Saturday, July 31, 2004

Today feeling quite down n out... Went Heartland Mall in the morning to meet Jasmine and look for presents there. Then took 136 to Band Practice.. Sian. Band Convention Practice was so fun. We were practicing Under the Double Eagle.. then Bei Yu legs always wrong.. So we practice and practice until very tired...i finally learn up when to turn n all tt... then the 'huntakekaking'. What an eventful day, I'm so bored now, I'm feeling kinda happy now..

Friday, July 30, 2004

Today, we deyians had no sch.. Coz of NDP practice.. as u know, my sch is participating in NDP Mass Display.. and it sure is exhausting.. But I'm in Band so I'm not in NDP becoz I had to take part in SYF April Round and SYF Opening Ceremony (we didn't win). Today, all those performing in Band Convention went to the AVA rm (Jasmine, Beiyu and I) [The other ppl stay in Band Room to do strokes and sec1 band practice].. Oh we're going to perform for the Band Convention at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel - great! - and after tt, perform at Esplanade on the Bay, my band instructress said that we're performing a 45 minute show outside the Esplanade... u know, on the blank empty space kind of opposite Fullerton Hotel.. it sux... I'm listening to the Theme from Armageddon - It's such a sad song.. sob sob.. But really, it shows a lot of expression.. One minute it sounds violent then subtle then u know, forte, pianissimo... It's a great expression of music.. Gawd, we band members should learn from it!
Today, we deyians had no sch.. Coz of NDP practice.. as u know, my sch is participating in NDP Mass Display.. and it sure is exhausting.. But I'm in Band so I'm not in NDP becoz I had to take part in SYF April Round and SYF Opening Ceremony (we didn't win). Today, all those performing in Band Convention went to the AVA rm (Jasmine, Beiyu and I) [The other ppl stay in Band Room to do strokes and sec1 band practice].. Oh we're going to perform for the Band Convention at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel - great! - and after tt, perform at Esplanade on the Bay, my band instructress said that we're performing a 45 minute show outside the Esplanade... u know, on the blank empty space kind of opposite Fullerton Hotel.. it sux... I'm listening to the Theme from Armageddon - It's such a sad song.. sob sob.. But really, it shows a lot of expression.. One minute it sounds violent then subtle then u know, forte, pianissimo... It's a great expression of music.. Gawd, we band members should learn from it!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Boring, exhausting, sick ... These are the adjectives that describe my day! It was completely horrid - except for band practice.. The instrument i used today was the concert snare drum.. So nice.. The sound was melodious! It was so great! I feel tt today's practice was quite eventful.. except for the fact tt my left fourth finger is like injured... I feel there's a like blue black there... sad... :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Percussion? Posted by Hello

Jasmine, Hwee En and I.. Hwee En looks so blur! :P Posted by Hello
Hmm, today not much to sayx, I finally brought Wei Fong's graduating present and Jasmine's bk... She has been haunting me for weeks and I keep forgetting. I've been forgetting a lot of things lately and I'm feeling quite stressed sometimes. Just as I'm feeling stressed, this tired but slacker behaviour comes over me and causes me to be very lazy and imagine me saying this: what a sin! I agree with my conscience! I am sooo energetic now.. I feel lame coz juz now at around 6 plus in the evening, I was blogging and I didn't post it coz I was too sleepy(but i didn't know tt i didn't post it) Darn... That's why when I came back now, it was weird.. I checked my blog and there wasn't any post.... Well, gd night ya'll.. I have a gut feeling Art tomorrow is so gonna suck...

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Jasmine and I acting retarded in school hall Posted by Hello

Miss Chan, our maths teacher, gets all pumped up with her maths bks Posted by Hello
Woohoo.. Today was great. I'm officially back with Percussion. Though I think I'm probably not going drumline. I think I'm staying in Ensemble... But I got no marching bell.. Beiyu and Jasmine took the two.. so i think i've just gotta take the stupid concert bell who sux like hell.. But all in all it was so fun. I need to like learn the Double Eagle song and I only learn the first part.. I'm afraid i can't finish learning everything by that time. I've to learn the steps and all tt with the load of BLCB marching bell on me.. *sobx*
This is my favourite song and I find it so touching and moving. Sooo Nice..

Hoobastank - The Reason

I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's why I need you to hear

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

Monday, July 26, 2004

Bell Players of SYF 04 Posted by Hello

*sobx*.. I feel like Bei Yu suddenly. Haha. Huimin is gone now. Sad. Graduate liao.. But she sayx that she is going to come back.. Yay!

