Sunday, August 14, 2005

Bundles of fiery cannonballs.

[ Corrinne May - Everything in its time ]

My day started off bad, real bad.

I know whatever I say next will be labelled as a "mood swinging, angsty girl's rantings" but that's not true, at all. And I don't care anyway.

I'm currently using my sister's laptop, so that my parents don't harrass me and think that I'm not studying but wasting time on the computer [which I actually am, but I'm in too bad a mood to care!] At least, let me finish this post and I'll be off the computer.

Actually, the morning part of my day was pretty fine. Except that my mom was pissing everybody off and behaving like a going-through-menopause woman, which she is anyway. Pfft. But as usual, that happens almost every Sat/Sun, so oh well, we're kinda used to it.

So this morning, there was this cockroach on my shirt, and with natural instincts, I screamed. I didn't even know it was a roach, Lyn was just pointing and pointing at my top and saying "Don't move! Don't move" and since I didn't know what was that, I just screamed and made little gestures to get whatever it was off. Yeah, some of you might find that cockroachy adventure funny, but it wasn't really that fun since after that, my oh-so-unsympathetic mom came in and said so ignorantly "You see, I told you so, FOOD lah." She was basically stating that we always ate in the room, which is particularly NOT true that's why Lyn and I were so annoyed. Then she started picking at people's shoes, saying that it was blocking the doorway. Lame right?

Okay, so I just received my Piano Examination date yesterday, it's on the 20th of September. Whoopee. I'm so scared y'know. -.-"

So the car ride to church, was just as off as it could get. My mom was talking about booking my piano studio for practice, while my dad was talking on his mobile - it was an important company call you know. Of course, my dad kept shushing her, and she annoyingly and annoyedly said "Shh me for what!". Talk about rude and inconsiderate! Chee. By the way, I still don't understand why my mom is ever so kanchiong about booking. Bleagh. Old women.

Tracting! Yep. Jinghan and I were the only females, fine then. So the only ones present were Jinghan, Glenn, Chris, Timothy, Daniel and Thomas, and of course me. What a male dominated class eh? The ladies were NOWHERE. Michelle was in service, Jer is still sleeping erh, Sharon was playing for service, yeah, that's about it, and another two obsolete girls that come once in a blue moon.
Split into three groups :
1. Glenn, Timothy, Christopher
2. Jinghan & Daniel
3. Thomas & Louisa

Oh my god, what a horror I got. Thom and I did the 1st floor to the seventh floor, while Dan and JH did the 8th to the fourteenth. Thomas was being SO ANNOYING. Not to mention, we had all the hard-core religious people, like their whole door is covered with Buddhist/Taoist/Muslim garb so we didn't give much tracts. The door itself seemed intimidating enough to swallow us whole! And Thomas despite being 23, was such a asdkajhlfkaue! [No vulgarities there, just speechlessness] He kept pretending he was a ghost and calling my name in a very airy and gay voice, almost like CHANTING my name in that airy voice, not to mention, I went to give a tract to this corner house, and when I walked back, he stood at a wall preparing to scare me. Wooo, casper. I was like rolling my eyes out, and mind you I wasn't scared by his "Woo" behind the wall! Harrumph!

After tracting, then we headed to the church's admin office, sat around while waiting for lunchtime. Went for lunch at Macs, then ate lah. Glenn was mocking Rui En every minute, and he ended up insulting me as well for our almost-similar teeth [I beg to differ] I mean, Macs is just trying to kill us by playing that Reach for the Skies song every 5 minutes, seriously it just drives people nuts! Oh yeah, and Glenn was sending the guys into hysterical fits of laughter because of his imitation of Rui En in Miss Singapore Universe. WAHAHA. Trust me, it was hilarious!

I felt like vomiting.

Met Shawn, Cheryl and Jamin at church, then Cheryl left with her parents and I stayed back to meet my parents after lunch. Jamin left for Rangers, and Shawn and JH were accompanying me til one before they leave for 101 WBP class. Yeap.

Then my obnoxious dad came and scolded me in front of Shawn and JH, actually I was fine at that 'cause I just kept rolling my eyes rudely to express my displeasure, sure he got it, but in the end I burst into tears. Not as in the tearful kind, but the kind that your eyes well up in tears. I was in such a horrible mood and sometimes you just give up and break down. I was annoyed at a lot of things and after lunch I already felt a bit soppy 'cause I kept whining and rolling my eyes very irritatedly. And Glenn and Thomas were so bursting my perseverance meter! -scowl.

You see, I'm genuinely not a feminist by choice, it's feminist by circumstance, just like my very manly mom. All I thought about my dad was that, he was just embarrassing himself in front of my friends, I mean if my friend's dad was like that, I would pity her and think what an uncivilised man he is. Or just that he's got Anger Management problems. Pfft.

I don't like crying in public, and I don't most of the time because it kinda sends out this message that says "I know I'm losing that's why I burst into tears to win over sympathy" but I'm not that kinda person who wants sympathy! When I cry it genuinely means that "I can't stand it already and will you just piss off?" Well, at least people who know me well enough know that, especially Cheryl.

Yeah and I hate Male Chauvinist Pigs who are just so full of pride. My dad's an MCP, my whole family witnesses that, so full of pride and MCP-ness. Makes me want to scream thinking about their testosterone-ego-boosted head. BIGHEADEDNESS basically. Harrumph!

Isn't it just the same as anybody saying that they hates feminists? Well, I hate MCPs. So it's a fair exchange ain't it?

Simple as that.


Be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.
For the anger of man does not achieve
the righteousness of the Lord!
James 1:19

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