Saturday, July 10, 2004

Yay! New Blogskin up! and this one I won't be changin so fast coz I love it! Today, went for band practice - Mrs Chee gave us a complete lesson on breathing, using the diaphragm and all that while percussionists were doing strokes for 3 whole hours - Yip! I got into CLarinet... which was quite upsetting at first but I found the sound quite nice. Christina (Senior Clarinet SL), set me up with the instrument (which is totally illegal now as I'm only supposed to try on the mouthpiece)I could blow ok on the mouthpiece but when she let me try on the instrument it gave the sharp piercing sound- Gawd! It could have burst my eardrums! All in all it was fun ... Mrs Chee told us tt we are going to Sydney next yr June... COOL!

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