Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Car bang.

Oh yeah, Thomas that ass asked me this super anal question just now (Excuse the rudeness. It really is anal)

"Eh, is it true that any guy as long he's tall but
face look like kena car bang,
you are okay with him?"

I said yes. So? Looks are a bonus.

Well, decent-looking lah, not car bang please, if he's car bang, I'll get myself car banged dead.


On to sillier things,
I feel like killing you.
Blackbox!: You've been saying that since yesterday. Lol.
Lou: Haha, got miss me anot! Didn't bother about you today.
Blackbox!: Yayaya, alot!
Lou: Since when so open uh!
Blackbox!: Since meeting you lorrrrrr.

Hahaha, once again, I see the rewards of my changing you. Lol.

Salmon & Cuttle.

So I went down to town with Michelle by 162, my god, that is the slowest bus journey. I would pretty much favour the mrt anytime. Well, we lunched at Pastamania, and me being the boring-old-me, ate Creamy Chicken again. Haha, I like that you know! Mich bought a bag, then I left to meet Cheryl at Heeren, and WA-LA, HAHA! Cheryl did some funny pose outside HMV to signify that she was there. Lol, I nearly puked out blood. She was in her PE shirt, and school skirt. Unglamness to the extreme.

Walked around Heeren, went Far East, saw Phyllis (or is it Michelle, darn those twins) at KFC, went a lot of places (I really can't remember) then went down to Bugis, then went down to Dhoby Ghaut, and hahaha, I only bought a pair of shorts, slippers, and some other random stuff. I saw Cristal at PS!

Actually, I'm feeling quite grouchy now because I'm quite tired, but oh well, it's a good day, and tomorrow at 2pm in my house, something so awfully cool is gonna happen (or arrive). Yup, and none of you are going to find out, unless I decide to be nice and tell some of you.

You guys are gonna freak when you hear about it.

Until then, toodlys toodles!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Went to watch X Men 3 with Jessica, Paul, Lyn, Thomas, Zhiwen & Ernest.

It was good, and Magneto still is wearing that stupid helmet (that is so corny looking) and Rogue still looks like an auntie. Lol, really. (Quoted off Mr Brown)

Jean Grey looks much better, less geeky, more sexy. Okay, that sounded a bit gay but never mind. A lot of deaths take place, and Jean Grey is scary. Lol.

Haha, don't I just sense you being overprotective, of what you have? Don't worry lah, fat blobs don't do no harm.

Japanese Laugh Show.

1: Basically, these people are supposed to watch the video of this guy speaking English, and they're not supposed to laugh, and this guy who keeps laughing was so funny! 'Cause everytime you laugh, they spank you on the butt. Haha, sadistic, but hilarious.

2: Half-naked man dancing around in a G-string.

3: PE class with Ricky Martin look-alike.

Youtube really brings laughter & happiness to a lot of people.

The Adventure.

He puts the heart shape in my coffee cup.
"And I'll always 'look up' to you, honey."

Even if your hope has burned with time
Anything that is dead shall be re-grown
And your vicious pain, your warning sign
You will be fine

Hankerchief & Cuppycakes.

It's fun making fun of Lina's Masterchief. Lol :D She calls me evilness.

So I've softened up again, but this time you're not going anywhere, anyway, despite how I've 'softened up'. I'm never evil for so long, and most of the time I just give up, forget & forgive and carry on with my own life, with total ignorance of your complete existence. Or at least, 80% ignorance, since some people just don't get hints dropped like bombs on their head.

Hahahahahaha, never mind you lost the game already! HAHAHAHA, and somebody else won, so I don't have to worry about you anymore, annoying me and cheating your way and lying to me. :D Somehow I almost love you for pissing me off the other day. You made the victory much sweeter than it already is.

I want to play this game again, and I foresee it's coming, really soon. (It's a fun game, because I don't have to play it, I just have to watch, laugh and comment. You'll find it fun if you were to play it too, but only girls can play :D)

Yeah it's coming.

Monday, May 29, 2006

They have learnt.

I had an Old Chang Kee curry puff for breakfast.
I had Famous Amos cookies for breakfast.
I had Timeouts & Yupi Gummy Bears for snacks.
I had Hokkien Mee for lunch.

What a wonderful day, if I spend everyday like that, I'll be the happiest person alive, eating, drinking soft drinks and basically doing what a pig does. :D

Life is good, boring, but good.

Who wants to go out with me, I have no dates from Tuesday - Thursday because my friends are at St John's Island! I am supposed to go back to school to hand up a councillor form tomorrow? I didn't even know. Huh?!

You are such a gem :D

That's when he knows he's lost the whole thing to another. Yeah, here's another reminder. You've lost, lost, lost! So stop trying yay.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Birthday Bash Baby!

It's gonna be over in 3 wowing minutes. Yippeedoodles. Finally, it's over, over, over! Heh :D

People like birthdays because of presents and it shows proof that they have friends, well I don't think I need all that, so I don't need to like birthdays! :D


I'd like to keep my family quite anonymous.

Here's to all the wonderful people who have wished me a happy birthday :D
Thank you guys!
Jeralyn! (Girlfriend, we really need to meet up soon)
Song En! (For being absolutely sweet too!)
Jason (We haven't talked in a while! And thanks for wishing, I was surprised)
Christopher (Aha, I'll always remember you as the someone who makes me teach Math for free)
Cheryl (A Happy Birthday to me, A Happy O Level to you)
Meiyi (You pig, I see you wake up really late.)
Melissa (The last wish of the day)

Agnes (Heh, I was surprised)
Cynthia! (You remember! Oh nostalgia)
Peishan (Heh, ex classmate. I think I love you already!)
Ammy (You come to church then you'll get to see me much!)
Regina (Hey you, I'm not little! And you're sooooooo awesomely sweet)

You know what? I saw Adriano from Campus Superstar on Saturday at Junction 8, boy, is he ugly. He looks alright on screen, or maybe I caught him on a bad day. He was so oily, I think it makes a good Singapore natural resource. Sweet!


If I carry on doing this, I'm probably going to put on 15kg (What a significant number) and waddle around jiggling my new-found cellulite and lard.

The morning started out pretty fun. But I always feel awkward around places/people where I have to make choices and be the limelight. Well I survived. Hoho, so Jingting treated me & the CG to ice cream, not something to go ooh-aah about, we just walked across to NTUC and bought a whole tub for all of us to share. Haha, I chose Rocky Road, and I think Daniel & Samuel weren't much in favour of it, neither was Shawn. I like the marshmallows, and that's what they don't like.

I ate a sandwich for lunch, and finished Michelle's instant Laksa. Heh.

Rangers was pretty fun, there were only 10 people out of the usual 19. We played a funny game of Neckerchief/Neck-a-catching and table 'soccer' with air from the mouth. Lol. Then we had Spirit Challenge, and a good devotion by Jinghan. Be hospitable!

Went for piano lesson, my teacher forgot my birthday, so when she remembered she gave me one whole packet of Timeouts & Yupi Gummy bears. Haha, weird. After that, I went down to meet my sister at Novena for Fish & Co Birthday dinner! We went dutch though. ;D Then we walked around town and then went home.

I'm quite happy with my birthday money, and I particularly like Clarissa's present. Gift Certificates to nice places are good for the body, mind and soul! Much appreciation! :D

Oh well. I still don't like birthdays or birthday parties. Besides, I'm so embarrassed it's my birthday.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


I think I'm having a migraine, and I'm turning fifteen in four minutes. Not too excited.

Also, a Happy Birthday to Louisa & Michelle. (I know another Louisa who has the same birthday as me) Yeah, that's cool.

Anyway, thank you Erica & Darren for being so sweet! Besides that, thank you all who've wished me okay. I'm getting sick of the phrase "Happy Birthday", it's probably the only phrase that never gets overused. Thank you [according to who wished first], Nurul, HE TWIN, Clarence, Shafain, Xinyi, Timothy & Mirliana. (I only read the messages at 12.30am)

Perhaps it's time for a rebirth, a revolution & a new beginning.

