Monday, June 28, 2004

Wooooo! Back to school.. School rocks man.... Home Econs (took over DT)was great... Ms Ng is suuccch a nice person.. she doesn't even scold.... Leonard is the home econs rep.. (gawd!) He is totally volunteering for every single job in home econs... and on the first lesson he has not brought anything at all... Haha... Typical... today had a short band practice...only did one round... Ms Lee said that for the rest of the week we'll be doing one round only... Yay! Next Monday, Youth Day, got cousin's band concert but he told me it sucked coz they had really little time to prepare at all.12 Dollars to watch a sucking concert - worth or not.... Do I HAVE A CHOICE- Muz support after all! Tomorrow, while eerybody havin ndp practice...Band people go band rm and polish instrument... SIAN.. I've already polished my bell today with beiyu and jasmine but I have not finished.. BOREDBOREDBORED.........

Sunday, June 27, 2004

oh, how sad, school reopens tomorrow.. not that i mind but I've not finished my homework and here i am blogging! Oh my goodness....

Friday, June 25, 2004

Phew! Yesterday's band was great! That was the first time i could ever keep my posture and stop moving!I remember on Monday i was itching all over and I kept slacking in all the areas like marching, posture, chin up blahblah... it was so bad. TODAY was another great day. On Wed, my sister and I went out and bought some decorative stuff for my table and bought Cluedo too. After that, we spent the night playing Cluedo til 11.. ! What a sin! Anyway, this morning, I went out, met Jasmine at Heartland Mall then we took pictures (cards) at the previous epb bookstore... They extended it and it's totally GREAT! We took one ugly and nice pic each to be fair.. coz we took 4 pics.. and two were so ugly. After horsing around in Heartland, I went home and played Cluedo with my two sisters and UNO... Haha.. It was more like a games day... and spent the rest of the time til now to watch Kim Possible and Lilo & Stitch the series on Disney Channel! Yippee.. What a happy day..

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Just visited Amanda (phua)'s blog. It's quite nice actually. i didn't know she linked me. By the way, I called Jasmine a while earlier and she kept refusing to go out with me becoz it looks like it's gonna rain and she feels tired when it rains. We were chatting abt Bihui's exploded hairstyle, (Flashback: Bihui rebonded her hair for 50 bucks, one week later, it exploded into the usual frizzy hairstyle) Jasmine was so mean, i told her ask Bihui go to Jasmine's mother for help coz her mother is a hairdresser and then Jasmine said that her mother usually charged 80 to 90 bucks not 50 bucks and said 'can if bihui wants. 40 dollars then i take the thing and anyhow clip her hair' .. SO MEAN! Jasmine is so funny... HAHA

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

just changed my blogskin (again!). Please, don't scold me like michelle did by saying she was so bored. I don't know what she was clearly saying but i think she meant that she was bored that i kept changing skins. Coz i don't really like the plain sorta font and design of the other one, esp the do you wanna dance. Haha! Anyway, have fun scrolling...
What a boring day, i think Cheryl wants me to go out with her coz she called me this morning. I'm so bored. There's no shows on television. What more can I say? I don't wanna waste my time playing the sims or something (tho i rather like building houses) Honestly, I couldn't say more. I'm on the verge of instant death from excessive boredom. Maybe I'll go watch telly. By the way, Jasmine was such a pain in the ass yesterday, she said i used her phrase by saying she was a pain in the ass. But actually, I was the one who even taught her that. Coz I said 'somebody' was such a pain in the ass in the sms message. I don't know, Jasmine always says Wen Theng is very childish and lame, which is true, but Jasmine sometimes is just as childish and even lamer then Wen Theng. Pot call the kettle black.. works for both of 'em. Haha! No offence!
Yesterday was horrendous, i was totally itching during band practice at the National Stadium with TK, Bowen, Boon Lay Mass Dsiplay and Deyi Mass Display. We had to kneel down during one part of the presentation when some sort of soloist is singing and my pants were going to spilt coz they were being pulled in different directions when i kneeled. Secondly, we couldn't balance. Most of us were wobbling away while i dun know how can balance so well, they don't move a single bit! Later, my father picked me up from school and we stopped at the 'across the mrt' junction and I saw Haowen, Adeline, Yiqian,Weifong waiting to cross. They waved but maybe they are jealous that i got a ride home. Haha! I'm so evil. After I went home which was about 7.45. I watched Disney Channel and there was this funny show, I'm not sure if it's called Hi, Dolly! but I checked and it says Hi, Dolly! so I just have to say it's Hi, Dolly. (This is such a repetitive sentence)

