Tuesday, August 31, 2004

..... It's that time of year when we go back to OLGC because it's .... TEACHERS' DAY!!! Well, it's my first time going back and sure, I miss MRS TAY!!! It was a great time, I went back to the Old Da Qiao (currently OLGC).. It was great man, I saw Camelia, Charmaine Foo, Amanda Phua, Stephanie Tan and Calista and more lah, playing netball as usual.., Oh my god! Calista cut her hair and it looked Sooooooo cute on her. Haha. Tracy (Rachel Chiang's sister) was taking us on a tour.. haha, I found it so farnie. Too bad Samantha, Celine, Rachel and I couldn't get to see any teachers.. coz they juz went for a meeting! Diao.... So sad.. But I managed to chat with old friends... Cathy, Judith, Jacinta, Melanie, and more.. They were great fun! And Cathy was such a sweet little thing. She has not grown much taller.... But she looks like a lil' vulnerable girl.. strolling in the school, if not, one of the students there! LOL! No offence sia..:) So funny! Haha, well going back was such a great idea, I love OLGC so much!

Monday, August 30, 2004

Today was a great great, mind blowing day! I was so happie.. juz tt Jasmine kept bursting my 'happy emotion' bubble but doing her usual.. -.-'
CRAPPER! Wow, today went j8 with beiyu to get prezzie for teachers' day.. but to no avail... sadly, I COUDN'T GET ANYTHING....

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Today was one of many great days of mine. I was exhausted during band as I had to stay back til 5 for the Formation Lecture... Sucked.. I didn't understand Chapter Two: the Fundamental dunno what? I was so confused and I was falling apart..... Mrs Chee n Zhi Liang sir kept looking at me, and I felt quite pressurized.. I hope I don't get handpicked to write the formations for Chingay......... The thought simply scares me...Haha! Well, today the Percussion performed the Percussion Ensemble for Mrs Chee and the band applauded us.. haha! Mrs Chee told Liang Chi aka Mr Gong to teach me how to play gong... argh!... IT was simply embarassing but I have no strength to roll the dumb gong..! Argh and after that I have to jump to the Vibra and step the darn pedal which was making the music sound all echoey... hahaha, going offline nowz.. haha Byez
Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows (Shrek 2 Soundtrack)

So she said what's the problem baby
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe I'm in love (love)
Think about it every time
I think about it
Can't stop thinking 'bout it

How much longer will it take to cure this
Just to cure it cause I can't ignore it if it's love (love)
Makes me wanna turn around and face me but I don't know nothing 'bout love

Come on, come on
Turn a little faster
Come on, come on
The world will follow after
Come on, come on
Cause everybody's after love

So I said I'm a snowball running
Running down into the spring that's coming
All this love melting under blue skies
Belting out sunlight
Shimmering love

Well baby I surrender
To the strawberry ice cream
Never ever end of all this love
Well I didn't mean to do it
But there's no escaping your love

These lines of lightning
Mean we're never alone,
Never alone, no, no

Come on, Come on
Move a little closer
Come on, Come on
I want to hear you whisper
Come on, Come on
Settle down inside my love

Come on, come on
Jump a little higher
Come on, come on
If you feel a little lighter
Come on, come on
We were once
Upon a time in love

We're accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love
Accidentally in love

I'm In Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,

I'm In Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,
I'm in Love, I'm in Love,

Come on, come on
Spin a little tighter
Come on, come on
And the world's a little brighter
Come on, come on
Just get yourself inside her

Love... I'm in love

Friday, August 27, 2004

This week, lotsa things happened at school. But yesterday was quite a fun day. We handed up our art NDP drums and those average ones got 7, darn, i got a seven too... Zeus got 8.5... But that's no shocking news.. He's so quiet and engrossed in his own work. He was first for midyr exams and I was second.. Gawd... It's a big difference.. its too sad he landed in such a barbaric class.. pity..Today got maths test. Sigh, most of the qns I last minute got struck with the answer... heheezz.. I can assure they are correct but very hard to say hor.. Today got sectional band.. only Percussion. So cute! We were playing Mummy Returns with the Ensemble and percussion.. Sulaiman, Haowen and Queena joined us. Sulaiman and Haowen play marimba.. They both very siao lah. Anyhow play then Haowen laughed until almost cry... hahaz... Then later Wei Fong say I play gong because I laugh so much.. So now i'm playing gong and vibraphone... hahaz.. okay, feeling a little siao today,,, Buaiz!

