Tuesday, December 14, 2004

todayys so FUNN!! I went out ard 11.30am. Uncle David was going Tampines Mall with the Hongkong relatives, granny and Justin then Cheryl and I tagged along. I din know we were going to eat lunch at Crystal Jade Restaurant. hoho! We met Aunt Esther there, who already booked the table and seats yada. Then there was no place for cheryl and i then the lady dragged along two other chairs. we felt so totally like EXTRA. yeah. we ate so much and aunty esther ordered so much and cheryl and i reallie felt like we were gonna explode or something. granny ordered a char siew rice thingy and omg, she couldn't finish and asked us to share it. we were dying by tt tyme. whoaa. after tt, ha, my stomach really felt sick. then we walked ard with justin for a while, while uncle david was drawingg money then the old people [granny, hongkong relatives (couple)] took him away. *scowls* anyway he was dragging me along [coz he didn't want to hold cheryl's hand. bwahhaaas!] i feel so loved!! justin's a PERVERT man. trying to like touch cheryl's boobs all the tyme.. yuck. babies just have a fetish with tt just because they drink from it. [dun get grossed out by dis plsss - facts!!] haha. and oh yah. justin is always laughing or smiling to himself when he sees any woman in reality or on tv. PERVERSE!! haha. later after that, walked ard tampines mall then took a train down to orchardd! So FUN. then went to heeren then saw wen long. omg in jean perrie. yuck. after tt felt so disturbed. thk god i din go out with jerall and she like bankedd out on me too! THK GODD! eh? before heeren we went takashimayaaaa! then bought like SO many christmas presents! wooh. yay! then okaes. took train to toa payoh then went koufu to chat and drinkk sometyng coz i was dying of throaties. [dry throat la. my name for it!!] then later msged ard then went home lerhhs.. wadd an eventful dayy!

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