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Don't mock me for changing my skins so many times. Well, my sister said the green one was rather ugly and that she preferred the blue 'do you only wanna dance' one. SO i decided to change it to this plain = Tranquility - skin.
On Thursday, my aunties n uncles are celebrating my grandma's birthday and the confirmed venue is at Roland Restaurant. I have a question - why is everybody's birthday party always held there?. The food there isn't that fantastic and it's not like the ambience is so wonderful.. It's just normal you know. Plus it's compulsory to go I suppose and I got Band from 8am to 8pm on that day, not that I mind coz it's like the final rehearsal. Roland is around Parkway Parade - Excuse me, that's not very near my school. Even if i make it there on time, it'll be time to pack up and go home and I'll be stinking smelly til no cousin wants to sit with me, even Cheryl!
Simply tired, bored, pissed and everything you can think of. I was so irritated with my mother 'cause she was such pain a in the butt today. I think she's becoming more and more like an ah soh which Lynette has told her before. I bet Clarissa will go tell her this the moment she sees this becoz she is so ba gua and she acts like those typical AH SOH gossipmongers right? HAHAHA. Tomorrow got band from 8 am to 8 pm. SO sian.. I scared later I faint becoz too tired.. so tonight muz sleep very early loh

Saturday, June 19, 2004

New plain blogskin! I love it! It's so green and bright. Those are my favourite colours too! What a coincidence! During Band there was a couple of spys and aunties, uncles watching from their houses(esp. those overlooking the school), there were a bunch of teenagers and they were frightened away by Ms Lee and her trusty binoculars! Haha! What a joke... I don't know why Bowen and TK are sending out spys to VIDEO us even. They really aren't afraid. What is there is copy? There are only 2 weeks left. When we had to like do the July presentation and becoz of the spys, the band couldn't do any gimmicks, it was rather weird coz the band stared at the ensemble and the ensemble stared back. It's odd. The Drumline changed some sorta gimmick and it looks so weird. I don't know why Karen mam is always looking odd, like she's done something wrongly.. Mainly the snares are in it. Oh, today, mrs chee insisted the ensemble has to wear a beret during the grand final. I don't want to wear it. It's such a fright and I'm so afraid I drop it or something and there you go, 20 pumping ups u do. Darn, why do they always have to threaten us with push ups.
Whoa, i'm exhausted from Band, felt like fainting in the morning. THe sore throat and all that was SO bad. I thought i could take it but I was shrivelling up with every cough. Last night I slept rather late so this morning I was practically dead with that cough acting up any moment. It was a nightmare. But sure, after lunch i bounced back and was back to my cheerful self (*was I ever cheerful, haha!) . Nah, I think sometimes i can be a total barnacle head, pissing everyone off with the long face i'm pulling.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

MY fever is still borderline but I'm feeling ten times better. I went out to the Library with Cheryl and we chatted so much and it was so much fun. Whoa... she can be great fun!
i want to change my blogskin but I practically CANNOT find a nice, pretty skin on Blogskins.. Most of them tt I have looked at have the cross as the pictures becoz i think the author removed them as they said, upload the images. I don't know. I can't stand this dance dance skin. It's a little tacky after browsing a few times and becoz of the new revamped blogspot. I have to view the blog everytime becoz I can't see what I post, so sickening. Oh, Jonathan finally back from US, I didn't realize Joel came back a long while frm KL, he came back on the 7th June or maybe the sixth.. i'm so confused. I'm sick of playing the sims.. I haven't even watch Harry Potter, I had to fall really sick at tt time and before, i asked my best fren if she would go with me, she said ok.. and two days later she said she went to compasspoint to watch ALONE. She is so independent but that doesn't mean she can dump her best friend to watch alone.. I'm NOT like her!
I'm feeling hyper today. I wonder whether the Katong thingy has settled already... Today's paper The Straits Times Front page got the article on NS being cut by six months - made possible with SAF relying more on technology and less on having large numbers of soldiers -
This may just be the best thing but I dunno, one wrong calculation or move, you can just blast Singapore into the sea.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

