Thursday, March 02, 2006

Shopping Queen.

Oh my god. My house name is like Apollo. Like ajsjgirwejfwheouhtgnkn !!! -no vulgarities there-

Extreme grossness.

Aye, house meeting tomorrow, gonna have to embarrass myself doing cheers in front of the whole house. Geez.

Wth, Angelina, Joonwei and I were saying that it's a biscuit brand, while others said it was a sweet brand. Like gosh. Angelina says that we should use an Apollo biscuit as our mascot. Sheeeesh! ;D

Like yucks!


School was fun, had loads of laughter, ah, love my class! They're such cheerful and humourous people.

After school, hung around for a while, then was forced by Angelina to go for house meeting! Went to meet Mrs Yusoff and discussed some cheers, then Angelina, Joonwei and I left earlier, leaving one retarded sec two, and another normal sec two there with the vice house captain, ah, Cherish was busy with some debate thing.

Rushed home, then went out with my sister. We saw Jingting - working! LOL.

Spent a total of $42. Mm, quite satisfied with my buy, but I still need to get more stuff, the essentials I mean. (Oh fashion, trends, clothes!) Okay, I'm not that obnoxiously spoilt to follow trends.

Hmm, yeap that's all for today.

Don't trip yourself over me

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