Sunday, May 28, 2006


I'd like to keep my family quite anonymous.

Here's to all the wonderful people who have wished me a happy birthday :D
Thank you guys!
Jeralyn! (Girlfriend, we really need to meet up soon)
Song En! (For being absolutely sweet too!)
Jason (We haven't talked in a while! And thanks for wishing, I was surprised)
Christopher (Aha, I'll always remember you as the someone who makes me teach Math for free)
Cheryl (A Happy Birthday to me, A Happy O Level to you)
Meiyi (You pig, I see you wake up really late.)
Melissa (The last wish of the day)

Agnes (Heh, I was surprised)
Cynthia! (You remember! Oh nostalgia)
Peishan (Heh, ex classmate. I think I love you already!)
Ammy (You come to church then you'll get to see me much!)
Regina (Hey you, I'm not little! And you're sooooooo awesomely sweet)

You know what? I saw Adriano from Campus Superstar on Saturday at Junction 8, boy, is he ugly. He looks alright on screen, or maybe I caught him on a bad day. He was so oily, I think it makes a good Singapore natural resource. Sweet!

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