The image was supposed to be here but there's some sort of error, I wonder how Zeslene got it on her blog but anyway it is SO off! I'm totally NOT a perfectionist - haha, maybe I'm sophisticated (haha). Sure i'm ambitious, tho I haven't thought of what I wanna do with my life and what I want to be in the future.. if I can survive that long. Alyssa, Alyssa, Alyssa, sounds quite nice actually. The second time i took the test, my name became Jade - which is same as Zeslene and more matching to my personality like outgoing (maybe not), well-known, funky.. Fine, it may not fit me that much BUT, its more suitable for a growing teen like me! Haha!

I'm drinking Pokka Apple Aloe V.. I totally love it - since it was the only favourite drink I had in the school cafeteria*. My fever is kept at 37 plus only. I suppose that is relatively better than the raging 39.5 ++ on the way to forty? I've been trying to change my blogskin, and I seem to fail since forever. I feel the 'do u only wanna dance?' skin is a little on the wild side... which technically i'm not.. It's far too wild for me. About the controversy during A-soon Dance Company's show. Truely it is the art of silence.. How can some dumb girls from IJ Katong do this? This is just concert etiquette.. I dun mean to put them down.. But they should give it a thought. They'll never get to be some sort of dancer so why condemn or criticize a dance company just becoz of their over revealing costumes.. By the way, I don't think they have a choice to choose what their costumes be. I dunno how some so retarded people will go side with those giggling girls. I just wish I could throw something at them. Well, the angry man, Mr Lee maybe should have toned his @#$%$#@#$% down... BUT, i think those Katong Convent girls deserved it.. They're typical bimbos. Arty people know how to appreciate such art events tho they might snigger a little. That is not harmful 'cause you know it is wrong to criticize and laugh away while the dancers dance so your volume of noise will be relatively low. Katong girls have always been known to me as bimbo family since the secondary sch only accepts their primary sch. They're a disgrace to all IJ schools! Pls.. I love the IJ family of schools - except Katong. I won't hesitate to find anything to put against Katong...
(*give it a nicer name? My sch canteen sure looks like one so why not)

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Completely bored to death. I'd got fever this morning..(it's still running up the thermometer) Darn, I still had to go church and - what a mistake! - i nearly fainted during the worship I kept yawning like a mad woman and my nose was flowing profusely. How embarrasing... I'm sure Jeralyn was rather disgusted with me sniffling away.. But still, i'm feeling ecstatic!

Friday, June 11, 2004

Here's something I wrote myself...called Heaven:

Droplets of rain falls upon my face
As I stare into the dark velvety sky
I pity the stars, unable to shine
But far above, I know he is there
To save me from my grave

I see the heartache in the people
And I wish I could heal them
But I cannot with my power
Not that I had any
But only do I have prayer

I see people killing
Dying and shedding tears
I wish for peace, dear god
I don't want to see those immoral things the world hath done
But I want to see people, changing the world

Here's a love poem I saw on the net by Jeff Kurfess. It's called 'A Thousand Suitors'

A thousand fair suitors all stab at your heart
Those poets of movement and jockeys of art
The high-volume vendors who hustle romance
Splashing their canvas with color and dance

The blasters of trumpets, gold banners unfurled
They offer lush gardens in glistening worlds
Yes, bearers of torches and carvers of stone
Who whisper their sonnets and surrender their thrones

And there in your doorway, no shadow is cast
No lingering voices, no ghosts from the past
Just a cluster of walls, and a window of pain
Collecting the heartache like droplets of rain

Still I stand before you, with palms to the sky
No gold in my pocket, no thorn in my side
And all I can offer, where words have no place
Is a body that trembles, and this love that awaits