Monday, August 23, 2004

Today was such a great day... School was fun fun fun! Today during PE we got pumped 15 by Ms Lee all because of HENGJIE!!! He so didn't want to do and I'm so totally pissed and embarrassed that our class got punished. I was thinking if you want to act cool, don't get the rest of the class into trouble! STUPID... I know that anyone frm my class will condemn me upon reading this but WHO CARES... Um. After school went j8 to buy lunch then go beiyu house and do project and our 'sell ice to eskimos' project was SOOOoooo cute! See ya Ciao!

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Torture.Torture.Torture. That is the only word I can think of today. I was at band since 9 in the morning til 6. Firstly, we had a furious PT in the morning inclusive of touching the fence on the both sides 36 times. And they weren't very near to each other... Sod.. Then push ups, sit ups, crutches, commando squat? and all tt. Oh god. I really really felt like dying. I know this is about TKians being so very fit but thats becoz they choose their members like if you're fat you cannot join. That sorta thing. Those TK Tuba Players are about the size of me, what do you think of tt..?! Oh, after band, Percussion had a big big scolding from Queena Mam n i think it was about half an hour long.. It was so bad. We pumped 20... sod... :( so sad. After after Band, I reached home at 6.30 and 6.45 I left for the Zhonghua Music and Movement Concert. During those pathetic 15 minutes, I bathed, ate and changed.. That was a total record! Anyway, the Zhonghua M&M concert sucked big time except for the guzheng and chinese orchestra.... So cheeeeena... yuck. The choir was singing one key out of tune and they were praising themselves that they were one of the choirs picked to perform for NDP....YUCK YUCK YUCK

Friday, August 20, 2004

Today is so very great! Oh my god... PTM(parents-teacher meeting) is like tomorrow and tho i'm not afraid of any bad things Ms Lim would say coz in class kinda a quiet (you wouldn't believe right?) and gd little girl.. haha.. :) So funny. Jasmine came to my house juz now straight from school. We were doing the NDP Drum Painting Assignment and we were deciding between stupid pictures of dung, toilet bowl, hangers n sponges to be on the drum and they all landed up painted on it.. haha.........Bored out.. now, but my heart is so satisfied with myself..

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Today was such a great day, I feel like living this day all over again. During Art period something really disturbing and funny happened. Mr Sam Lim asked a question - Do you understand? - then leonard replied sarcastically yes. Then Mr Sam Lim kicked Leonard's table and it hit him and told Leonard to shut up. Thank God Leonard had a comeback line and it was 'you asked a qns and I replied u', what a gd answer haha! All of us wanted to clap but seeing Mr Lim's furious face we decided against it and was trying ever so hard to keep our mouths frm leaking out one single giggle. After that, Mr Sam Lim had nothing to say and went back to preaching about his stupid lil' art project. Haha.. after school got band. So fun... We all got to learn spook.. the nice lil' song.. haha... :) Happy

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I think the most poor thing person we should all pity is Hwee En. Not because she's my gd friend but it's because she has two sim cards in her phone and her discman - everything was confiscated... I pity her so much.

I'm not so sure about the one who laughs last laughs best. Because I already told Jonathan but ended up not listening n getting everyone's phones confiscated.............................Sod..
This is the worst day of all of the students in 1/6's life! Okay, here's the tip on the story. Firstly, Ervin lost his phone n he didn't know what to do and everyone told him to tell Ms Lim. I told Jonathan that if he told Ms Lim, she would spotcheck and confiscate everyone's phone since we're not supposed to bring our phones to school. But Jasmine Ang and Bei Yu insisted that Ms Lim would understand and tt Ms Lim was really nice. They believing that, ended up losing their handphones to Ms Nice and Understanding Ms Lim. What a pity. All I have to say about the person who stole Ervin's phone is that,

You are so low-class to resort to getting a phone through stealing from others
and I think you should own up. It's all your fault that everyone in 1/6 got
their stuff confiscated. If we get to know about who r you, I think you're so
gonna die.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Hwee En and Bei Yu act cool while Jasmine and I decide to spoil the fun.. haha! Posted by Hello

