Friday, August 19, 2005

Don't you think they all look the same?

I wanted to take a nap just now [PIG], but I decided not to, and while I was up - I watched THE PACIFIER. What an adorable show! I'm thinking of watching Bridget Jones's diary & BJD's Edge of reason. Yeah, but one of them has sexual references. Ha. Not like I'm some immature pig anyway. I've watched Sex And The City tons of times - and I GET the jokes, not pretend to laugh at it. Haha!

Oh man, tuition just now was SICK. It was incredibly BORING! I was yawning my face away, not to mention I was pondering about my piano exam End September while doing my graph work. I'm a good multitasker! PRAISE ME. Hurhur.
[I heard Peishan saying that to Hengjie. HAHA. That was funnaye.]

I don't really have a mood to blog properly nowadays because of the copycats that copy my style of writing and et cetera. We all know Deyi people can't write a proper sentence of English, and the obvious chimology [comparatively to the school, not to Singapore's smart asses standard] in their sentence constructions are far too out-of-this-world. And anyway, most of those I see in my recent previous posts. Talk about lousy ripping.

Yeah, so Nurul, Michelle & Wen Theng better watch their butts.

Btw, Michelle's address was copied from Michelle Lee from SJC who is on my links. YES. Michelle Lee's address is
Michelle Copycat Qua's address is

See the resemblance? And I asked her, she said yeah, she got 'inspiration' from there. Inspiration? Gah! It's wholesale copying. Just a change of word, although I know Michelle Lee's a very creative and smart girl. Yes, and she's an IJ girls.

That's why I say mixed school kids are all the same. Example - AH LIAN.

Don't you think they all look the same?


And if somebody's gonna follow me and go write a profile just after I did mine, that person's screwed. Trust me, I've been having a few anger management problems nowadays - I'm getting more and more short-tempered. Yes. So don't think that I can't manage to beat you up. Cousin and I don't beat you up physically, we use psychological warfare, loser. Why would I want to touch your mixed-school skin anyway?


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