Thursday, May 04, 2006

Sucker for cheat codes.

If what you'd felt was love, then this is the break-up song.

You cheated in the game we played. I'm not some dumb blonde, and I do do my homework when I make a friend, haha I got you there didn't I. You don't even know a hoot about me and you talk a whole load of crap that I just politely entertained. You can't beat someone at her own game. The whole time we were playing the same game, plotting the same moves and doing the exact same things, but one thing I know, is that I know what I'm not supposed to know. In this whole hourglassed struggle, I beat you hands-down. So now, Plan A and B have been accomplished, who's next, what's next. And what's Plan C?

I'm sorry love, if you continue doing this, you're gonna hurt real bad.

Lou, let's be hypocritical and play pretend-I'm-stupid-lame-and-sweet.
I'd always close one eye and be nice to test the waters.

Figure me out.

And then I sit back, relax, chuckle to myself and watch you trip over yourself. Hahaha.

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