Thursday, September 30, 2004

Today got art.. Wah, very very frightening man... It was like .. so weird. Mr Lim scolded the boys(we thot its everybody.. explain later) , [isn't that not surprising cause he scolds them evry week anyway...haha] okay, then later, he asked all the girls to stay back after his lesson then he say that just now he scold one is the boys lah, at tt time he really looked like a total pervert... haha, then later he nearly smacked Jasmine because she was being buai huay bai.. Haha.. So funny then all the girls laughing, he praised us somemore.. but actually Jas and I are at the same stage as the boys.... Unlucky!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Today was quite fun larh, never go school 'cause got dental appointment with the orthodontist. Heh heh... [for doing braces] The doc was called Dr. Lena Stevenberg , yup! She was quite friendly and she actually stuff a gazillion gross green goop into my mouth. Ohmigod! It was like Sooo gross.. She said it tasted a little like bubblegum and I already hate bubblegum... YucK! It was like soooooo gross for me to have those globs of greenish blue gunk in my mouth.. ooooohie, yuck!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

I feel..
[some guys are the lamest because...]
- They are sooo insensitive
- They think they're cool just because they make fun of someone
- They act and act and act (you get it? bleahx**)
- They think they are so amusing when they make fun of you
- They try so very hard to get the teacher's attention
- They're asking for a slap frm people [eg. jinrong]

*the perfect pair fer me*
= Preferably english name [it kinda determines the social & family status]
= Must be average looking [don't look gross lah]
= Must be funny and able to hold my attention for long...
= Must be willing to do things for me
= No long hair or weird hair
= Try not to wear glasses [if wearing, must be some cool or unique glasses like mine... lol]
= Not the same age as me [you know tt boys mature slower]

Hmm, nothing to say lerhs... Haha. I'm so mad todayss.. muaCKies my dear friends! :)
Haha, i can die of laughter today! Mr Tay called Rebecca to read the Lit poem on 'Mother Loves me' due to 'majority demand' as he said so. Haha, when she was reading, Leonard was hooting with laughter like a mad guy, n he sounded like a cockatoo.. Hahaha, it was soooo funny! The whole class just simply finds Rebecca funny and weird. Lol. Haha.. see, I'm dying of laughter now.. Haha. HAHA. HAHA.

Monday, September 27, 2004

I'm as happy as a ... urm, er... oh forget it! I'm as happy as a ... urm, er cow? Wahahaha! Here I am acting retarded. Sigh! I'm like SOoooo happy because just now i was messaging my friend.. and 'it' is such a funny bunny! Oh god must wait so long before can talk on msn again.. Sian sia... haha, I'm so mad today.. Listening to F.I.R now, pls arh, the only chinese songs I listen to r by F.I.R okay, so don't force me listen to others.. haha! So long never blog ler... hHAHA exam comin lo, so you guys all must work hard, strive hard n we'll promote as a class! muaCKS! Haha, go liao.. :)

Friday, September 24, 2004

Today, haha, quite a nice day except just ten mins ago my stupid mother was like suaning me and I was so pissed off I played the piano damn loud so my maid cannot hear what is she telling her. She wasn't offended. I really hate those cookies (the mooncake festival always have one) , I think jonathan(cousin) likes it lah, but then she offer to me then later say oh, I don't appreciate things blah blah blah as if she is SOOOO appreciative, she ain't at all! Hah! She just spends her day spending loads of money and then when I say go Popular and buy me just ONE size 12 paintbrush, she says, at home got a lot, don't waste money.. EXCUSE ME! Yesterday I was soo pathetic I had to paint my drugs poster with a dried flower and a sponge. HELLO? What is this world coming to? I'm so pissed... Barnacles - she is so driving me to the limits.. she can even drive me to my grave... now that you mentioned, actually i don't mind!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Yet another eventful or maybe gross day - Today I quite bad to Jasmine in the morning, coz of what happened yesterday and Bei Yu never come today. This shows how much Jasmine like Bei Yu 'cause she was SO quiet (if you know her, she'll never be quiet unless she's dead.. XP). Then before assembly she also very quiet only mutter a few words to Heng Jie, I don't know, am I supposed to pity her? I'm quite upset today not because of anything to deal with friends but it's just this little sinking feeling. We had Geog Test on Population today thank GOD I studied in the morning - It was so easy!!! and the teacher said that it was a Normal Acad paper, was she trying to insult our intelligence? Haha, i think Ms Rachel is a very good geog teacher tho sometimes she scares me coz of her pointing at you to answer qns that you have no idea how to answer. Oh, as I was saying about why I'm upset, I told Jasmine about some private things kept between us and she got pretty offended, you could say, coz I was so called suaning her, you could say that! She still says I'm her best friend the last time I quarreled with her, oh please, forget it! I'm being frank here - You don't treat me like one. I'm not jealous of Bei Yu but if I'm your best friend, Bei Yu is your bestest bestest friend huh? Gee, I'm right! Oh, today after school I went to the library with Jasmine to study (do homework etc.) Safie (spellin?) came up n joined us and later disgusting Jin Rong came along and joined us, he said such a lame thing! "Ay, ni men ye zai zhe li, wo ye lai zhuo gong ke" (translation: "Ay, you guys are also here, I'm also here to do homework") He has a flu or nose flow or whatever but he was gross and came wiping mucus off his nose - then later he didn't even know a long string of mucus was hanging at the edge of his nose, he only realized it when Jasmine and I was pointing at it and Safie was saying disgusting all the way.. HAHA! What a joke! He can probably enter the Guiness Book of Records for the person which has the most mucus in one hour.. Yuck! After he finished using his tissue, he went to the toilet and got a whole string of toilet paper into the library.. GAWD! I was already dying of disgust! And he kept burping and burping til I nearly died of the stench. OH gawd, am I glad after he left.. ! [After he left, there was toilet paper scraps all over the table] Oh my god... It was the funniest thing ever... HAHA! We stayed in the library til the stupid librarion Nicholas Eng chased us out.. Diao * guffaws *

