Sunday, July 17, 2005

Love Yourself

Do you know anyone who gets you down when you talk to him? It seems I’m always at the receiving end of people who need to vent their lack of self worth and self confidence. The most common phrases are “I hate myself”, “Nobody loves me”, “I’m so worthless”, bla bla bla.

It’s annoying because in the time they spend moaning about , they’re wasting life away man! If you think you could look better, go for cosmetic surgery, if you think you’re fat, go and exercise, if you think nobody loves you, then ask yourself why! There must be some negative aura shite you’re exuding which repels people from you.

Next are the people who are pining for someone. I have had my fair share of heartache, but I never let it get me down. Yes, you’ve heard the cliche a billion times, but there are plenty of fish in the sea. Really! I whine that I’m single and can’t find a boyfriend, but it’s not true! I can bloody well get me a boyfriend if I want to. I think. As people put it, I’m picky. Why is that so? Because I have self confidence, I love myself, and truthfully, I know I can do better than the pricks I usually meet.

I’m not fat, I can be thinner, so I’m exercising. I was born with what I have today and despite wishing I had a higher nose, bigger eyes and smaller hips, I don’t wallow in self pity. I make the most of my looks, like opening my eyes big big when I want to give the impression that I have big eyes, I wear low slung jeans which don’t emphasise my big hips and I’ve learnt to love my bridgeless nose. So there you go! You can do it too!

Everybody has their good points and bad, you just have to capitalise on your good points, have more confidence in yourself, love yourself more and life will be rosy once again.

I do wonder though, what makes these people feel they’re worthless? Upbringing? Not enough love from their parents? Heartbreak? Lack of friends?

Now, does anyone have any advice on how a person can gain confidence and self esteem?

The Inspirational Feline

-written by Finicky Feline.

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