"Hello my Loulou, it's your birthday already, finally."

This is the saddest birthday one can ever have.

It's really nice to die of cancer. Hello, my name is Obituary.


Earwax: Panic at the Disco - Time to Dance

I don't know what happened, and why did I only just wake up? I know I was tired, I lied down on my bed and just stared at the ceiling, and the next minute I wake up at 1am with my contact lenses still in my eyes, and it was all blur because of well, what do you call that in a nicer manner? Oh I can't think of it. Let's just stick with eyeshit. Haha.

And my mum, with all that vivid imagination & oversensitivity (yet insensitivity) thought that I was 'hiding' in my room because of bad results. What the- Please, your kids are not the kind to cry and hide in the room, we've never grown up that way. I just love my room. I just love to sleep, and I'm really happy after I take a nap, haha, this sounds like something He Twin smsed me a few days ago. Aw. Besides, I don't think my results are bad. I don't go around stressing myself like that, it's over already anyway.

Why I'm still online? Because I feel lost not blogging for a day. Lol. Perhaps maybe because I like staying home on weekdays, blogging seems to be my only way to keep my sanity, not that I'd go mad without blogging, it's just that it's better than reading a book or something, because reading a book is just so, well, loser, and you're gonna get labelled that anyway, since staying at home during weekdays are already loserish.

It's the last day of school, and I felt okay, tired and a variety of mixed feelings. I'm not happy at all. Holidays, what do we actually do that benefit us anyway? All we do is eat & sleep more, sleep in, and spend money. Besides, it really sucks when you've got nothing planned out for the day (and the many many others). Anyway, somehow I feel like I don't know what am I supposed to feel. What am I supposed to feel now?

Loserly, I feel like finishing my homework first. I've wrote 1 out of 6 journal entries, that's not the hardest. The essays, I think I'll begin tomorrow (today).

I know what I'm feeling now, I'm just feeling sore, both internally & externally. I'm feeling painful, both in & out. No, this can't be true. I'm always happy, cheerful & just living life like it is. So is this how we experience pain?

Maybe I really do miss you. Already?

Let's get these teen hearts beating. Faster, faster
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Cheek Implant.

I see Friendster has decided to revamp themselves. Lol, it looks more professional now, but the layout is still bad, kinda hard to navigate around, but oh well.

Oh hahaha. Boy do I love He & She twin! Because I'm talking to both of them at the same time, and some other random people. Hahaha.

Today is a good day. I am sore throaty, after the whole fever thing. Ah, not exactly my type of 'birthday' feeling. Lol. I spent the time walking to school having the 'time of my life', stalking this idiot from another class who keeps laughing at me for no reason anytime he sees me. Aha! And he didn't like it, and I was happily sticking out my tongue at his back. Wasn't exactly stalking because I needed to walk the same route to school, couldn't exactly avoid him uh? I just walked really near to him, and he walked faster, and then he turns behind to find me hahaha, still very close to him. How's that, always laughing at me in school huh! When you don't even know me you fat swine.

Was crazy during Assembly, and I kept getting weird looks from people from the next class. Heck! And tomorrow's the last day of school =/ Heh.

Went through papers, and I'm really happy with my Lit paper results. They're hilariously, good. But the CA combined would be terrible lol.

Melissa was doing funny actions to Panic! At the Discooooooo. VE was spent with Lydia, Lina, Joyce and Melissa, hahaha, they were all acting lethargic and retarded. Hahahaha. Jokers.

Anyway, have YOU ever tried making people feel uncomfortable by talking about sensitive issues & asking rhetorical questions behind them? (walking behind them) Like "Oh, I know some people really don't like it. Walking behind them, making sarcastic comments & being annoying, they feel so weird they just wanna jump up and run for shelter in their class"

Take that, for making life difficult for me. You group of The Hideous Five.

Hurray for the birthday girl. Lol, now that was random.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Highly doubtful.

If a day well spent is defined by watching a movie on dvd in the morning while stuffing yourself with cheese snacks, talking to daddy and Lynette about music stuff, practicing your mediocre guitar skills and having the best time of your life with your best friend over the phone, then I've definitely spent today well.

I've just received a call that is quite interesting to receive.

Today's my lucky day, maybe.

Natasha Bedingfield
I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin

No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way

Birthday Groove.

Happy Birthday Mirliana, Fangrui & Celeste!
Let's dance.


Mamee Cheese Rice Sticks are yummy, and my He twin fell asleep on me. Gah.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Flashback on more innocent days.

Shotgun Wedding.

I question, "Why? Why does she want to become me?" I look at her, and somehow I just despise her, for trying to be me. She doesn't do it badly, I admit. But it's really disgusting. Like stop it. You can photoshop yourself to become me as well, whatever. But you'd never be, I've got things you don't have, and these things are unattainable by you because it's all in the past. Claim you have the world, the hottest male twirled around your finger. Haha, and you'd think I would want to be you as well. Sorry. I'm still quite feminist. You're not, you're a flirt. Lol.

Copycats, we really never get enough of them don't we?

Give me envy, give me malice, give me your attention
Give me envy, give me malice, baby, give me a break!
When I say "Shotgun", you say "Wedding"
"Shotgun", "Wedding", "Shotgun", "Wedding"

Life, better then.

There is no school tomorrow :(
Give me a break

Champagne for my real friends.

Earwax: Fort Minor - Where'd You Go

Isabel: Haha, you're not short okay! Just average height! :D I heard Mel say you think you're short. Heh. Oh anyway, I love that song brat pack too!
Jamin: I'm really sick, I don't need to BUY a MC hahahaha.
Regina: Hey youu. You've changed a lot huh! :D Hahaha, and you're looking good! I'm doing okay! Heh
Andy: I don't know what you're talking about? -confused?
Linying: Aiya you, always see you! Hahaha.
Jinghan: Haha, I'm heck sure that I won't fall ill on my birthday. Hopefully ah. Hahaha.

I did this great thing today! :D Heh. I went to school despite my fever, haha, though the earlier hours of school was horrible. I went to school, slouched in my seat 'cause I felt like puking everytime I sat up, haha, and I was freezing to death. I walked to school and I was wrapping myself with my hands because I was sooooooo cold, not that that worked anyway. What good can hands do?

I wanted to go to school because
1. I was paying for a workshop by Wendy from Wand Inspiration.
2. I could see my friends (You know it's the last week of school and all) for the last time before a one-month break.

The workshop was a drag at the start, and we had breakfast! Roti prata with curry! I guess our edusave covered for that. Haha. Can you imagine paying for food with Edusave? Unfortunately we had no recess. Haha the cohort was split into 2 groups: Guys & Girls. Haha, then we did some funny exercise and then they were teaching us that what we think will affect us or something like that.

I think if that's really true I should be dead now. Haha.

Wendy kept picking on our group, comprising of Michelle, Mel and I. She kept making us share, and the other Eurasian dancer girl also came along to make us share about our feelings. Mel said it was weird because the school atmosphere is not somewhere you would share about your feelings, which is so true, and then Wendy said that yeah, school friends are superficial. Wendy looks like Gen. Lol.

Then we had a short, short recess (break) and then we had 'movie experience', haha they are obviously trying to captivate us to go to school and have an 'experience' of a lifetime! Blah, it was so dumb. We watched this 'movie' (short video) called Ana's first day of school. It was so retarded, I only can imagine sec ones watching it, not sec threes! Haha, what a disaster. The speech was choppy & retarded (after all it's ANA's first day at KINDERGARTEN) My god. I felt like an airhead after that.

Had a 'special assembly'. They thanked the SAC members, and it was so hilariously boring. Erica, Melissa and I were sharing racist jokes. Hahahaha. We're not racist don't worry. Haha. We were so programmed, heh. We commented that they had a timetable. For example:
12.40pm Clap and act interested.
12.50pm Say three cheers and act really happy & enthusiastic
Stupidly, I was laughing at the powerpoint, because it said "Heartfelt Appreciation from the staff & students" and I was, ha! Really... Call us ignorant, but we really don't feel heartfelt appreciation for the SAC. Aha!