Shu Ling, Stephanie and I. Ain't Stephanie cute? (The Second One) Posted by Hello

Haha. Here are us - Ex ensemble players! We were having so much fun! This was taken before the farewell concert.. Haha. Go on and laugh.
Phew! Very tired today... Very funny u know, it's like during maths lesson was so sian and everyone was falling asleep(including me) I've uploaded new pictures onto my blog.. Here's the link - go visit.. It's quite nice. Shows all the Farewell Rehearsal, classrm and Farewell night pics.. Have fun seeing..Woohoo! Sch ended at 11.55am

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Yesterday so tiring.. Phew.. Farewell concert ended around 10.30pm and Jasmine's Dad sent Bei Yu and I home.. Whoa! The girls were so chio lorh.. All the graduates.. Heh heh, we were making fun of Wei Fong and Dominic.. Coz Wei Fong look like father and Dominic look like dentist.. Haha.. But last night Jie Ying so cute.. First time look so girly.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Today is such a great day... I'm listening to The Rasmus - In the Shadows.. it's really nice u know, the electric guitar at the start is SOooo great... Today went for Farewell Concert Rehearsal with Jasmine... We had to be present 'cause Jasmine n I are the ushers... Gawd. We have to like invite Mr Lau, Band teachers and Mrs Chua onto the stage.. and I have to give the gift to them to give the graduatings... But we couldn't practice anything coz there is no power supply at the stage there... so in the end it was juz a waste of time.. but we both had a great laugh at Leonard.. He was dressed up as Jolin Tsai and was wearing his PE shirt with Jezebel's (is this how u spell her name?) skirt, if i'm not wrong, and he had raffia rope as his hair and two oranges on a string as his boobs... Haha.. I can't believe he wants to act the part.. One part was totally gross, he kept touching his 'boobs' and Jasmine and I were so grossed out and laughing our butts off. Later, after Jasmine left for her Piano lesson, I moved up front and there was this like stagin of William Hung and S.H.E well, the william hung one... HAHAHA, the guy they got frm trumpet reallie looked like him.. gawd... He was so shockingly alike to him..Hehe, what an insult. Well for the S.H.E. one.. it was so farnie.. Leonard, Chern Ron and the william hung guy acted as them.. by stuffing like oranges on strings outside their shirts and raffia ropes as hair.. and they were SOOOOO funny! Gawd... Chern Ron was dancing and his hair fell off and later his oranges dropped off and he screamed, " Ahh, my breasts!" I nearly died of laughter then... They were probably engrossed with touching the oranges.. One thing i observed, all the guys loved to touch the fake breasts.. GROSS

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Today had band.. we play instrument-the practice was SOooo boring.. and I blew til my lungs had exploded heh heh, after I went home had wheezing ah.. so i had to take a puff from my inhaler... Woo. It's my father's birthday today and *guiltily looks at sister* I have not bought a prezzie.. what a sin! Heh heh... I'm so disappointed in myself...

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Switchfoot - Meant to live : Spiderman Soundtrack

Fumbling his confidence
And wondering why the world has passed him by
Hoping that he's bent for more than arguments
And failed attempts to fly, fly
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside
Somewhere we live inside
We were meant to live for so much more
Have we lost ourselves?
Somewhere we live inside

Dreaming about Providence
And whether mice or men have second tries
Maybe we've been livin with our eyes half open
Maybe we're bent and broken, broken


We want more than this world's got to offer We want more than this world's got to offer We want more than the wars of our fathers And everything inside screams for second life, yeahWe were meant to live for so much more Have we lost ourselves? We were meant to live for so much more Have we lost ourselves? We were meant to live for so much more Have we lost ourselves? We were meant to live We were meant to live
Happy Racial Harmony Day! I'm so exhilarated. Mrs Rajah is such a pain in the ass.. She is so dump and has no EQ at all.. Kaoz.. I had a retarded time listening to her stupid History lesson which everything was juz frm the bk! Excuse me, if we learn everything frm the bk, we dun need a freaking teacher like u! I feel like screaming at her. Today,  Beiyu never come coz got piano exam.. then she say she feel like going to fail.. Upsetting when she practised quite hard know? Heehee, anyway so funny.. dun care abt the loser liao.. she sux! (this is not mrs rajah)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I'm so happy today, yep, went home with Pei Shan today and we were talking about some 'round' thing and we were havin fun chatting and fooling around. Guess what, I forgot to sign my paper and then Ms Chan punished us by making us write out the whole maths paper on Foolscap again .. I think I didn't learn my lesson but instead it was just wasting my pen ink... Gawd, I haven't gone to buy my band file.. and I have to get it by thursday. Today we went to the Broadcasting room during recess to record the student creed but you know what? The stinking recorder was not working and we were so bummed.. After school, we managed to get a portable recorder from Ms Lim from Ms Haryati(our band teacher) and we therefore headed to record it.. It was great.. tho Jasmine started cracking up in the middle of the song and made all of us laugh as well so we had to do it SO many times.. But thank god its over.. It was such a burden to me. Argh! Jasmine didn't lend me the day after tomorrow book!
 I'm so totally going to smack her face. Heh heh.. Nah, quite sad actually.. so got no mood to smack her..  It's like at night he online then I happy then he offline then sad loh... Hmm... Peishan and Hwee En say that they heard Hengjie like me and to answer your qns I don't, I only like one person frm another sch (duh.. deyians are so yukky..) Thank God they're mature.. If Jasmine ever saw this, she'll say I was buay hiao bai... sux man.. she is sooo... deir...