My family during christmas! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Jasmine, Nurul, Beiyu and I, oh, am I sick of the three of us [minus nurul tho I'm sitting wif her now] Posted by Hello

Jeralyn[my bestest friend since birth?] and I living it up at Shaw Plaza [actuallie we're at church but Shaw Plaza is just next door so we went for lunch there and took this!] Posted by Hello

Ever imagined or wondered what my house looked like? This is the street outside my house! :) Posted by Hello
I don't know how to express my feelings, I'm so annoyed and pissed at the same time - Now, I'm in a total state of confusion I tell you! I feel so cheated and angry but the next minute I feel that what i feel is gonna make me happy in future thoughts - I'm already like a rubberband stretched to its limits and I feel that I'm going to blow up or burst, when I tell my 'school friends' [notice the ' '] about it, they brush it off or sweep it under the carpet saying that I will get over it and all that crap that is completely untrue, do you think you would get over something that happens everyday without fail in front of your eyes? You'll be glassy-eyed then! No one will understand my pain, even if I told you, you would just brush it off and just tell me try to accept it - I HAVE TRIED ACCEPTING IT FOR 6 MONTHS ALREADY, DO YOU THINK I CAN ANYMORE, IF YOU REALLIE FEEL WHAT I FEEL YOU WOULD HAVE BLOWN UP IN THE FIRST WEEK, NOT SIX MONTHS LATER! You guys know who am I trying to say? I hope you guys read this, the person who will definitely read this will not understand either but brush it off too like a common gesture everyone does , I'm feeling SICK!
Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending

So much for my happy ending
oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...
Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something you said?

Don't leave me hangin'
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread

You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be

You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of our memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
So much for my happy ending

You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they
But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
All the shit that you do

You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be

It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done


So much for my happy ending
So much for my happy ending
Wahz, so long never blog liao.. A lotta special stuff happened this week, not entirely SPECIAL but at least FUNNY, no more band practices liao, close for eXam breAK.. Sianz.. but also quite happy. Yesterdays I made fried rice and fruit salad for home econs.. Oh my god. After that, i had Piano EXAM.. I so scared. I think I will fail. Haiz - Sad. After going home and lazing around, 8 pm my maid started asking me what was in the Home Ec containers she opened it and OH GOD, the fried rice stunk of this weird chickeny n foul smell.. Yuck.. I think it's worse than body odour

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Tuesday!!! Today gots band. Quite fun, we practiced Malay folk tunes, was quite nice. I was surprised it actually had a Tmpani solo. Fun! Loved it.... It was so enjoyable. Tho a bit waste time coz we spent the whole practice learning the song.. ONE SONG! Lol, today got dinner until eleven plus... Grandma birthday, cannot miss wan.. sod

Monday, September 13, 2004

Today is so great, i made Apple Crumble for Home Econs, it was rather weird, when u take it out of the paper right the apple Crumble (liquid) will start flowing. My teacher said it was liddat.. DIAO.. haha. It was so fun. Today, the plan worked halfway - "Operation Changer." Wahaha