I just received a card from the staff at my church. Haha quite cute card.

And you don't worry about me, I'm doing alright! Ironically, when I said "You make me turn green with disease" It really happened, and now I'm sick. You're such a jinx ah.

Strike us like matches, cause everyone deserves the flames
We only do it for the scars and stories, not the fame
At least everyone is trying, everyone is shining
Everyone deserves the flames but it's such a shame
Such a shame

Monday, May 22, 2006

Baby Fever.

Okay temperature check: 37.4 degrees Celsius.

Cool uh, I always know when I'm sick, and I'm not sopping around.

"Unsex me here and fill me from crown to the toe,
Top-full of direst cruelty!
Make thick my blood
Stop up the access and passage to remorse
That no compunctious visitings of nature shake my fell purpose,

Nor keep peace between the effect and it!"
-Lady Macbeth, Macbeth

I used this phrase to show that I'll never again let my soft side to be evoked again. Lol, and Mella said it's cursed. Dang.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Singapore Idol sucks, especially at this level, everyone who's not good or just trying their luck are despised and publicly humiliated on television. I think that is the most evil thing you can do.

I personally pity, and sympathise with the guy, close to the start of the show, that Ken said he looked like a clown, and he did a really cheesy thing with the song "True to your Heart". Yeah we all agree it was cheesy, but the guy was really poor thing.

And they said the main aim of the competition was to bruise people's ego. That's evil!

Okay. Do you think this is funny? Michelle insists it is.
A drunk guy is walking down the street. He sees this nun, runs up and knocks her over. He says, "You don't feel so tough now, do you, Batman!?

Hahahahahahaha I have discovered my he twin! Another one! With my she twin we shall rule the world! Heh heh. I love you, HE&SHE twin!

I'm fed up, with you and your ridiculous insecurity.

This is the last straw, perhaps only now you'll know how much patience I had with you. I try to be nice, I try not to flare up, I try not to be rude, but you're not trying to not piss me off. I don't know what sort of eccentric mind you have that what you think is a way of being so called concerned/being nice/being understanding (as much as you insist, I am still doubtful)

How many times do I have to remind myself "Forgive & Forget"? You make it such a chore to tell myself that at times, because I have to tell myself that everytime I'm forced (refer to next paragraph) into a conversation with you.

I know I never refuse conversations on MSN, because I'm an online person, and I'm more patient online. I can't keep doing that because you never seem to know when to stop.

Just stop, go away, and leave me alone, and if you don't, I'll just say I can play "I don't know you, stranger" really, really well.

You make me turn green with disease.

But as consolation, you are okay to talk to, you just have to watch how you, talk to people. You're seriously lacking in PR skills.


Haha it's 3.09am and I'm still awake. And normally I conk out on Saturday nights. I guess this is a different saturday night, because the exams were just over.

Do I think I'm Supergirl? :D

Okay, it's time to retire. Go, go GOOOOO.

Screw the eyebags okay?

Taking too many pictures with the same people gets stale. Lol
I met 3 perverts today, it was so freaking scary this time.


Okay I really don't know what am I doing.

I look a bit frumpy here.

Bored. -_-

1. The tagged victims have to come up with eight different points of his/her perfect lover.
2. Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover. (duh.)
3. Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged the second time, there's no need to do this AGAIN.
5. Lastly, most importantly, HAVE. FUN. DOING. IT.

He must be really tall & tanned. :D

He doesn't need to be handsome, but of course must be charming enough to charm me hahaha. Looks are a bonus!

He should be musically-inclined. Please ah, no tone-deaf. Haha, maybe we can form a band - but that's also a bonus. Haha, so never mind if don't have.

He must be funny and know when to be serious. Really. I think I need a 24-hour personal entertainer cum boyfriend. Lol, and he can't be laughing & jokey all the time, I'll get annoyed and slap him. Ha! -0 and blown out cold humour is bad for my health.

He must be sporty! Really, guys who're not into sports, are generally fair and flabby. Resembles a real blob of fat. No-no, not a good combination.

He must not be afraid of getting embarrasssed of what he says! I like honesty! He shouldn't be trying to impress me by lying to cover it up, or trying to make himself sound oh-so-macho, when he's not. I hate that, that's why I burst big-ego-guys' egos, and I know they don't like it. Lol.

He'd better not be stingy. I'll kick him. Not that I'll go spend his money, but I would appreciate some meals being paid by him, while some we'll go dutch you know? I'm not even talking about buying clothes for me! Don't really like girls to spend their guys' money. It's just so. Wrong. Well, that's just my opinion (In fact I hate girls to spend guys' money. Like hello? He's got his own things to spend on. What a leech you're being.) You see, I am understanding in terms of male stuff. Hahaha. Like how it's a guy thing to play dota.

Last but not least, he's gotta be initiative. :D


Saturday, May 20, 2006

Ah you, me good mood uh!

Woohoo! I feel good. -does a funny dance and chuckles to herself-

I think it's fricking cool to have a parent apologize to you because she is oh-so-unreasonable! Haha!


Shoutouts to my lovely school friends!
Melissa: I don't even think I can express how much fun we've had together, laughing like mad in school, and making lame actions and talking a whole load of crap. Shake it like Shakira! Heh heh heh, and I'm so glad I've found you in this hell-hole of a school. Oh yeah, maybe that I have to give a little bit of thanks & appreciation to Marcus as well. Ah. Yeah. Don't worry, I love you as much as Lina! :D

Erica: Hahahaha, it's great I got to know you even better than the 2 years together, and it rocks! ERICA. LOUISA. MELISSA. We've all got english names, and they all end with A! How cute uh! Hahaha. Oh and I'm sure your boyfriend wouldn't mind sharing you with both of us! (He'd better if not we'll kick him!) :D

Lina: Oh gosh, I love you so much, I think I'm turning lesbian ah! Hahaha. My my, although I've only really known you this year (I don't think councillor stuff counts because we're always ponning. Lol), you're super nice, super sweet, super cool, and I like the fact that you're quite sporty, makes me wanna get fit and play soccer with you guys too! Heh. Thanks for asking me along on Friday even though I didn't go, hahaha. :D

Glande: Hey there SUPER NICE GIRL. Hahaha, I hope you're really doing okay after all that hospital thing. I still remember the time we crapped about English Letter writing, and all that silly writers' block, as if we're some super cool book author or something. Geeheehee.

Joyce & Lydia: You see why I'm writing both of you under the same name, haha because you're always together, and being silly together! I love you all Lit girls! So, so cute uh! Haha. Sweeties.

Einitar & Dacia: Oh Einitar, after the whole exam change of seats, I haven't got to talk a lil bit of nonsense with you! Haha! Miss you so! Oh Dacia you, I like talking to you on MSN, because haha, you're more open! Heh, and less shy ah, it's good. I love talking about the creepy girls in our class anyway heh heh.

Okay I'm in a rush, so this'd be all I'll write today!

Boy, I'm so in love with you, you, you! For being the sweetest, the nicest, and the only one who entertains me when I'm bored. :D Thank you, you!

Friday, May 19, 2006


Check this out:

Timothy (Not Chow, and I can't remember his surname) sent me this. Believe in the right thing uh.

Yin & Yang

Cute right? I did this! With a font of course. I'm not good with photoshop.

And I'm so happy I have a date tomorrow! 1.30pm at Somerset! :D Stalk me, youuuuuu.

The All American Rejects - Move Along

Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking
When you fall everyone sins
Another day and you've had your fill of sinking
With the life held in your
Hands are shaking cold
These hands are meant to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along
Just to make it through
Move along, move along

So a day when you've lost yourself completely
Could be a night when your life ends
Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving
All the pain held in your
Hands are shaking cold
Your hands are mine to hold

When everything is wrong we move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
When everything is wrong, we move along
Along, along, along

Right back what is wrong
We move along


Since everybody is gonna be posting about how happy they are that it's the end of the examinations, I'm not going to repeat and say "Today's the last paper! -cheers with accompaniment of Kallang Wave-" Haha, I just did.