Monday, July 19, 2004

Phew! I'm bushed! Last night I went for my cousin's birthday party and went home quite late.. so ended up sleeping like 11 then dis morning during Maths period, my head was like unstable.. cocking to the side(fallen asleep?).. How embarassing and the stupid Jonathan was making snide remarks about everyone and he even said i stand so close to Wen Theng.. that I'm molesting her or something... Yuck. Today, they called for a band meeting which was so damn out of place. I was planning to like go central to buy the band file and all that supplies I need and dis band thingy can like spoil my whole day.. I was so tired. I was practically falling asleep when they were practicing the NCOs pledge.. you see, there's a annual investiture - band one.. My eyes were struggling to keep open.. BUt after i went home, it was fine.. til 6 when my head started bobbin around again..then i took a nap til now loh.. now eating dinner liao.. heh heh

Saturday, July 17, 2004

So freaking sad loh, my mood is so dampened tt i don't even want to blog at all! It's raining, so i totally cannot do anything outside - secondly, i'm sick, I need to use the inhaler and all tt. My cough lasted since June 17 - my doc says it's my mild asthma acting up - without me even knowing! Even now as I'm blogging, i have a slight headache - sigh, life sux big time. I'm so sad. I'm in a dilemma of who is the he in Jasmine's posts, I'm so irritated. she still doesn't trust me - so fine!

Friday, July 16, 2004

Heyy, I'm back! Today i had to stay back in school and all tt to do the student creed and it was so horrid. Ms Lim kinda booked the broadcasting room on the second floor and we were trying out the song I composed (a few parts were changed by Ms Lim) and then Ting Fong and Timothy came in and screwed the whole thing up by making Jasmine and I so paiseh, we didn't even want to open our mouths... but instead, we'd rather hide behind the curtains in the broadcasting room. Later, after we opened up and didn't feel so paiseh, we tried out the song a few times with Si Bei Yu on the electone. Ms Lim had to leave at around 2.30pm, fancy ditching us! We tried it a few times and later, some strangers that were fiddling with the stuff in the broadcasting room asked us what time we were going to finish - we said 3pm... and it was like 2.55pm at that time... so we were fooling around in the rm after Ms Lim left but we sure had fun, playing each other's examination pieces and I wonder y, "Lala" was there, irritating Jasmine and I with his mushy moment with Bei Yu. Fancy her, having steads at such an early age (sigh) .. Currently, we were not interested so we sat on the chairs and were rolling our eyes out!

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Today, we had band and it's so nice! We finally got to try on the real instrument - the clarinet's so soft.. It's totally great! I'm so exhilarated. It's really really fun just that we didn't know how to keep the instrument and got like a warning frm Queena. She said, "Clarinet-ists better hurry up!" In band, you know tt's a bad sign .. Heh heh, when i was going home, i took 136 with Jasmine and we were chatting abt Bei Yu and her - er hem - eyes.. Haha! We had a fantastic laugh abt tt subject...

