corinthians 13:4 in mind* yes. yes. yes. I pray. I pray. Jonathan pray. Cheryl pray. pleaseee. he's a really hard nut to crack. I PRAYY for his salvation! okay. as i was saying. this morning i met jeralyn at 11.30am at toa payoh. redd circle theree. sod tt. let's go to the more interesting or to us, mortifying parts. =) okayes. big news huh! i met one jiko (old man pervert?) while waiting for jeralyn (half hour!!) he peeped into the woman's (next to me) blouse. well. it was little bit low cut at the back. in fact it was not. but he peeped anyway. don't see any fun in tt. pah. after jerall arrived (after i practically fainted and was pissed off.), we went tp library to return her overduedd books. then here comes along this disgusting bogay [no teeth for your info] who asked us if we had change to take bus in mandarin. i knew he had something up his sleeve 'cause he only singled us out when there were tons other ppl to ask. then we said no. then he kept llike pressing on. i felt like bashing his already like bogay mouth to remove the excess teeth and complete the bogaying job! then later when I stormed off (jerall was like slowly walking behind me, following me!) he shouted, where are you going in mandarin yet again. you know what i did? i was appalled at my actions. i turned behind, said 'huh' in a very mean way and rolled my eyes so hard at him. unintentionally. it just came out. i didn't know. but anyway good for him. harassing young girls when he should be like, getting a dental job. then the third one. at somerset mrt. we were walking and talking towards somerset mrt (through the carpark) then this khaki shirted guy was like tailing us so near LOR. practically stuck to our plastic bags of presents already. then i felt disgusted then i linked arms with jeralyn and walked really fast to the escalator to the mrt. he followed in the same speed. yuck. then down the escalator, he was behind us. STUCK to us. mind you. ok. then when we were walking through the 'corridor' he tailed so near. so jeralyn and i tried to act silly and disgusting 'cause she pointed out the damsel-in-distress whistle the entire jamm gang has (jinghan, michelle, jeralyn and i) then i pretended and i said, 'wah, your boyfriend give one ah. let me see. so nice. wooo.. ' *tries to be annoying as usual so as to lose the pervert* we then slowed down because of the so called so nice whistle then he walked in front of us laas. wadd a freak. and he kept turning behind and looking at our faces. I felt like smacking him!!! ugh. tt's the fun part laa. the rest are history la? okay. peace out.

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