The Physics paper was okay, I didn't know a few questions and forgot the formula on Work and Power. Dang, needed that formula for at least three questions. All the questions were pretty easy and from the previous tests.

I'm at home now, waiting for friends to return my calls. After all, they are all in school now, and Melissa is grounded, of all days, and I'm also broke this week, because I bought 2 tops and I don't know where my other money went, I suppose they went to eating, so actually I don't really want to leave the house. Haha.

I just would love it if you were to help me buy a Combo 1 Long John Silver's meal and drop it off at my place. Oooh, wonderful fries in oil. I can also walk out, and buy a Macdonald's meal, but I'm really, really far too lazy to walk. Wait, where am I going to get the money? Dang.

Oh I like the May babies: Clarence & Ruby. I can't remember the only five names. Lol.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Protein shake. Big nono.

My mum asked me to drink this protein+all sorts of funny nutrients shake, and it requires adding two different packets of things.

I drank it, and I really have to say this, you can never trust a mother's words, in a way, especially in the area of food and tasting. She keeps telling me it's so yummy and perfect, yeah and I was practically salivating.

Well it was horrible.

Then my maid only added ONE packet of the ingredients, which is the proteins. Oh gross, so I was drinking a protein shake with practically no flavour. It was cereal-like, okay actually, but when you reach the bottom, it's so awfully ack! I know Lynette would have spat that out. Lol.

Lyn went to the Isetan private sale, and I hope she's getting me stuff.

Maybe it's just psychological, but I think I'm gonna have a diarrhoea.

Shuffling Music.

Instructions: Go to your player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. DO NOT CHEAT.

Q: How does the world see me?
A: Third Day - I See Love
(Haha, as if luh, hilarious!)

Q: Will I have a happy life?
A: Fall Out Boy - Sugar We're Going Down Swinging

Q: What do my friends really think of me?
A: Jesse Mccartney - Beautiful Soul
(This sounds so totally self-praise okay, and I didn't even pick the songs myself, they were on shuffle)

Q: Do people secretly lust after me?
A: Jamie Cullum - Seven Days to Change Your Life
(Okay, perhaps they do, after I spend 7 days to change my life uh! No link)

Q:How can i make myself happy?
A: Jason Mraz - You and I Both
(Okay this makes no sense, perhaps I'd be happy with my other half)

Q:What can i do with my life?
A: Kelly Rowland - Stole
(And how do I stole with my life, steal things? Lame.)

Q:Will i ever have children?
A: The Afters - Wait
(Haha I guess that speaks for itself. I'd have to wait, darn it!)

Q:What is some good advice for me?
A: Hillsong United - Let Creation Sing
(Okay, this seems so gay, I shouldn't count praise music right?)

Q:How will I be remembered?
A: Michelle Branch - Sweet Misery
(Omg, why do I even have this bore of a song in my computer?! Oh I'm remembered as sweet misery. Ah, sweet misery you caused me, that's what you called meeeee...)

Q:What is my signature dancing song?
A: Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want
(This song is so undanceable, I'll probably trip, never get up and die starving down there)

Q:What do i think my current theme song is?
A: The Afters - Beautiful Love
(Aiya, I have too many The Afters music already. It keeps getting selected)

Q:What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
A: The Academy Is - Slow Down
(Okay so should I slow down? Slow down what?)

Q:What song will play at my funeral?
A: Black Eyed Peas - Don't Phunk With My Heart
(Uhh, don't come to my funeral only to show your face? Or don't ever even think of digging my heart out and donating it to someone who needs it? Hahaha!)

Q:What sort of men/women do i like?
A: Click Five - I'll Take My Chances
(Oh gross. I'll take my chances in both sexes right...)

Q:What is my day going to be like?
A: Lee Ryan - When I Think Of You
(It's good. :D Didn't I just say I was thoughtless?)

Ripped from here.

Never Knew Them.

Earwax: Oasis - Wonderwall

Every day seems like judgment day, when you find out that you're not that good at a particular subject during the exam, you just feel like a failure. The subjects that I put so much effort in, are the ones that I still feel like I'm gonna flunk and the subjects I don't really care about, or just took a glance through my notes, I feel like they're so easy I can say peasy after it. Heh, and here I am trying to make myself feel better with corny jokes.

Chemistry was good, A Math was horrible. I told you I can't clique with numbers (You know, be friends with numbers) - I really suck. Once again, I couldn't finish my A Math paper, and much too many questions were left blank, I don't even want to count the number of marks already lost with those blanks. It's too depressing. I can't even bring myself to say "Tomorrow's a better day" although I know it's gonna be a better one. :D

You see, how obnoxious I think I am. I don't even think I feel all this - I'm just verbalising/typing everything out, but personally I don't even feel anything at all. Never felt much depression from my results or anything. Sure I'll complain "Oh my, my results suck, I really need to buck up", "I don't even want to look at it. Argh!" and all that, but do I really feel anything? Seems more like I'm paying myself some lip service. Besides I would love to look at my results. I love it.

No I don't feel anything. No thoughts of suicide (that's overexaggerating, but you get the gist). No thoughts of being a failure. No thoughts of acting pathetic. (I just know girls do this to gain sympathy from their male classmates). No thoughts of even crying. In fact, thoughtless.

Ha, forget it, I'm just telling it like it is, not that anyone understands what I'm trying to say.

I just wanna spend this afternoon getting some retail therapy. If I can, that is.

The Rocket Summer - Never Knew
I just ran into a few someones today
Someones that I never really knew
And I used to think how I had them all so figured out

But no, none of it's true cuz I never knew you
And now the truth of it is, is
I wanna be like you
So hello, good friend, I wanna be next to you
From my head from my heart for it's true

So I'm burning the thoughts
Of the things that I once said
Because you tore down the walls
That the world that has put inside my head
And I just get of sick of the things
That we think, we think we know

So take me and save me and
Change me and then make me
And embrace me
And then brave my heart for you
No, No, cuz I can't go on without you
And it's time for something new

And as they as strolled along
My heart broke out in song
From all the things and the thoughts and
Assumptions that I had wrong
So now I'll be on my way to make this claim
I'll make it famous in every way
I'll make it stay when I will say that

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The poor groom's wife's a whore.

Oh dear, her infidelity just spilled all over the floor. Can somebody help her?


Lina reminds me that my birthday is coming, in a matter of just 11 days, and after the exams are over, which is just, this Friday, it'll be one week to my birthday! Cool!

Ironically, I'm not looking forward to it because of various weird reasons.

E Math Paper 2 was hell. I got at least 20 marks gone, into outer space because I keep getting stuck and the Lit Paper 2 was pretty okay, surprisingly.

I spent 3 hours studying A Math just now, and my brain's so fried now - and I started studying Chem at 9, and slacking off now. Just glanced through my textbook. Perhaps I'll read the notes tomorrow. I'm such a bummer.

I skipped A Math extra lesson today, together with some other people, I only know Liyen, Melissa & Erica though. :D

Lenses blurring up.

Information overload! Screw exams.

I'm so random uh.

Messaging is probably my only thing that keeps my sanity. I honestly feel like I'm going crazy.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Earwax: Yellowcard - Rough Landing Holly

Had my E Math Paper 1 & my History Elective paper today. All was good, E maths was pretty easy and I thank Hiew for the super-long-winded-revision yesterday afternoon. History was pretty tough, and for the first time, you see me stressing that I cannot finish the paper.

You can say that I didn't really 'finish' finish the paper, I just quickly summed up everything during the last 3 minutes, so that I didn't have to deal with the rush and all, like Meixuan does, and I still had time to look around, observe the other classes from what I can see from my window and basically stone away.

And I used to have too much spare time to look around, sleep and observe other people's furiously scribbling hands and concentrated faces, I guess those times are gone.

I sleep pretty early, and I wake up more tired than the night before, how ironic.

