Tuesday, December 21, 2004

hmm, what a nice day today! I went out with my sister, cheryl, ernest, jamin and shawn. I was quite sure shawn was not supposed to be there as i was supposed to buy his present and *sighss so loudly* the two people whose presents are left are there. ergo. so i din buy anything la. we went to ps for half a day until 5pm - that was where, whoops, ernest shopped like a girl. haha. he was browsing everything, going into every shop. I nearly died frm walking around so meaninglessly. heh. me and cheryl were so lame, annoying each other and oh ya!
doopied shawn and jamin annoying us to death! they were making fun of my bell and cheryl's nose, but the nose was funny ya. haha. nose jokes - bwahahahaha. jinghan is backk. ergo again. i somehow dun miss her yakkiness. i seem to enjoy the silence. hehh. *no offence jh!* then we also went town. i dunno where but we took a bus somewhere. who knew where we went anyway, lyn n ernie were leading the way all the time. haha. so we were just like those stray dogss following along. then jamin n shawn saidd tt only lyn n ern were shopping yadayada*[classified information :) ] okay. we kinda agreed on it anyway. ok. so after town, it was about six laa. then we left and took train to toa payoh - all of us left the train except ernest *laughs bwahaha* then later we split, they went to their cell grp thingyy and we went to eat and lame ard - as usual. so that's it. byee.

`i love tt song below anyway!

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