Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Old Woman.

An excerpt from Hejin's blog;

"School's celebrating Valentine's' Day under the guise of "Friendship Day". Cheesy, if you ask me. Teddy bears, chocolates, flowers and other paraphernalia associated with February 14th will be sold in the canteen that day. You can dedicate songs to people too. Meh. Valentine's Day is so commercialised. If you sincerely believe that you need to buy gifts for your partner because it's Valentine's Day, then I say you are a gullible little twit that needs to be educated immediately.

It's just an excuse for stupid stores to injure your finances big-time, dimwits! You don't need a designated day to show your love to your partner! Why do you buy roses for a girl on Valentine's Day when you can get it for half the price another time of the year? Why do you succumb to marketing tactics, huh, huh?! So you boys can prove that you've got dates, and you girls can show off your huge bouquets of flowers that you can barely wrap your arms around?

And I detest those metallic heart-shaped helium-filled balloons. Get that overpriced crap out of my way.

What else I do not like: Giggly girls. Pieces of fabric stuffed with polyester(read: soft toys). Single stalks of wilting flowers. They look so dismal. Over-enthusiastic friendly people handing out little packages of "sweet" hand-made parcels stuffed with pieces of candy or other miscellanous edibles.

You make me feel bad. Just a little bit, mind you.I'm not being sour-grapey! *hollers for all to hear*"

Full post here.


She's one funny girl (the writer @ this blog add above). Hahaha. (Despite her being mean to me, yeah yeah, but I'm not gonna be so lame as in hate her just because of that one thing she did. It's dumb.) And the fact that she actually made me laugh today, hmm, I'm just shocked at myself. Read on.

I'm actually sick, really sick. I don't know, just everywhere I suppose.

I've got cramps, everywhere. I've got a sore throat (and this time, it really has got to do with my tonsils that I was forced to drink some gross herbal tea and my mom put in lots of lime & honey.) Ahuh.

I don't feel like talking, or moving or anything. In fact, I feel like sulking and just groaning on the bed like some old folk awaiting death.

Well enough about my old woman crap. I'll just write something here to satisfy myself, after all, this doesn't need me to open my mouth at all.


School was fine, slightly more boring than yesterday, but it was okay. Melissa came, and our class had quite a huge amount of kids that didn't go for the camp (Okay, why did I term all of us as 'kids'?) with Shandy, Zihui, Kennard, Zhenru, Melissa, Einitar, Shafain, Wanyi and I. =D They're quite funny people, really.

We started with PE, again, yeah, with 6 laps, again and Einitar got pumped for not tucking in her shirt. Poor her. But we didn't have PT today, no push-ups, crunches anything and Mella sat out 'cause she had an MC, that pig. Lol. Okay la, she's injured at the knee.

Had some dumb science quiz, and we were being treated like what, refugees or something. Super terrible. We were sent to the hall after PE, and then the sec fours were there, and Mr Johari rudely said "get out" and then we were sent to our own classrooms, then again sent to the sec two classes on the first floor (our classes are on the 4th floor! Darn!) to do the quiz. Then after a hour or so, we were chased out of the sec two classes, because yay yay yay, the sec fours were coming down to use the classrooms for their career I-don't-know-what camp. Mind you, those three yay words are so gay 'cause they were meant to be sarcastic. Lol. So we had early recess, bleagh, and surprise surprise, 80% of the canteen tables were put outside the hall, so there were few tables in the canteen. Like what the - .

Movie time, we were forced to watch some movie like 'Life is Beautiful' or something, which was about the Jewish treatment by the Germans in the mid-1800s? I'm not quite sure, kinda forgot my History stuff. Quite a sad show in a way, but we didn't finish watching, 'cause the stupid computer decided to hibernate and the teacher didn't know the password & etc. So end of movie, end of school = Didn't finish watching the show. Yeah, yeah.

Shafain, Einitar and I were so retarded today, laughing at everything. The atmosphere of the classrooms during Science quiz was really retarded, we were really, really mad. If you had seen us, you'd probably think we just escaped right out of the mental hospital, seriously. The madness continued until after school when we bus-ed home together. Yeah, freakshow man.

Home after that. Yeap.

That's my day for you, how's yours?

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