I'm glad I took a nap this afternoon, I have finished reading the whole of Macbeth from 8-10pm, incredible! I told myself to finish the book in like 2 weeks and I finish it in 2 hours instead, on the eve of the exam. Ran through my Macbeth stuff, honestly I'm so frickin' stressed over the Macbeth section of Lit, it's hard to expect what's going to come out, and all that skills involved just makes my head spin.

My sister says I always claim I'm stressed
- I don't act like it.
- I'm so happy and jumpy that you wouldn't even think I have exams.
- I'm playing/shopping with all my exam-over friends.

Haha, do not be fooled! Although I don't seem like it, I can suddenly settle into this mode that I'll be grouchy if I can't do anything, start stomping my feet on the ground and my eyes will just threaten torrential rain. (Okay, this is such an attempt at being descriptive, but you've got to admit that the effect is cool uh! Haha)

Yeah, but that hardly happens, unless I'm really unprepared, lost and I don't know what more. I don't work around stress well, or stressed people. I think they just annoy me and make me lose my concentration on what I'm studying. My parents should know that - if they were to stress me and or try to make me study, I'll just sit back, throw my books on the table, put my hands behind my head and watch them fume. Yup, I'm a big example of obnoxious rebellion. Oh and presently they never get to know when my exams are because I don't want them to stress me, and they feel insulted that they are not informed. My mom mainly. Dads don't really care about the dates, they care about the results. Which is good!

Fathers are practical. Mothers are just kiasu, pessimistic, and always think of stupid things for you to do.

I need to teach Mel how to do Lit quotations, with all that square bracketing for change of subjects. See! Lit sounds like Math! Ugh.

We came down to watch the world walk by
And all she found was trouble in my eyes
From the sky she pulled me down tonight
Let her go

Monday, May 15, 2006

Pure, unedited snapshots.

Thoughtfully sweet.
Louisa, Jeralyn & Michelle.
Oh those were the days.

Bench females.
What's with me and lame faces?

Gerald looks pregnant.

Power to the greens.
Jonathan & Lynette

Aunt Esther, Clarissa, Lynette, Louisa, Cheryl
Jonathan, Joel, Gerald & Bernice

Louisa, Cheryl & Joel

Sunday, May 14, 2006


It's the eve of Operation Drown-Yourself-In-Examinations.

The last few days have been holiday-like, including today. I do regret refusing to study but it's all fine and dandy, still. Just like Uncle Dennis says "Gerald, oh he doesn't care, he's so happy-go-lucky" Ah, sounds like me uh?

I went on a shopping spree today, and it was enjoyable. My, my, I still want those shades.

A packed day I'd say. With church, then shopping, then piano lesson, then dinner at my Uncle's place. It was funny there, but boring as well. The cousins sat in the same position the whole night! Gerald was cute, as usual, and Jonathan had on this really cool green shirt. Heh, and Joel, always being the red tomato. :D Pictures were taken, but as I'm supposed to be studying now, can't upload luh.

Oh and here's a toast to all the aging mothers in the world, I wrote a cute/lame/mean letter to my mom, I found it pretty amusing, I don't know about her. :D Happy Mothers' Day.

Don't we look like cows? Moo?

Saturday, May 13, 2006

All in a night. I loved.

Then I jumped around, pranced and started dancing.

What a wonderful afternoon and night. Well spent I'd say! Our night was spent fulfilling our deep desires of paparazzi and enjoying the breezy empty trains for an hour. Okay, so it wasn't so breezy, just that we had the whole train to ourselves, and we were camwhoring with Jeralyn's camera. Haha, we took a lot of silly, spastic shots. Just me, Jeralyn & Michelle. Ah.

We weren't even embarrassed. We stepped on MRT seats, stepped on the benches at Marina Bay, jumped around, climbed the poles in the train, pole-danced, ran out of the trains to cam-whore without our bags (Can you imagine if the doors closed and our belongings were left in there? We'd be refugees!) and did everything possible in a empty train compartment. (We trained to Marina Bay then to Raffles Place then to Marina Bay again).

An interesting night without barriers, boundaries and whatever self-consciousness. Self-consciousness spoils everything you know.

Thankfully I was dressed in a tank, loose brown jeans and red sneakers. I like sneakers, they make me feel young. Comfortability rocks! :D

We were our own brat pack tonight.

We'd do it subtly slow.

Earwax: Thirsty Merc - When the Weather is fine

It's nice to wake up to your father yelling at you to get up and eat the Big Breakfast he bought for you. Beats being woken up to no breakfast right?

I woke up too early, at ten o' clock. There's nothing to do but study, and then I need to get a Mother's Day present. Big booboo. I don't know what to get, and I have nobody to go with. Seeing that I have no ideas, it's better to go with someone because I'll look like a pervert stalking somebody or some crafty shoplifter looking around for when nobody's around so that I can sneak something into my tote. Haha, or maybe I'm just being paranoid and overimaginative.

I think it's the latter.

I really don't want to study, just feel like burning my books at the stake. But then I still need them for Secondary Three and Sec Four. Ah, Cheryl and I were talking about the silliest thing on the face of the planet last night for an hour. We were dying of boredom - resulting in the siIanx ahhx liians coPiicattx nerh. Yeah. I think you get what mean.

Honestly I feel like the exams are over.

Oh and I'll send my condolences to the Secondary Fours going to have their Chinese O Level. What a drag. It's 2 weeks away.

She moves fast, takes control
And like a heart attack I know I can't turn back
And the time just passed, nights moved slow
And she was all I had, I thought I’d never last
Can’t let her go, it's who you know

Friday, May 12, 2006


Hahaha catch me in my good mood and I'll be churning posts like a machine and loving you like how I love Milk, and Magnolia milk. Notice the capitalisations.

Potato head, *insert name*

Haha when two super bored ah lian frauds meet. :D Haha, I'm getting better at all the ah lian text styles. It's fascinating. Perhaps universities will come up with a course under English Major: Transformations of the English language in the 21st Century, with additions of Chinese.

I doubt they'd waste their time.

Lou: I just love my mina lina!
Lina: Right. Haha... Okies. I love u too! Too bad now exams.. Abit further away. Anyone at ur area to make u laugh besides Erica?
Lina: Oh right, *potato head*.
Lou: Oh my, no. Potato head has a -0 sense of humour puhlease
Lina: Maybe that's why she's so funny. Cos she aint funny, know what i mean? U the brat?Leader of ur tiny lil brat pack.
Lou: Haha. You're part of our brat pack! : DD
Lina: Gasp. Wait.. yaaay! =D
Lou: What's the gasp for. haha. Yes you shld be rejoicing
Lina: Yeah that's why i was like, yaay.
Lina: We should do bratty stuff together , liking poking a guy with our handphones
Lou: Hahaha perfecto. Let's look for some vulnerable targets first
Lina: Duncan hiew! wahaah.
Lou: Oh no. He's so sweaty, my phone will get soiled

SIAO AH, and I'm high, high, high again, as high as the sky!

Okay that sounded very much like a version of National Day patriotic songs played on TV in the month August! Singapore will fly, high as the skyyyy. Imagine that!

Train station.

You know when they say love is in the air, believe them on that.

Did a bit of work in the morning, and then went to Ang Mo Kio to meet somebody, then hung around at the MRT to wait for somebody's boyfriend, and then he wasn't coming, so we left for lunch at Bishan. Slopped around looking for a place to eat, and then after eating at Food Junction (I ate my Bobochacha again! ; last night I had bobochacha too) then we slacked around, wanting to go home, but we decided to train from Bishan to Marina Bay and back. Haha, stupid right?

And I am supposed to study -.- Haha.

To silence me, somebody sent me to Ang Mo Kio station, then rushed off to Bishan again to meet her boyfriend. Ah, again, so eager to chase me home uh. Hahaha, too bad I'm not silenced.

That somebody is MTMT. :D

Michelle was shocked that I watched cartoons (We were imitating some disney channel ads and were guessing) And I could guess all of them hahahaha. :D So I watch cartoons, so what?