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Phew! Boy, am i tired... This morning decided to pon school -not tt I had a choice coz they didn't wake me up and I didn't want to go to sch and get like DETENTION from Mr Freddy Goh- coz was going to my eldest sissy's convocation (graduation ceremony, to put it simply). I had to help my sissy dress up in the 'robing room' and it was like so crowded and all that and there was this Malay woman next to me, nudging me forever with her stupid handbag and as usual, I was gradually getting pissed off so I jumped away and stood at the right side of my sissy instead of left. Guess what, my mother appeared in the robing rm ten minutes later - She came in, helped my sister pin the mortar board (is this how u spell it?) on her head and claimed credit for it after we stepped out frm the robing room, excuse me?!, whatever my mother pinned was like SO bad, we had to take it out again coz it made my sister's hair messy instead! I was like so pissed coz later, my mother practically trampled on my feet and asked me, "What am I stepping on?", I wanted to scream at her and say, my feet! But obviously, it was so pain, I'd rather go like rub my toes then yell at her. After that, I went out of the robing rm to look for my dad and my second sis, my dad was so kan cheong and he refused to go into the robing rm tho it was unisex(i think he didn't know). Well, don't think dirty, you have to wear like formal stuff -long sleeved shirt and skirt or pants inside the gown. We didn't have tickets to go into the auditorium - thank god! - It was hell of a bore to be inside. Watching like almost 200 graduates take the cert from the 'high court judge'.*
*It was just some old man like, probably, the professor or something..
My second sister,Lynette and I were outside the auditorium at Coffee Club Xpress drinking away with Crunchy Freeze, which we shared coz we felt so kiam to buy coz it cost like 4 bucks and add ten cents for like whipped cream, how kiam xiat can Coffee Club Xpress be? Starbucks gives u free whipped cream after you've finished the first batch! Whoa! After snapping some silly pictures frm the projection of Clarissa, Huiming and XiaoWei, my sister 2 bez frens, I shall say, we left the auditorium and waited outside.. soon, the rush of graduates started coming out and then we went to start on the food(heh heh) when we saw Clarissa.. In the car going home, i had a bad case of headaches and I felt like vomiting in the car. After going home, I still had the headaches and took a nap of half an hour, after tt used the computer but the headaches came back, that was about four-ish, so I took a nap and poof! I woke up at like 8 plus and took my dinner and watched tv to about 9.15 then chatted on the phone wif Jasmine til 9.45 (what a sin!) then i took my bath and came to blog.. I spent 10 minutes writing this u know.. but all in all, today was inspirational!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Proverbs 10:1-7
1 A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son brings grief to his mother.
2 Ill-gotten treasure are of no valure but righteousness delivers from death.
3 The Lord doe not like the righteous go hungry but he thwarts the craving of the wicked
4 Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth
5 He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.
6 Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.
7 The memory of the righteous will be a blessing but the name of the wicked will rot.
Today was such a drenching day! I am wondering why the clouds never seem to part from the sky! It's raining everytime my school's out.. Plus, today, I spent nearly 40 mins waiting for my dad to pick me up and I was holding up my umbrella at the bus stop.. I totally hate the new bus stops.. the roof is slanted so (rain comes down diagonally) and everyone at the bus stop gets wet.. what is the point of that! It provides SO little shelter... and I was practically dying of weight frm my bag and all that.. Today sucked in all, I had to collect the home econs wb and like.. half the class didn't bring - I don't blame them, we don't even have home econs today! But still, Ms Ng asked me to collect it TODAY and make sure LEONARD passes up which obviously he did not.. But school was great tho I was falling asleep during math (heh heh)

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Woohoo! I just watched Home Alone 3 so funny.. esp.. Alex D. Linx (he's the main character) so cute!! Haha!

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Yay! New Blogskin up! and this one I won't be changin so fast coz I love it! Today, went for band practice - Mrs Chee gave us a complete lesson on breathing, using the diaphragm and all that while percussionists were doing strokes for 3 whole hours - Yip! I got into CLarinet... which was quite upsetting at first but I found the sound quite nice. Christina (Senior Clarinet SL), set me up with the instrument (which is totally illegal now as I'm only supposed to try on the mouthpiece)I could blow ok on the mouthpiece but when she let me try on the instrument it gave the sharp piercing sound- Gawd! It could have burst my eardrums! All in all it was fun ... Mrs Chee told us tt we are going to Sydney next yr June... COOL!

Friday, July 09, 2004

Last day of the week! Exhilarating.. Tomorrow's gonna be a really FRUITful day! Yeah Heh! Yup. We don't have to wear the stupid Anti Drug badge. Jasmine came my house just now to try on the racial harmony costume parade clothes (i'm lending her)so funny, i was dolling her up and I took a picture of her with my maid's phone... It was great! Haha!. Today, i forgot to bring my newspaper to school and at the end of the day during Ms Lim's period we were supposed to do a newspaper article in the Straits Times and I didn't have one so I was in deep trouble..Definitely. Chinese was horrendous! We had a test on the supplementary readers 1a n 1b.. I totally sucked at it.. esp. the last section which I only attempted one qns out of five..On Wed, there was assembly.. and the guest speaker was like Arti Mulchand frm the Straits Times - Her english was like SO great. She talked abt her experiences of being a journalist and before she moved to the home section of ST she was in the Life! section of the ST! She commented that Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Eminem, Black Eyed Peas weren't what they really were in real life..(those are the people she interviewed while in the Life! section...