Nice! Posted by Hello
Woohoo! Finally able to log into blogspot! Hip hip hurray! I think today is the happiest day of my life. Mrs Chee moved Beiyu, Jasmine and I to the Main Band and we three are so called "mallet specialists" . What a high profile name! Then Mrs Chee say that she want to train me to play timpani coz timpani muz use hearing to play. Woohoo! Quite excited and scared at the same time. It's like very frightening liddat. I scared!!! Well, it was quite fun coz we sat at the conductor/impt people table n Mrs Chee was talking about the entire Lee Family (eg. Lee Kuan Yew and wife, Lee Hsien Loong and wife). It was funny and we could see how ji dong she was when she was talking. Haha! Quite a sad story actually... :p. I'm so bored nowadays tho got a lotta tests coming up.. Sod.. Anyway this is my band performance: Come if you want to...

Esplanade Presents
Music Box
10 Sept 04, Fri
Outdoor Theatre
The Edge - 8 pm (deyi secondary school)
Free Admission


Sunday, August 15, 2004

juz came back frm Piano Class, today got scolding .. coz neber practice scales & arpeggios... Sod.. So Upset with myself. Dunno why. But today i like siao siao liddat and it's quite funny coz when i came home frm Music class then I told my sister I got something for her, then i juz hugged her for no particular reason. She lamented back and said i was 'siao!' but anyway I'm quite happy larh... Today in church Jinghan kept shushing me n Jeralyn. haha, sianz... maybe coming online later........
Hey ho.. oh, what a waste of time.. I spent nearly up to an hour tryin to log into stupid Blogspot.... SOo Pissed.. Haiyx.. Didn't go Royal Rangers today and quite tired now lorx.. Later at 3.30pm got Piano Class, and she's so gonna like kill me so how? Haix. hWee eN's T shirt designs are quite nice but some are jux odd looking.... I'm so bored.. Next week got like Lit, History n um, what's tt ah? Aiyah, forgot liao... Very hungry now n bored out...

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Percussion Section at Teck Ghee - Prime Minister Handover Performance Posted by Hello

Friday, August 13, 2004

It is as if I'm jinxed or cursed or something... My mom said i could don't go school today coz last night was so late n it was unfair for us that we had to sleep so late. But this morning, I got a flu n my nose kept flowing, I kept sneezing as well and I felt tt I had migrane (headache at the back of your head) I really wasn't feeling the mood to do anything. I asked Timothy what hw we have on MSN, guess what, Journal n Newspaper Articles.. and I left my journal in the locker! Yesterday was the first time i left my journal in the locker n now when i need to do work in it, I don't have it!!! I'm so pissed off with myself.. Hmm, I'm kinda starving right now... :) Oh, my sister changed her phone.. my mom bought it for her without telling her. It's a Samsung.. And my sister's previous phones were all nokia.. so she couldn't get used to it... Haha, now I'm using her 8250 which is ten times better than my usual ahpok phone.. I kinda like it.. juz tt I'm getting a headache coz I'm not used to the blue light...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

We 7 Crazy girls..! Haha! Posted by Hello

Chairperson, Nurul n I... O yah, I'm sitting next to the Chairperson, Liyan... She super quiet siax?! :) Posted by Hello

We acting blur - Here's the Famous Six [Five] Posted by Hello
So totally piSSeD oFF... Blogspot still cannot log in.. I try SOOooo many times then manage to get in to blog.... I'm So SIAN... Today, Queena, Shikin, Jasmine and I were having a chat in the girls' bathroom... It was really funny and we were kinda making a lot of noise in the toilet... But there was nobody in school except a few cleaners n those people going for drum major training with Yi Qian, Shixiang n Weifong Sirs... The Band Convention was great! There were of course loads of different nationalities, mostly Caucasians. At the start I was pretty shaken because I'm the first person to march in after the drum major. The round before tt was horribly weird n funny at the same time.. when I march forward, I had to turn back after I finished huntaking... and you know, I saw Yi Qian's butt in my face... I bent but he moved forward a little then my bell hit him right smack in the middle of his butt...(not In front lah!) What a laugh! He jerkerd forward and glanced back.. And I was trying so very hard not to giggle n to keep a poker face. I think all the three bell players are rather clumsy.. HAHA.. I had to hit his butt in the middle of the last rehearsal.. then Bei Yu hit him when he was on the bus going to the hotel... After that, when we were leaving the hotel, Bei Yu hit him again at the same place [his arm] while coming up the bus.. It was completely history repeating itself.. Just tt this time is hurt more.. coz Bei Yu swung the bell into his arm... Later, when Jasmine was going down the bus, she smacked the bell into Shafie's face(didn't hit) and then bumped into Yi Qian's arm again... Oh god.. sitting right at the door isn't the best thing... haha