Walked home amidst thunder and mini flashes of lightning, haha, and while I was messaging Milk, I wasn't looking, and I stepped into a puddle of sand + water. Ew, it was deep! Went home with my feet black, but I think that had something to do with my trusty black flops.

Watched much teevee after that, some cheesy chinese programme on Channel U (I don't know why the hell the channel was at that, since my family doesn't watch chinese programmes much) involving all the Project Superstar finalists. Haha, the plot was terrible, but anyway, haha it was funny with Kelly Poon having leukamia, and then Junyang being some kendo expert or something, then Weilian is in love with Silver. Lol! Yup, hey, no surprise for me to know their names, maybe I don't like chinese programmes, but it's good to keep yourself updated! Haha, besides it makes good conversation topics. Uhhuh.

I'm obsessed with height, and anyone who has it... Haha, gets a 'good life' (in terms of passing girl's criterias), except on days that there is lightning. (:

I hear the air's fresher up there?

There's one love in a lifetime
Our two hearts of a kind
These three reasons you'll be mine
Four and five and six are through
Seven days without you

Teddy Geiger - For You I Will

Wandering the streets, in a world underneath it all
Nothing seems to be, nothing tastes as sweet
As what I can't have
Like you and the way that you're
Twisting your hair round your finger
Tonight I'm not afraid to tell you
What I feel about you

Oh I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will

Forgive me if I st-stutter
From all of the clutter in my head
Cause I could fall asleep in those eyes
Like a water bed
Do I seem familiar, I've crossed you in hallways
A thousand times, no more camouflage
I want to be exposed, and not be afraid to fall

If I could dim the lights in the mall
And create a mood I would
Shout out your name so it echos in every room
I would

That's what I'd do
That's what I'd do
That's what I'd do, to get through to you


I bullied a lower sec boy today.
Lou: Poke him! Buy drink also take so long uh.
Mel: You poke la.
Lou: -pokes with handphone-
Boy: Leave me alone luhhhh. -pathetic face-


But he thought it was Melissa who poked him! Haha, I always get away scot-free.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Bet your heart on me uh.

Okay Michelle instigated me to do something so hilarious - yet stupid, and I said that if the person didn't reply I'll look stupid, and haha, the person really did not reply. Haha, must be freaked out uh.

I just called her to scold her for going offline because we were transferring music, and I hear that Desmond turned off the internet switch. Haha, brothers ought to be massacred.

I was just wondering why handsome hunks and pretty babes are associated with the word "hot" instead of "cold". Can you imagine someone saying "You're so cold!" meaning the same meaning as "You're so hot!" though. Lol.

She'd better return and send me that song.

PMK pukes.

Some introduction. I usually wake up at 5.45am. This morning, I woke up at 6.50am because I switched off my alarm and went back to sleep. And hahahahahahahhahahhaha, my mom blamed my maid! Daddy blamed me, haha, but I explained to him that she SHOULD be waking up before me, the reason why she only woke me up at 6.50am is because she woke up late as well! Aha!

So I was late for school and Daddy sent me. Drove super slow and I saw Serene on the way, I reached school to hear Michael Buble's Quando Quando Quandooo. Tell me Quando Quando Quando, Tell me when will you be mine? Okay, enough singing there. Haha, so I had my English paper, I finished it really early with 825 words, ha, or 925 I can't remember the hundred. I think it's out of point. Eeh. The second paper was scary, I finished it in 45 minutes, and Meixuan was scaring me as much as I scared her. Haha! So funny luh! I like sitting next to her.

I feel like puking, my stomach feels queasy.

Milk was very, very, super, duper cute today - and the flaming red fire boar was haha, in red! ;D Oh, love, she spoils our favourite colour uh.

I wrote a cute note about "PH and Mel" to Mel. Haha, the two most wonderful people who make me laugh every morning during assembly. I didn't see Mel's disgusted face though.

I don't want the holiday tomorrow because I wouldn't get to see Ginny (Haha for me to know for you to find out!) , PH AND MEL and the flaming red fire boar! HAHAHAHAHA fire boar sounds damn funny!

P.S I spent $1.10 on a puny carton of milk.

Don't worry, I'm not a fan of Newbie, New World Order and Pure Milk. Lol! I'm sure Einitar agrees!


Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I can bet you that the three persons who promised me birthday presents earlier in the year/month/day are not going to give me a birthday present in the end.

Hahaha. Ain't it typical?

Haha. Oon oon.

Gangsters in love with the babes of Shake Lagoon
Suicidal - they'd cheat their way to the moon!
"Study not!" They all croon

Running away with brides ending with Poon!

I am feeling crappy. Lol.

Thinking about the end of this year brings me sadness.

"You burp like a guy!" I just belched and my sister was horrified, haha. I solely exist to turn her off, just like an obnoxious brother.

I get so amused when my sister is horrified.

School started off with a councillor meeting, and we were almost having Judgment Day, it was hilarious though.
Daryl: Those councillors who have broken any rule and know that they've broken any, please fall out. [The whole council falls out except for 10+ people, out of which I could point out 3 whom I always catch without ties... Liars]
We queued up in front of Daryl & Agnes and 'confessed our sins', heh. We stood there and said "Oh, ankle socks, never report, never wear tie" so blatantly. Aye, they're having an election for the new Exco soon.

Had Chinese Listening Compre after school today, and lessons were amusing. It's the last day of 'school' today, with the second exam beginning tomorrow. English, not something I would be frightened about, but I failed one component already, because I ponned the stupid debate thing. Lol, along with fifteen other students, yeah so perhaps I should be afraid.

I know I need to study, but I wanna eat the Van Houten raisin chocolates. They're oh-so-tempting, but they're gonna give me a sore throat considering that I finished one packet yesterday. :D What a pig.

I don't want Secondary Three life to be over so soon. It's already the fifth month, and I love Sec 3 so much. I want time to stop, now, forever. Pleasee.

Honey would love the bee as the carton and the milk

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Good Day.

Ervin thinks I hate him because of the previous post, well I don't heh. Too bubbly and cute to hate uh. Okay that sounded a bit gay, haha but never mind!

I'm studying now, for real. I imagine the exams flying at ultra speed to catch me unaware, and then I realise it's coming and I start running, on a bloody treadmill argh. Haha, okay I'm getting so overdramatic here.

Everyone's planning post-exam activities when we're supposed to be engrossed in studying eh. Lol. We all just wanna party and wreak havoc!

My thighs feel sore.

I have the English letter to write, which I have no idea what to write as the I&E Club President to plan activities for everyone at the upcoming 'Sengkang Community Club', oh yeah right. Leon was saying it's so damn gay, but anyway, haha, thank you for the formal letter writing format! Haha, I was making sure with both him and Glande.

It is time of the last lessons. Physics' last lesson is over. Lit's last lesson (before the exam) is over. Like oh my god. I'm so stressed, other schools are having papers now, and we are still in pre-exam mode. Oh shucks.

I will post later, I have to finish Literature Unseen Prose & Poem notes by tonight. I feel stressed, finally.

I'll take the blame if you take me home now
Cuz there's no place left for trust in all this pain
And you know when it rains in this town
I get washed away without a sound
So pin my wings down

Monday, May 08, 2006

Prickled by the lard.

Just drank lime juice. My throat feels sore. I am sick I know. I woke up with throbbing headache today and last night I had it as well. I nearly didn't want to go school, but I thought about pre-exams math lessons. I'm scared. I thought someone made a voodoo out of me and spent the whole night pricking my head until it felt like it was swollen. I walked around, stumbling occasionally like my head weighs a ton, and I felt like I died today.

I don't know how many times I felt like I died already. Cliche.

Daddy bought lots of chocolates, and I refuse to eat them, even though they're my favourite, Van Houten! Too fattening & unhealthy. At least I'm skinny and I try to cut down on the unhealthy things, you're fat and you just ask and receive chocolates, candy and everything fatty. Haha. It's no wonder you're fat, honey, it's no wonder you're fat.

