Friday, February 17, 2006


It's Friday, yet again although I particularly don't like the weekends now. Seems so stressful. There's all that essays to hand up and stuff. The feeling sucks.

I've got English Compre to hand up and 2 stupid Chinese essays to hand up. Crap la, I want to town and eat Pepper Lunch.

Moo. School was alright today, had ACEs and we swopped our activites, so now the sec 3 cohort is doing ACEs with Mr Wilson Lee. Damn. He's nice and all, but super strict. I remember Mel and Darren getting caught on Thurs for some uniform 'disorder', bleagh. Ever heard of giving chances? Discipline-wise I'd prefer Freddy Goh anytime. We were playing the medicine ball game and Hiew was really nice not to rat on us because we were like cheating la, rolling the ball the way to the front, and Choco Chip was a pig la, she kept muttering "cheaters always win what, see my class never cheat then lose la"She sounds like a sore loser, come on la, we saw that her class cheated as well. Buyousness. Bleagh. Mr LLT kept ratting on his own class ... and made them get punished = 20 pushups.

SS Test. Chem Test. E Math Common Test.

Surprise surprise. I thought E Math CT was like super easy! For the first time! It's the two easiest topics - duh.

Triple English was so boring. Shahfain, Andy and I went to run errands for Ms Chan, and she wanted to see her crush, so I helped her and went with her - I'm so nice. Then Andy was wondering why we were walking on the third floor pass the NA classes and 4/5, 4/6 when we went up from the general office (different sides of the building). Felt a little lame after that. Hahaha.

Stayed back until 2, to supposedly do my Lit Proj with Melissa, then Michelle came along and distracted us, so we ate lunch and was playing with this freaky guy from 1/4 together with his freako friend. So insulted him for a while then chased him away to Gen's (+many other class people) table. Yup.



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