Sunday, July 03, 2005


[ music - Hillsong - With You ]

If you've noticed, I'm listening to the same song. That's because Lynette is doing her music studies thingy for next week's worship team. Arggh and she forbids me to listen to anything else.

I'm peeling furiously on both arms and I look like I'm suffering an early case of leprosy, which doesn't actually look so nice. It's been a week and two days since I tanned, and it's still actively peeling like I have a lot of skin to peel! It's not exactly those first stage peeling where when you peel, it flakes off in big pieces. This one flakes off with minute size pieces and it's really annoying to just sit there and peel it patiently.


Tomorrow I've got care group, so I better buzz to sleep! =)

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