Monday, September 06, 2004

Hey, didn't come to blog for a million years, you know I really like this song by Emma Bunton, I found it quite cute lah. Haha, later in the next post then publish it, haha! I'm so happy today! Lynette and I were busy insulting each other [friendly] and it was so funny, n we ended up laughing away. Woohoo! On Friday, I was so mad, I was so eager to get home after cleaning our tables with thinner and oh god after tt I felt as if I had some drug addict withdrawal symptom because of all tt thinner. After I got home then I was lazing around n on the computer but on Saturday, it was totally different. The moment I woke up, I brought my house organ chair into my room to do my work, sitting on my own bed, haha. So i finished doing three quarters of my homework on sat, I left the Lit Essay only... Sod that, coz I have nothing to do in the holidays, and even if i'm thinking of going out or something, I have to window shop! Oh god, that is so totally gross! Anyway, gtg now byez

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