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Today was hell of a happy day! I went to junction 8 after school to get presents for the sec 4 graduatings in band.. i.e. jieying, karen, weifong? At Junction 8 i saw Cheryl wif her KCPian frenz and later, we both went to the TP library together n went home.. it was totally fruitful and I enjoyed it SO much.. Busy smsing to Jason n Jonathan, coz i was bored to bits by being dragged around J8 by Bei Yu.. I was practically moaning!
This poem is really nice.. by a 12 yr old boy - Mattie J.T. Stephanek

About Things that Matter

It matters that the world knows
We must celebrate the gift of life
Every day in some way, and
We must always remember
To play after every storm.
It matters that the world knows
All children are truly blessed
With the innocent gifts of gentleness,
Trust, and compassion, which
Should guide the wisdom of grown-ups.
It matters that the world knows
We each have a song in our heart
That can inspire us in good times and
Hard times if we take the timeto listen.
It matters that the world knows
Our senses can help us discover
The hidden and non-hidden
Enchantment in life, if we use them fully.
It matters that the world knows
We must choose our words and wants
Carefully, or we could forever hurt others
With these most dangerous weapons

It matters that the world knows
Strength and value of all things created
Must be measured by character
and commitment
Rather than by might and wealth.
It matters that the world knows
We must heed the valuable lessons of
Everyday life, through the celebration of
Children and Heartsongs, senses and words,
Or we could lose in our journey to the future.
It matters that the world knows
A person by my name and being existed
With a strong spirit and an eternal mindset
To become a peacemaker for all,
By sharing the things that really matter.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Woohoo! I'm so excited for on saturday, the sec 1 band members r gonna be split into their sections... Liang Chi, Michelle and I are the only ones who stepped out of percussion.. (Both of them couldn't make up their minds), Mrs Chee made Michelle n Liang Chi go Tuba... What a waste! I thought Liang Chi was staying in percussion to play tom.. since he's already a reserve :-) I don't know where Mrs Chee is gonna put me - Clarinet, Sax, Flute, Oboe(what?!) or whatever else.. It's so frustrating yet exciting to find out.. it's great! Definitely, i can't take Sax and I hate the Clarinet... so the only ones left is Flute and Oboe.. Flute - It's really possible I can't get in, coz there's three colour guards there with Josslyn.. Sad.. Looks like I have to go down on my knees to beg Mrs Chee... (would i ever be so desperate?) Oboe, heard it sounds like a strangled duck.. Hmm, btw, my tagboard has like something wrong... when i tag something, it'll said action canceled and all tt crap...! Woo, I just changed my blogskin... Today was SO great.. Jasmine, Michelle, Beiyu and I went to AMK central to eat at KFC and at the central there, there's this shop that sold earrings, necklaces etc. at 3 for $10. Some of the earrings were around $6.50 but he sold it at $3+.. Don't know what's the shopkeeper trying to do.. Haha!
I've been really lazy to blog and I'm so sian. Today, i settled my score(aka silent war) with Bei Yu... haha! I'm so ecstatic today but I've got this sinking feeling about something and I'm so distressed by it... It's very confidential n I can't tell anybody 'bout it... esp. Jasmine who is SUCH a big mouth.. haha

Sunday, July 04, 2004

15 Things You Probably
Never Knew or Thought About

1. At least 5 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. If not for you, someone may not be living.

8. You are special and unique.

9. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.

12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.

13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.

15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.

Take the time... to live and love.
Phew!.. THE SYF Competition is over and we lost to TK but we won the Best Drum Major Award! Yay! Those people sobbing away, don't cry anymore... coz we know TK sux on the inside!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Hah.. sch was great today.. unfortunately, band wasn't.. we got scolding frm weifong. One of the bell players rolled one note for too long and he kept jabbing at it and insisting we must tell him who was it... When Mrs Chee said that the percussion never play together, he say becoz of the bells then the whole thing was messed up.. thankfully mrs chee replied and said no, before that it was also out...! As a SL, he doesn't even encourage us at all! ALL he does is to jab at all our mistakes..I've had enough of his nonsense .... He made Jasmine, Bi Hui and I nearly cry (Jasmine and I did tear)... I was SO frustrated....