Monday, August 07, 2006

I am not a dog, hahaha.

My internet is going to die soon. Oh hurry, I have to speed this post up.

PE was fun, with the new petite adorable cute short teacher. For once, this skinny/sporty teacher is the only short one who isn't annoying. God bless her. We had to play captain's ball, and my team was Lina, Melissa, Wanyi, Debbie, Rebecca, myself and Liyen. Strange isn't it? Haha, we didn't even know we were teamed up like that. Haha, but it doesn't matter anyway. It was probably the only game I've ever played that I've been one of the more active players. Haha. Debbie's pretty good at her shots.

I think Serene, Meixuan and Denise are super adorable. Haha, I was teasing and annoying them the entire game, jumping and doing weird antics in front of them just to defend. Hahaha. I don't know what has got into me, but I just felt like doing something stupid. Hey, senses of humour, they laughed, and I like to make people laugh.

Math was a bore, with properties of circles. I never did like circles since their introduction to us during primary school, what with pi and its stupid 3.142 value.

Triple Lit was good, we had half our lesson at the library, and I got teased on the way there. What a laugh. I even smiled at that stupid fat boy who likes to laugh at me. Hahaha.

Okay la. I still like to make people laugh. So laugh lor. It's okay.

I sound ridiculous today and I don't know why. Hahahaha.

Well I think I'm getting a stupid flu, and my earlier part of this post sounds like I'm perverse. -chuckles- Liyen has msn! :D Angeline and Shandy too! Yay, for... well, msn. Haha.

Oh well toodles. Nothing much to say today.

So hey, wear your red tees tomorrow okay? :D

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