Tuesday, July 19, 2005

School, school & school.



Started off with one period of Art, she discussed the subject of Leonardo Da Vinci, The Da Vinci Code [which she says it's fictional, I don't know though], Michael Angelo and actually the main topic was some artist called Claude Monte.

Had Geog next, Miss Rachael was torturing us by shoving all the workbook answers at the visualizer for us to copy and do our corrections, and she was being very annoying by asking us to copy but her fingers were sitting on the answers, so how were we supposed to copy! Next, she kept moving the workbook around and kept moving the visualizer. We all sighed loudly at her, I think she doesn't really know how to work the visualizer?

Dance! ((:*

I'm starting to enjoy Dance! Gee. We spent forty minutes on stretching and stuffs. We did High level to Low level today, and it was pretty silly as we had to roll all over the floor. Haha, the girls found it a little obscene though, or at least I did. Nurul and I and probably most of the girls were all freezing to death. Mr Zaman had us take off our socks in the Dance Studio and we had cold toes, fingers and whatever else! But, fun anyhows.

Triple D&T. Ahahaha, I'm the fastest! Jiayun and I were snatching the strip heater, Mr Lim used hers as the tryout and I was standing there whining, but it's okay 'cause he drilled a hole for me out of five holes. One thing about Mr Lim, he lets us do everything ourselves, he doesn't really start sticking his head in on everything until you ask him, which is good, but sometimes he gives really sickeningly vague answers which totally don't answer your question. Then you'll be rolling your eyes and frowning on your way back to your seat. I'm finished with drilling and Acrylic bending! Gosh, I feel so accomplished. Not to mention the strip heater is SO fun, just that be careful if your Acrylic gets 'burned'. Vivegan alerted me, thank god! And Jiayun's one gave off a spark as she had an itty bit of paper still stuck there I suppose. Haha, that scared me, but mine was alright. Got a few blisters [on the acrylic mind you] though. Hmm.

CME/History - Mrs Lim was absent. Set some work on History stuff. Okay.

Had English. Miss Chan came in awfully late and by that time, Sarah came and asked all councillors to go to the hall for assembly preparation. Beiyu, Liyan and I were stumped for words, then we just looked at each other. Haha, held placards. I had 1/8 and they were so late. They made me look stupid lah.! After all the classes arrived, we thought we could go back to our classes to sit, but ended up we had to sit in the aisle beside the classes' placards we were holding. Horrible! It looked more like we were being ostracized. Thank goodness Liyan was sitting behind me. (: and Pei Ching next to me. Haha, Pei Ching was being mad - as usual. Gee.

Stayed back for a while 'cause Mr Goh said we were supposed to gather, but ended up - No gathering! Rar. Liyan rushed off to Badminton and I went back to class. It was raining and Pei Shan had already left - without me, so I had no umbrella. Thanks ah PS, okay, but I must let her make up with Erica. Heh, I'm a nice soul. Well she better had walked with Erica if not I wasted getting wet myself. Called up my sister and whined [she wasn't at home...] then Zhang Lin asked me whether I was talking to my boyfriend =.=" Okaye.

Ended up walking in the rain, when the rain lightened a little. Hrmms.

I need to choose a CCA by Friday. People! Advertise your CCAs to me. I don't want Leo Club, Ideas Club and basically all the clubs 'cause they're like pretty loser lah. Then only got M&D, Netball & Track. Argh, but I don't know anyone from Track, so let's scratch that out. Track. Netball seems to be the best, 'cause I've been in Netball before. Hmm, but I don't know much people there! ): But at least there's Angeline, Cheuk Ni, Wanru, Erica, Peishan & Linhui. That's not good enough right? [I don't know anybody from M&D too. Troublesome me] I feel so pathetic, for once. Gosh.

Home, canceled tuition. YEAH! Napped and ate dinner. Nice.



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