I'm not against fat people, neither am I against those who got fat genes (It's really sadly not their fault) I'm just against fat people who don't make an effort to cut down on their fatful lifestyle or try dieting.

You're obesity on its own.

Lies, lies, lies, get out

Used Paper Towels. Is that puppy for sale?

I don't feel good tonight.

Had a hilarious time in the morning during assembly when Mel was feeling grouchy funny. Haha, I doubt you get that, but she was making rude comments at the two guys beside us because they were being well, obnoxiously pervertic, not that we aren't used to it, but Mel doesn't like males poking at her knees, which female would? A hooker?

It is so not our fault that we have to always sit with males because our class has a huge lot of females, 29 to be exact.

Caught Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement on Disney, and surprisingly Mel caught it too. Aye. What fairytale endings, not my type of show, but well, it's sweet.

Here's a snapshot(s) on how Mel and I converse with each other.

It is a continuous conversation. How formal eh?

There was english remedial today, and I refused to attend it, along with a lot of other people (I hope).

Tomorrow's a better day.

Oh beautiful one
You make life bitter for me

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Life is unfair, honey.

Trusted you too much? I don't know, somehow I don't feel so.

And I'll say "Life is unfair, honey."

"Wow, I feel like slapping you man, what mentality is that! If they ask you why you didn't help, you say life is unfair, you see how many people are gonna slap you"
"You want me to get slapped right?"
"No la heh. Just joking around ok."

Mr Want-To-Please-Everyone, you make me go "Oh please". It's the vicious cycle where 1 stabs 2 & complains to 3 & 3 tells 2 when 2 asks about it and 2 stabs 1. So basically 3 knows everything, but then 1+2 stabs 3.

Let's backstab everyone and then we'd all be in equilibrium.

I'll blame it on the weatherman.

Oh forsaken town.

Let me be subtle - You can behave like such a w-h-o-r-e.

My mom is crazy. Lol, she's yelling at my sister over the phone and shooting her like crazy. Aye, when schizophrenia meets leeching defiance.

And he said "Bowling is not for tall people" I am short, and I suck, with occasionally good games or all-zilch-score games. Lol.

I feel like bowling, I feel like swimming, I feel like tanning, I feel like doing fun stuff with strangers. Aye, gotta wait til the end of the exams, which is 2 weeks later, oh schnap.

It's time to get back to school, and I haven't studied one bit the whole weekend.

I have a sore throat, and I did something suicidal by gobbling up a whole packet of BBQ Jack&Jill's.

You still got a way to get out of this forsaken town
So you swallow your pride put your feet on the gas
And you're laughing inside about kicking your ass

Short, tall, stupid, smart.

Aljunied's my GRC, and PAP won.

By the way, I like Goh Chok Tong because he's so tall & nice. Hahaha, don't really like LHL because he's not as tall. Not tall, no cool aura eh.

I like tall guys. I don't mind feeling shorter. Too many stunted guys around already.

Judgment Day.

Just got back a while ago.

I am watching the Election Results as I'm blogging this. I'm pro-PAP, but they've lost two constituencies already. Ah.

I slacked the whole day away, on the comp, watching TV and basically refusing to read my Lit text.

The night was nice, I was at the Parents' Night Dinner at the Civil Service Club, the exterior of that place is so grungy, but the interiors are fine. Hahaha. The food was pretty alright, the cold dish sucked because it wasn't even cold! I always love the prawns dipped in mayo, and that wasn't cold at all, so the prawn tasted like rubber. Terrible.

The organisers planned some mini games, and that was cute, honestly there were about only 30 younger than 25 youths at the dinner, the total amount of people is 300. Hahaha, the rest were old fellows, yup and seeing them running forward to scream an answer or something like that was hilarious, not to mention, you know, aunties are the most kanchiong people ever.

My mom's friend Nellie is the funniest person alive, and the only person who daringly dares to oppose my dad. Hahahahaha! Love that look on my dad's face when he is being attacked. (Nobody dares to attack my dad you know, I mean verbally.)

My ballerina look was gooood. Hahahaha. Didn't get to talk to Michelle because her table was sooo faraway from mine, whereas Cheryl and I were a table away from each other, and she looked utterly bored the whole time. Haha, Uncle Dennis & Auntie Mary was there with Uncle D's parents and haha, they're so hilariously adorable, and Cheryl retardedly said that his dad was quite hip because he carries a Giordano umbrella. Like ... -.- Oh yeah, we totally love Uncle D because he's so hip and super nice to Gerald & Bernice (Sim).

Yeah whatever I'm feeling super cheesed out because of boredom.

I'm tired and grumpy and I need to study and my contacts are blur and I'm so lazy to bathe. Argh.

The election results are slow. It's AMK GRC now, yup and LHL is talking.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Sing it out, spit it out.

I'm becoming a cynic towards blogging and blogs.

Everyone is afraid of expressing their feelings towards certain things like they should because on a blog, your life is placed in a display piece, to be judged, to be criticized and no one likes to be watched like that with all their eyes so accusing.

Some would envy others, their lives, how perfectly everything falls into place in the other person's, and then they start putting themselves down, and asking rhetorical questions like
"Why am I not as rich as her?"
"Why is she so sought after by males?"
"Is she that attractive?"
And then they find out she's gay, then they start gossiping about her.


I think I'm being so oh-so-philosophical. Hahaha.

Such unglamness, trying to get subway cookie crumbs out of my braces.

By the way, I think Kim Wakerman's an airhead.

Friday, May 05, 2006


It's Parents' Night tomorrow and there's a dinner. Oh yeah, we'd get to eat good food, and I'll get to see both Cheryl and Michelle. Boy, I haven't taken saturday buses with Cheryl for a long, long time. It's time for both of us to catch up on life. Hers isn't as interesting as mine (haha, because she's mugging or trying to mug all day) so haha, it's more like a one-sided catching up. Heh.

I love these two darlings. More on Cheryl though because I just stayed over at Mich's place not long ago and I talk to her more often on msn. Cheryl doesn't even come online at least twice in a week.

I just pulled everything out of my cupboard. All the clothes, and towels, haha, and now I have no more walking space at my door area of my room. Hahaha, the bed area still has space. Haha.

Tomorrow I'm gonna be a ballerina. ;D And it's not halloween.

Michelle is gonna be a chicken, as she insists. Hahahaha. I doubt that'll happen anyway. Gee.

So maybe later today I'll know

Rocket Summer baby!

I'm obsessed. I'm a stalker. That's us. That's me. That's her. And we're the Gay Alliance. Let's do the Miss Universe Wave. Waistholders, call your girlfriends & boyfriends along. Let's be gays aloud. Scream "burn bras" and support Feminist movements.

It's how gay we've been that counts.
Milky Way is My Way, My Way or the Highway.

Slide your feet, Create the shock
Touch another, Watch it pop
Live a little, Live a lot
And show me everything you've got

Oh, cause it takes some time
And just a little bit of good
Reality won't hurt for longer than it should
Just talkin' 'bout talking about pain that is there
Face the fact, don't act like you don't care
And then they decided to send me for counselling.


When you're nice to someone, you feel so, so satisfied right? Ah, I shall be nice more. The feeling's goooood. Hey, but then I'm so selective about who I'm nice to, hahaha.

I love Erica much! Hahaha. Dearest toilet buddy.

Had both my Chinese papers today, it was pretty alright, and I don't feel like I'm going to fail, although that always happen anyway, heh. Song En says I look pretty happy to fail. Haha okay. I'm just happy-go-lucky! Oh joy luck.

Had A Math extra lessons, then went down to the locker, and the school was like ghost town, with all the classrooms locked up. Haha, seriously.

Oh my god his voice is damn nice! -swoon-

I turned on the radio
To find you on satellite
I'm waiting for this sky to fall
I'm waiting for a sign
And all we are

Is all so far

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Appreciative Gestures

It's a surprise what truth does to you, makes you tragically happy and joyfully pissed, I think I'm just jumping to conclusions. Haha, here I am playing around with oxymorons and all that. Today's the last Chinese lesson with the fat chicken, and we're pretty happy yet sad to see her go? I don't know. It feels funny writing that out. She's pretty funny, overexaggerated, but amusing all the same.

