Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Woo... today quite fun.. though every period also nothing to do, only during maths. Then miss chan teaching statistics. Very boring though. She was teaching all about the stem n leaf thing and I was busy drawing trees all over my maths text... [[I'm so sick right.. lol]] During english period, we watched 'my dog called skip'. Okayys, ms lim brought shrek n tt. But timothy loaded 'my dog called skip'. I mean, we weren't really watching it. We were like chatting among ourselves and sometimes take a peek at the projection screen. You know - so that's not exactly watching it right. Jasmine, Michelle and I were like haunting Ms Lim and we abducted her laptop too. Hwee En offered her CD from Eddy and then we were like looking at the pics. Then we attracted a crowd [[have you ever heard tt even small amts of ppl make a crowd? lol]]. Okay. Then we were portraying Bei Yu in a guy's eyes and in a girl's eyes and Ms Lim was trying to keep a poker face, trying not to laugh - heh heh - We were like so mean. Haiz. I'm so bored now. Currently listening to Maroon 5's She will be loved and chatting on msn with my cousin. *Bleaghx* Okay. After school got Band. Then so sick. Queena keep asking me play Timpani *also known to me as the stupid vibrating drum*. She just want to play bell herself.. Wad a selfish pig. Somemore say ppl.... Haiz.. I duno what to say larhhhs..... Okie. I think that's all for today. Ciao...

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