Friday, July 08, 2005


[ mood - scheming! ]
[ music - The Killers - Mr Brightside ]

My life is so mundane. So I went to meet Cheryl at 2.45 at Toa Payoh Interchange [Don't ask why I'm always there, but one thing for sure, I don't live there.] She, as usual, was whining non-stop about this and that and we sat at Mos Burger for a while, while she complained about her boring life and her problems and while I was happily eating my apple pie(s).

Yeah, and we finally decided that TP was such a boring place and wanted to go Town, but unfortunately I was in a polo tee and shorts, and I definitely weren't appropriately dressed for Town, so we just went Plaza Sing to look at such stuff, basically she practically went into every single shop, not that I blame her, but I was mortified she went into Samuel & Kevin and Ebase. I find both of those shops [yes, they're under the same company therefore...] so gross, their clothes are so morbid! Excuse me for insulting your favourite shopping spot [if it is yours?] but I really find it really lian and morbid, except for the plain racers from Samuel & Kevin. Gee.

So we trained back to Serangoon and lazed in the train until it reached. We bus-ed to Serangoon Garden Circus and chatted for a long, long time til 8 plus then went home. Yes, and I took 317 home and I was stuck with this pervertic old git the whole time, everybody dropped earlier than me and he was so lame. He took from circus to circus. =.=" How lame can he get.?

Cheryl was so funny. YEAH! Okay, this guy approached her last time to ask for her number by doing some poker card tricks and stuff and SHE SAW HIM AT PLAZA SING ON THE ESCALATOR IN FRONT OF US and she started her spastic actions and covering-of-face. Hilarious!

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