Monday, July 18, 2005

#1 Love IS blind / Desperadoes


Hmm, how do I start this post?

Well, while I was pondering over what's on my to-do list, suddenly this topic flashed like a neon sign in my mind - Desperadoes. I don't know why, so don't ask. =B

Okay, so everyone might say that they always see me scoffing at all these people. Yes, I agree that I always scoff so loudly at these people but inside, I'm not that mean a person okay? Somehow I don't know why, but my heart somehow aches for them, I mean, sometimes there is a genuine reason that they are like that. Flirtatious, flamboyant, a tad too friendly that it becomes annoying and stuff like that.

Some of them basically feel that they don't receive enough love from their family members or friends and therefore turn to other alternatives like boys/girls which is one of the easiest methods especially for those in co-ed schools.

While those in/from single-sex schools are, I'm so sorry to say, very obviously desperate. It is a cruel, what do you call that? Yes, you are in a good environment, but there is no 'the-opposite-sex' and because of that, leads to you thinking that every guy/girl you make friends with will be your soon-to-come boyfriend/girlfriend. Unfortunately, that's not the case, and then you've got your ever-so-fragile heart broken, once again. Vicious cycle - yes.

My opinion of single-sex schools brought up kids are that they may be really hard and cold on the outside, but when they finally decide that they like you and stuff like that, they warm up and open up their ice block heart, but once their heart is shattered by that loved one, they close up tighter than before and soon enough if they're still in single-sex schools, they'd go for their own sexes, if not become some sexist cow. *

Of course, me being part-feminist has nothing to do with the asterisk-ed sentence, okay, I'm an honest blogger, so I'll say that I think it has something to do with it lah? I grew up watching and seeing guys and girls breaking up, girls sobbing away [if you notice, girls always lose & I don't like that], guys treating girls like shit, girls suffering in silence, girls sacrificing time and effort for guys, guys bochap-ing. Not to mention I also watched girls cheat on guys [which I think is good punishment anyway.] I suppose such things actually lead you to think that guys are all MCPs and totally ungentlemanly [except for special cases.] Yeap.

Well, Love IS blind.

Girls are silly & naive and boys are immature & ungentlemanly. [Boys, guys and men have three different definitions.]

* I will continue with Love IS blind 2 soon enough.

By the way, I don't even know what song is this.. haha, nor do I understand a word of it, I just know that it's awfully sad and about ... r/ships. Aagh, how predictable. -.-"

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