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Hmm, sorry couldn't blog the last few days. I was trying ever so hard to log into Blogspot n the stupid thing kept asking me to log in again or Session Expired I was so totally pissed off! I couldn't log in n I was dying away trying to log in. Yesterday's Parade was great! The Mass Display by Boon Lay was actually quite silly when I watched it on TV... THe Eagles.. Oh god.. They're the stupidest fake thingys i have ever seen.. HAHA! Boon Lay sure got our school into a whole lot of trouble.. tt is precisely why i can't stand them. The BLCB members are so good.. THey're so supportive of my school band so I'm wondering how come the school is so rude to my school!.... Singapore Idol - I can't stand the Lemon Tree guy - He was hilarious but weird coz he didn't seem really serious... :.:

Friday, August 06, 2004

Heyho the merry oh!
Oh, today, National Day celebration.. sooo fun! We played the National Anthem for the school to sing and all tt. Later, after the concert in the hall with all the silly NCC cadets stomping around and smashing the floor with their rifles, the teachers pretending to be the mini version of the Mass Display at the NDP our sch is taking part in. Rad! But it was really really enjoyable. Just tt there was this retarded guy sitting next to me and he was saying, "Hullo!" at whatever anybody said and soon it was getting on everyone's nerves and people kept asking him to shut up but apparently he loved the attention so this guy who oftens visit my class frm 1/8 took a paper ball n threw it at him... Gawd! That was great.. when he was standing up, he was so clumsy he nearly fell.. !!!!

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

PE lesson was SO fun! Oh, we were doing trust falls and then we were all like kinda scared and all tt. I was scared too, duh!, becoz I have a fear of heights, tt is why I hate going escape sometimes! Today got the National Day rehearsal for everyone but only Percussion had to go. We went and was dying under the Sun as it was shining straight into our eyes and our bells were reflecting it into our eyes too. Later, Mr Lee came along and gave us the caps they gave the NDP participants. It was really funny and Lucius looked like a golf caddy but much better becoz without it, he really looks like Nicholas Chiew! Haha!

Monday, August 02, 2004

Heh heh, I realized that I'm always starting my blog entries with "Today,...".. I'm trying so very hard not to. But as I can see from my Edit Posts page, there's a whole load of posts starting with Today blah blah. Well, it was such a nice day today. I am so VERY happy! I spent most of my time slapping Bei Yu on the face today. It was really funny. 'Cause when I slap her she'll go into those lame acts like 'hen shang ren de xin de' then, I was copying her. So whenever she slapped me, then I'll use that...and she'll say don't copy my phrase and all that. Whoa! Well, Home Econs rawked! We hav to finish our fabrics by next Monday and next Monday is National Day Holiday! Argh! Well, my fabric is about subjectmusic. I stitched a treble clef with those beads abt ten times the size of a foolstop. That was sure tiring... I spent 40 mins out of 2h and 15 mins stitching the whole treble clef. But in the end, it paid off! The treble clef was beautiful...! Haha! I used really little felt in the fabric..(15by15 fabric) All i used was like stitching n beads... It's gonna be hard work! I have not finished my stitching of all the stave lines... I have 6 stave lines all together but I've only finished stitching 2! What the heck! I don't think I have time to finish by next week. Woohoo! Home Econs rawks! I tried LiYan's apple pie and it was great too! :P

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Today go church - quite tired actually, morning didn't want to wake up. After Church, go piano lesson. Ms Koh show me the grade 8 bk, purple in colour, VERY NICE! .. I see until so shoik... Imagine.. HAHA.. :) Dun feel like writing very sian ah...