Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Extension cord.

I've been trying to reach you,
But my extension cord wouldn't reach that far
Now you've lost your chance
I've been patiently waiting
The indicator light is flashing on
Now you've lost your chance
I've Been Dying To Reach You

Monday, February 27, 2006

Percentages and how annoying you are.

There is A Math common test tomorrow and a Lit open-book test tomorrow on analysis of poems, and then there's probably assembly too.

Let me tell you a secret (that's not going to be a secret after I've written it out here and exposed myself silly, hahaha)
3% of the times I say I'm annoyed is when I'm really irritated. 97% is just plain wordplay, in a way. Just momentarily annoyed (less than 2 mins and I'll not be annoyed anymore), that's why I think I'm quite quick-tempered. Bad.

10% of the times I say you're annoying is when I really think you're annoying. While the other 90% is shun-kou (easy for me to say), but that doesn't mean you're not annoying, it's just not annoying to the point of me ignoring you. Lol.

Why am I blogging so much today?

Cousins, lians and such.

I think you guys saw this picture already, but I wanna post it again. 'Cause I wanna say I totally love Joel's current room, which used to be Ching's room. Superficial coolness. ;p I love the plain army green wall with three plain wood-coloured Ikea frames with abstract pictures of flowers, wilting or not. Artistic! I love the action figures of Justice League, quite cute in a way. Although I'm not a big fan of collecting and displaying action figures 'cause they tend to collect dust and leave my nose itchy if I happen to touch them.

Being close to your cousins are cool! ;D
You know, if you were to click the picture, Gerald (the one in maroon, holding the kid Justin) is so freaking acting cute! Hahahahaha. I really hope he doesn't read this, but anyway, he wouldn't start stoning me even if he does. I never noticed it, but today I was going through my pictures folder to get rid of old pictures that are really useless. Yeah, and I realise he's giving that ah lian face. Lol, which seems to be a hot topic between all of us; not him making the face, it's the lians.


Actually some lians are pretty nice people, and I'm okay with the nice ones, just not the ones who push you in the queue, and you 'tsk' them and they say "Wha, wan fight siah, go void deck settle siahh!" Don't you think that is pretty unlady-like? I have no intention of fighting with them, verbal or physical and I don't think they should just start yelling and ask me to go to the void deck to settle. That's lame. Besides it's like more than 12 to 1 = not fair. But, life is unfair, and reality bites.

Yeah, so instead, just find humour in their mindless threats and laugh, perhaps they might become a new source of entertainment for you, and we all can be happy, cheerful people. Haha.

Don't really believe in generalising lians into this category "Mean, Unrational and Lame" 'cause not all of them make that criteria. Chuckle.

For clarity's sake, I don't hate the person. I either hate the character, dress sense, language lingo or some other stuff. Not the person. And these are changeable traits. Yesss.

One down, Six to go!

Everything's hot!

Music: N sync - Cry Me A River

Double Physics! YES. Physics test was cancelled! We were elated la! But his lesson was so boring, going through worksheets, worksheets and notes. -_- Not much entertainment.

Double A Math, I was so happy! I finished my homework and the answers were correct so I didn't have to listen to him for the whole hour, instead I copied my x3 correction (I failed my test, so I had to copy my corrections 3 times per question.) -_- In addition, I had 7 out of 8 wrong. Hurray.

Went for break with Xinyi, Melissa and Huihui, Huihui is like super funny and cheery. Makes me feel cheery too!

Home! The weather is so hot.



WATCH THIS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewkYZnzwxd8
Featuring Lindsay Lohan impersonating Hermione.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Matchbox Romance - Promise

What would you say if i asked you not to go
To forget everyone, forget everything and start over with me
Would you take my hand and never let me go
Promise me you'll never let me go

And the stars aren't out tonight,
But neither are we to look up at them
Why does hello feel like goodbye?
These memories can't replace,
These wishes i wished and these dreams i chased
Take this broken heart and make it right

I feel like i lost everything when you're gone
Left remembering what it's like to have you here with me
I thought you should know,
You're not making this easy
I never thought i'd be the one to say
Please don't, please don't leave me
I feel like i lost everything when you're gone
Left remembering what it's like to have you here with me
I thought you should know,

You're not making this easy
You're not making this easy... (easy, easy, easy...)

Take my hand and never let me go,
Take my hand and never let me go,
Promise me
You'll never let go

Make this last forever
I feel like i lost everything when you're gone
Left remembering what it's like to have you here with me
I thought you should know, you're not making this easy

So fall asleep tonight, cuz' that brings me closer to you

This song is so sweet! All thanks to Zeslene for sending it to mua!

Schoooool's coming, hoooolidays coming and I see happiness ahead.

Okay, in the end I decided not to get a new pair of glasses but go shopping instead. Went for Caregroup in the morning, and it was pretty mundane, maybe because the fan was blowing on maximum and minimum speed -_- (unadjustable) and it was so strong! We couldn't even hear ourselves think! I was feeling quite deaf then.

After caregroup, went to get AGM lunch from church. Yeap, which means my parents paid for it, yeah! Free fooood, literally. So rushed off to Toa Payoh with Michelle and Cheryl, looked around some spectacles there (although I do mine at Suntec) and then I bought a navy blue jacket. Yup, I still need to shop more, hopefully I can go out after school tomorrow, not in my school u of course. Yupyup. ;D Oh wonderful retail therapyy.

I am controlling myself from eating too much! Gah, I'm putting on weight! Not dieting though. I had a waffle after lunch and then Cheryl and Michelle were stuffing themselves with bread - carbo queens. Lol. Then slacked off a while, then went to Popular and coincidentally met my dad, so he gave me a lift home, together with Cheryl, and yes, I earned a lift from him to piano class. Yessss, went home myself though - geez, slept like a pig in the bus.