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Yesterday was so mind-blowing! When we were the Esplanade performing, the crowd was great, silent and all, intently listening to us, tho I felt we were quite messed up esp the Percussion. I play quite okay for those songs that I was very sure of. But for the other songs, I sucked, seriously. It was bad and I think it's lack of practice but I study my scores everytime they give it to me. It was weird but fun. The two Timpani parts I played were great! I loved it.. Tho, I got a little lost at Highlights From Grease but it was okay, becoz I was dancing the stupid dance that caused me to lose count. Hehe, so nice. After go home liao, then take a long half hour bath and scrub my head like mad, because Jasmine mother help me tie bun then so tight and it's like stuck to my head. 10 pins were used! Today, Jasmine lent me Cinderella Story. I'm going to watch it! Yay! So happy. Wah biang, the stupid frenk ah at Beiyu blog. Maybe becoz I said on my blog about him/her, stupid go use my name... Haha, anyway, I know my conscience is clear, to frenk, want to use, use your own name. You'll never achieve it lorh, your english so lousy, still want to put my name.. You sure from 1/3 or something

Thursday, September 09, 2004

"I wish silently
That he would call
On a so brightly lit evening
It's impossible
but is it wrong to have wishes?"
There's this person at Beiyu blog ah called frenk, go say her flirty and act queen. Haha, that frenk must be jealous. Haha! Well, I don't know what is up with me, but I don't feel offended... Maybe it's just unnatural - and I am a traitor.... Hate me for all I care.. It doesn't matter anymore does it. Haha *evil laughs* .... Wish me luck!

*I don't know why, I'm going mad. Suddenly, I'll feel all hateful n the next minute I feel like you know, something struck me on the head. Oh god today's Thursday! I shld be going to do my science assessment liao. Yay! Tomorrow no formation lecture... so go to school later lorhz.. Goodie! I'm so happy!
Emma Bunton - Maybe

Love isn't funny
When it is burning inside
When all you think of
Is how to get through the night
And when you want it
It's just a game that you play
And when you get it
They're gonna take it away

Maybe it's nothing
Maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe it's just a waste of time
But I don't think so
Maybe I definitely know
That maybe
Maybe I'm in love

So if you want it
You wanna come out to play
Then you can have it
Cos he's got plans for the day
And if I want it
There's no one out there for me
When you don't need it
There's plenty fish in the sea

Maybe it's nothing
Maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe it's just a waste of time
But I don't think so
Maybe I definitely know
Why do I keep fooling myself
Why can't I let go
This is not like me
But now I definitely see
That maybe
Maybe I'm in love

But I don't think so (but I don't think so)
Maybe I definitely know
Why do I keep fooling myself
Why can't I let go
This is not like me (this is not like me)
But now I definately see (definitely)
That maybe (oh-oh-oh-oh maybe)
Maybe I'm in love

Love isn't funny
When it is burning inside
When all you think of
Is how to get through the night
And when you want it
It's just a game that you play
And when you get it
They're gonna take it away
Maybe it's nothing
Maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe it's just a waste of time
But I don't think so
Maybe I definately know
Why do I keep fooling myself
Why can't I let go
This is not like meBut now I definitely see
That maybe
Maybe I'm in love

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Got band practice today... Quite boring at the start 'cause doing strokes then later Bixia ask the Percussionists performin at Esplanade to think of the gimmick at the 'We go together' song of Highlights from Grease. It was so funny! Lucius was doing stupid gimmicks like acting retarded (tho he really looked like one) wahaha... It was really great. Then later we went into the Band Rm to combine the gimmicks with the other section. The Trumpeters were hilarious! They did this turn in 360 degrees thingy as fast as possible and in the end the Drum Major say don't do... lol, it was quite ridiculous but funny. Then after band, about 1.30pm, then Jasmine and I take 136 and chit chat about the weirdest things ever. I got piano lesson after I went home so left the house in the rush.. The teacher lorh, stay in Tampines. So far, take one n a half hours to get there! So leave the house at 2.35pm then reach there 3.55, can say just nice for my lesson at 4pm. Haha. After come home, my father say he bought troy n garfield vcd. This guy he buy from, quality very gd haha. I watched 1 disc of Garfield and it was perfect, without any like stupid 'ssh shaa' sounds like most pirated discs.. haha

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY! So great today, finally changed to Windows XP already! Hip Hip Huray!

Monday, September 06, 2004

Hey, didn't come to blog for a million years, you know I really like this song by Emma Bunton, I found it quite cute lah. Haha, later in the next post then publish it, haha! I'm so happy today! Lynette and I were busy insulting each other [friendly] and it was so funny, n we ended up laughing away. Woohoo! On Friday, I was so mad, I was so eager to get home after cleaning our tables with thinner and oh god after tt I felt as if I had some drug addict withdrawal symptom because of all tt thinner. After I got home then I was lazing around n on the computer but on Saturday, it was totally different. The moment I woke up, I brought my house organ chair into my room to do my work, sitting on my own bed, haha. So i finished doing three quarters of my homework on sat, I left the Lit Essay only... Sod that, coz I have nothing to do in the holidays, and even if i'm thinking of going out or something, I have to window shop! Oh god, that is so totally gross! Anyway, gtg now byez

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

ME and Beiyu Posted by Hello

Beiyu and I.. haha Posted by Hello