Friday, September 24, 2004

Today, haha, quite a nice day except just ten mins ago my stupid mother was like suaning me and I was so pissed off I played the piano damn loud so my maid cannot hear what is she telling her. She wasn't offended. I really hate those cookies (the mooncake festival always have one) , I think jonathan(cousin) likes it lah, but then she offer to me then later say oh, I don't appreciate things blah blah blah as if she is SOOOO appreciative, she ain't at all! Hah! She just spends her day spending loads of money and then when I say go Popular and buy me just ONE size 12 paintbrush, she says, at home got a lot, don't waste money.. EXCUSE ME! Yesterday I was soo pathetic I had to paint my drugs poster with a dried flower and a sponge. HELLO? What is this world coming to? I'm so pissed... Barnacles - she is so driving me to the limits.. she can even drive me to my grave... now that you mentioned, actually i don't mind!

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