Monday, July 19, 2004

Phew! I'm bushed! Last night I went for my cousin's birthday party and went home quite late.. so ended up sleeping like 11 then dis morning during Maths period, my head was like unstable.. cocking to the side(fallen asleep?).. How embarassing and the stupid Jonathan was making snide remarks about everyone and he even said i stand so close to Wen Theng.. that I'm molesting her or something... Yuck. Today, they called for a band meeting which was so damn out of place. I was planning to like go central to buy the band file and all that supplies I need and dis band thingy can like spoil my whole day.. I was so tired. I was practically falling asleep when they were practicing the NCOs pledge.. you see, there's a annual investiture - band one.. My eyes were struggling to keep open.. BUt after i went home, it was fine.. til 6 when my head started bobbin around again..then i took a nap til now loh.. now eating dinner liao.. heh heh

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