And all it takes for me to like you is for you to make me laugh.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur, with exceptions of me holding Erica's waist on the way to the toilet, Mel and I forcing Xinyi's and her stuff into her locker and laughing like mad, smelling the oh-so-smelly girl with nasty body odour. Seriously it was nasty, never smelled anything like this, from a girl! I don't even smell it from a guy after PE eh.

Today I fell and felt better
Just knowing this matters
I just feel stronger and sharper
Found a box of sharp objects
What a beautiful thing

Sucker for cheat codes.

If what you'd felt was love, then this is the break-up song.

You cheated in the game we played. I'm not some dumb blonde, and I do do my homework when I make a friend, haha I got you there didn't I. You don't even know a hoot about me and you talk a whole load of crap that I just politely entertained. You can't beat someone at her own game. The whole time we were playing the same game, plotting the same moves and doing the exact same things, but one thing I know, is that I know what I'm not supposed to know. In this whole hourglassed struggle, I beat you hands-down. So now, Plan A and B have been accomplished, who's next, what's next. And what's Plan C?

I'm sorry love, if you continue doing this, you're gonna hurt real bad.

Lou, let's be hypocritical and play pretend-I'm-stupid-lame-and-sweet.
I'd always close one eye and be nice to test the waters.

Figure me out.

And then I sit back, relax, chuckle to myself and watch you trip over yourself. Hahaha.

Skeptics & True Believers.

Don't be so scared, we will not lead you on
Like you've been doing for weeks
So you're selfish, and I'm sorry
When I'm gone you'll be going nowhere fast

Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you,
'cause I wouldn't believe you if you said the same to me
Near death, last breath, and barely hanging on
Would you believe me if I said I didn't need you?

Don't be scared to take a second for reflection,
To take a leave of absence, see what you're made of
So I'm selfish, and you're sorry
When I'm gone you'll be going nowhere fast.
So who's selfish, and who's sorry?

Someone, somewhere said some things
That may have sparked some sympathy, but don't believe.
Don't believe a word you've heard about me.
Don't be so scared. It's harder for me.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A Humour=0 Post, Wow Math.

Yet again, I wave goodbye to the old, and welcome the new.

I remember my old blog titles - and they're quite amusing at times.

I had, Life On Rewind in April 2004, The Feminist Files in 2004/2005 and then Rojak and many many more. But the most significant to me was The Fem Files. Yeah, heh. I liked that a lot and I was fierce in that period of time, with no sense of sympathy whatsoever. Lol.

Oh, everybody likes to act as though they know the world about someone. It's nonsense because everyone has their secrets, baby, and they're not sharing it with you.

I am off to bed, I have spent a long time online and it's time to retire.

Four things I'd like to do during my June holidays:
1. Pee in my pants.
2. Get my manicure done - YELLOW NAILS PLEASE.
3. Get a nokia 8250
4. Laugh at myself after I've done the above because they are absolutely stupid, and that you actually read it, did you really think I'd paint my nails YELLOW. I'll look like I have jaundiced nails, and there's no such thing. Ha-ha. Oh, what a bad joke.


And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing
You were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs
So sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?

In Retrospect.

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
-Macbeth (5.5.23)

For we are but of yesterday, and are ignorant; for our days upon earth are but a shadow.
-Job 8:9

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Beautiful Rebels.

I'm studying like mad, and I don't know where all this motivation comes from, I think it's from Milk! ;D

OH TAKE A STUDY BREAK AND WATCH THIS; Sebastian is circulating it. Lol - It's Hilarious

I don't know whether I was dreaming last night, but I felt like/know I woke up nearly every hour. Ah, insomnia. Now I know what Thet feels like. The feeling sucks, but I wasn't really tired in school, except during Math, Graphs are boring.

I need fresh stuff.

Literature was good, got back our assignments, and I failed. Pretty disappointed, but most of us failed anyway, you know write about the irony and yada. I spent quite a lot of time on that, but oh well. The one that I didn't spend so much time or effort on, I got 8/10, now that is irony!

Supposed to have Chemistry Bonding test, and postponed it to tomorrow because we depressed her and we purposefully wasted away our one period's worth of time.

Haha, I've put on weight - Such a fat ass. All that inner thigh crap and false senses of security. Lol, okay, but that's a whole debate with Propo and Oppo operated by yours truly.

I'm crazy. I'm cranky. And I'm missing dinner (I'm full with 2 servings of pasta/spaghetti at 3 plus) Ugh.

Let's start all over again.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Rhyme away the time with broken clocks a minute a chime.

Earwax: Ashlee Simpson - Pieces Of Me

There is this nut thingy stuck in my braces from the popiah I ate this evening. Argh, it can't get out. I'm sorry if this grosses you out, oh woes of a metal-ful mouth.

Mother spent a total of $93 on me today. ;D But two-thirds of it was spent on things that nobody would see, get the point get the point? Hahahahahaha. Oh going out with two aunties is hard. Really hard. Going anywhere is hard because they are sooo inefficient and they walk so slowly. Oh well, at least Mother pays for me, that makes up for the time wasted from getting from shop to shop (especially it's so crowded)

I need to study. There's homework I forgot about, it's as though they always hide in corners of my mind and the night before school starts all over again, they start screaming for attention. Argh, I hate my brain.

Milk Carton wants to slap me. Slap me and I'll get your good friend to sit on you and then you'd die. Lol!

Attack the brain
Draw extra veins in

Colour them turquoise and pink
My my, I love green

A very random thing I just wrote. Haha, I'm lame.

That's Hot Go Get It.

I have 2 items on my That's-Hot-Go-Get-It list. They cost 70 bucks altogether, if you're nice you'd get it for my birthday, if you're not, don't talk to me about it. Hahahaha.

I've never been so materialistic like that, but I really love that bag. Heh. It's overpriced and everything, but I like it, that's all that matters isn't it? I like Jinghan for saying that but she always says I overspend but hey, I haven't gone shopping in like months. I mean like spree-like. Haha, small shopping sprees don't count, and I only went smallshoppingspree 3 weeks ago. So all's fair to myself and myself. Lol.

I really make no sense.

Going out with my mom & her friend later, I know that's gross, but honestly I haven't gone out with her since like December because she always argues with me, this time her friend is there and I'm gonna get her to buy me stuff. OH YES. I hope I can get some stuff, she's pretty stingy and she thinks I rob the bank to buy my pretty things. -_- Annoying.

I think I'm getting sick. You know, this usual feeling that you get when a fever's coming. Yes, it's terrible.


I am so lazy to blog, and it's already Monday, hahaha, I am not asleep yet, for the first time, and I realised, I haven't touched my handphone since 5.30pm today, cool huh? Lol. Oh well. Excuse me if I don't reply your messages, I have overshot this month's sms consumption, yup, be understanding alright, if you need anything blah, just call me, I've got lots of call time to spare. Heh. ;D

It's really late! Normally I sleep around 10 plus because I have nothing to do, but this time I have 2 essays to do, and I'm sleeping so late and NOT doing it. Lol, there's no one online, geez, I mean there is, but not the people I'd really like to talk to...

Let me check my phone - It's the most dead thing ever la. I'm not surprised there's no smses or missed calls. Heh what a loser. Omg, serious eh. No calls, no smses. Ah.

Today was fine, what a boring routine day that I don't even want to talk about it. Forgot to eat dinner, pretty hungry now, my sister is staying over at her friend's place, so I have the whole room to myself, yay? I'm using her laptop and I just played the Sims for like 2 hours plus. My my, I feel like I've sinned so much just by doing that, you know, all that wasting time stuff that parents never fail to talk about?

Ah, I'm feeling so slack and lazy, I really don't wanna do anything, but the exams are coming, and I'm stressed and I have my own goals to meet.

Kill me...

For your information, not that you want to know, but I finished typing this post in four minutes. Pro huh? ;D