Friday, March 31, 2006


I haven't gone out with Jeralyn for months, and we haven't really got the time to go tanning or to the beach or anything. Aah. Both of us are just way caught up in school activities and all, like I'm just so into finishing my homework on time (our due dates are always days later) and then revising my stuff (yeah la, I'm a loser lol) and just having fun on Saturdays with them, and she's caught up with all that cheerleading, band and popularity stuff. Yeah, she's one popular ladeh.

I really hate this about me, I'm lazy, therefore I hate crowded places (jostling with people) and noisy places (yeah I love music, but many music put together is noise). Yeah, so let's be lifeless. Although I kinda like shopping alone now, I get things done, way faster.

School went past in a blur, really. I guess when we have such a short day (on Fridays) and all, it's cool. Aces was so lame, the sec threes have to bear with skipping (Like what the- So Pre school! Not even Primary school. Hahaha.) I don't understand why. Haha, I know that we're taking turns, like one cohort will do jogging, then physical training, then aerobics and skipping. It's swopped once a term. How unfair. The Sec ones are doing aerobics, the sec 2s are doing jogging, the sec 3s are doing skipping. -_- And the sec 4s are doing PT, and boy, Erica and I watched the sec fours/fives doing PT, it was hell! When we did PT, it was Mr Lee, and he just let us play lame games with the medicine ball. But their teacher-in-charge was Mr Zaman and he was torturing them like, I don't know what. Maybe the beginning was fine. Lol.

Oh yeah, skipping is so embarrassing. Those mocking sec twos were watching us from the 2nd/3rd/4th storey. Aye.

Miss Chan got really peeved with us today. I rushed my English work during recess ;D

A Math was funny, but Hiew checked our books and most of us had empty books, thankfully I had the old textbook, so my questions were different. -_- Yup.

Were supposed to have an extra one-hour lesson, and it got cancelled yeah. In the end rushed my EM homework and handed it up. Dah, had to reach him by 5pm if not trouble.

Mel did her nails in black & green stripes. Coool. Watermelon fingers. Haha!

Do you know I have a date tomorrow, but I don't know who I'm going with. Haha. Crap.

I'm two quarters and a heart down
And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds
These words are all I have so I'll write them
So you need them just to get by

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