Monday, August 29, 2005


As I left the house this morning - Man, all I could hear was some damned cat and its scandalous partner mating in my neighbour's house, the annoying part was that my neighbours don't keep cats, they keep dogs and these stray cats are actually using their grass patchs (in their houses) as mating grounds.

It doesn't really matter to me if they mate or whatever, I mean, yeah, they've got to multiply to keep their species alive, yada yada right? But gosh, when they do, the whole street can hear it! Ugh, guess there are more down sides than up sides in living in a terrace house.

Yeah and I really, really, really, REALLY wouldn't mind if they did their little almost-nightly mating activities within the 1am - 5.30am range. Instead of mating WAY later like at 6.30am - 7am or in broad daylight when humans are actually up and moving around or like me, leaving the house to go to school.

Harrumph, enough about cats, I don't like them. Ha.

Let's go on to the topic of lizards, crows and crickets! Don't you see the similarity between all these animals/insects? They all make a lot of noise when they move around!

  • Crows CAW (and stalk me when I'm carrying food -scowl)
  • Lizards click (or whatever you call that "jek jqek" sound)
  • Crickets echo (I admit I'm bad at describing animal sounds - Lmao)

Gah, can't I just go to school in peace?
Well, school was GREAT for me! How was yours?

Most of us were just crapping around and being oh-so-relaxed today. We started off school with some serious 'studying' on the easier topics on Math like Translations & Reflections.

School was crap, we anticipated our report books, but we're only getting it on Friday, during our Sec Two camp! What a scam! They want to force us to go for the camp. =.= I mean, Amazing Race at Chinatown? Oh geddalife! Pah. But I'd prefer that then run away in my school camp tee in Orchard Road - Man, how embarrassing.

The last two periods were hilarious! Erica, Jasmine, Pei Shan, Mei Yi, Wen Theng and I, with occasional appearances by Ting Fong were bitching about the Girl. Bahaha, I haven't had such fun for a long time! It was so darn funny. Then we started talking in dialect, especially in Cantonese, which is our majority dialect. Well, I'm Hainanese, but my mom's Canto, so I therefore know how to speak that itty bit? Most of the time I'm learning the numbers in Canto from Pei Shan. Haha, so we weren't really conversing but being annoying by all speaking our different dialects and dumbily decoding all of them.

God, the weather has been HOT.

Home! (:

I LOVE MEIYI (exceptionally lol)

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