I just finished printing out my lit scrapbook materials, you know what I just reminded Mel an hour ago, and we're feeling so stressed now, it's due tomorrow, and 2 marks will be deducted for every day late. -_- I hate it when teachers instill that rule and put it into action, but it undeniably works for us slackers.

You know, I really don't like the fact that people in my class take different subs. Like some take pure literature, some take accounts, some take geog and some take history. It's almost like we are so divided in a way, taking different subs. And if you happen to take geog and accounts, and Mr Apple (for example) takes pure Lit and History, both of them might not even get to work together for two whopping long years = not close friendship. Bleagh, that's what I don't like about this subject combi thing.

This is Meiyi and I, and boy, this was how I looked like with spectacles & with swollen eyes. I don't know how that came about, but there was this period of time that I kept having swollen eyes, somehow there was this eye infection. Geez. My hair is so messy and my eyes are barely-existent. Lol.

Grin. I'm so happy.

School tomorrow - shopping after!



Woke up pretty late this morning, I overslept and was super bushed, slept all the way until 11.30am, which is unusual for me on a Saturday morning. Haha, so, er, I didn't go for the Bishan Park old folks' funday thingy. Lol.

I'm such a slacker.

Did a bit of my A Math homework - Oh my! For once I'm like being so goody-two-shoe-y. Heh heh. Normally I don't do my work until Sunday night, when I'm feeling stressed that I haven't done my homework.

Had church. Ha, now I'm really lazy, wearing not-so-glamourous Giordano tees more often than usual on weekends (normally I hardly do on Sats) Yeah, sooooo lazy and sian. One comfort is that I don't look so fierce and intimidating - in a way. Gee.

Ate at United Square. Nice food! But now I feel like a fat pig. Spent $5.50 on dinner - Chicken chop, Spaghetti and Mashed potato in one set. And the quantities were pretty big, unlike those scammer shops which give absolutely pathetic amounts of each ingredient. Bleah. Saw Lydia and Mavis at United Square, and we were going mad talking about the stupid purple hippo who couldn't close its mouth (it's a human) hahahahaha. Madness.


I'm still so tired!

I realise I've got the Lit scrapbook to do with Melissa. Aye. Slacker, slacker, slackerrss.

I feel like making a new pair of spectacles for myself, now when I wear my old specs, I get super dizzy. Geez, should I? If I am, I'm paying for it myself though...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Heighty Mighty.

Einitar and I met this guy on the way to school, on separate occasions and we both said he was a pervert. Hahaha, not funny.

Ah, debate was pretty fun. Got to school really early @ 4, and then met up with Einitar in school and went to the canteen, and then to the Multi-Purpose Room for a one hour briefing. Geez, the guy was so naggy, but the debate championships went on well, without any screwys here and there.

I'm so bushed now! Most of my friends got their parents to pick them up, whereas my dad was like in Jurong, so I decided not to trouble him and go home myself, my house is relatively near to school anyway.

Omgoodnessly took bus with shortie. -_- What a mistake.

All of the councillors and PSLs were so sticky the whole time, so gross.

Elaborate tomorrow.

His height is cuter than his face. Haha, oh my obsession with heights. Pervert.


Hello! I'm here writing a short post, I just got home from lunch at Thomson. Yup, I went for lunch with Em there, gee, she was like super lame. I ate the Bandito meal, hmm, wanted to eat BK but Ems didn't want to. Both of us silly girlayes are like so mushroom-swiss crazy. Hahaha.

I'm going to leave the house in about half an hour. -_- It's so annoying that I'm on duty! And it's only a selected 10, oh how unlucky of all of us! Egh, besides I have to stay for all 3 debate sessions until 9.30pm, and wake up at 6 plus tomorrow for the old folks' programme at Bishan Park, perhaps you people should pop by there! Rah. My whole group is not going la, pretty sad. Lol. Cindy, Erica, Wanyi, Dacia and I - I think all are not going except maybe for Wanyi. Errr.


Laters. I'm pretty tired eh. Stupid. There's only one comfort in staying for all sessions. Go figure.

;D you're my wonderwall.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Music: Oasis - Wonderwall

You know, this song sounds a little like Green Day at the beginning. -above-

Everytime a skinny person complains that she is fat, it is an insult to a fat person. Lol. Don't you think so?

Aye, school was alright today. Started off with a test - what a bad start. We had to write a book review, something like that in a form of a letter to an overseas friend (the story was so absolutely cliche-d and lame about a girl knowing ang-moh guy, got pregnant, aborted baby, then transfer school, then happily ever after.) Haha. Ahem, all these in Chinese. Argh! Lin Qiang and Johnson were sitting together, and they didn't even have the book to refer to, man, they were like writing from what they can remember from Junhua's very detailed summary of the story (we all did that, 'cause we didn't read the story - slackers) Haha. I'm beginning to love my class - oh, what combination of noisy, boisterous ladies and quiet girls. Quite amazing. Besides, our class has so many girls who wear FBTs to PE, class unity? Lol.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


ZHENRU: Eh, you're super funny too! Hahaha.
HWEE EN: Got leh! =p
JASON: I'm not a peggy! I'm more than 5kg underweight kay. I just have broad shoulders you insensitive prick.
LINHUI: Of course you will see me lah. So you have to do it! HAHAHA.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Test. Test. Test. Tested.

School was dreadful today. I was so dead tired, despite the fact that I slept at 9.45pm. I know, that's like super piggish and early, but my sleep got interrupted because my dad woke me up to give me money, and I'm not the kind of person who can wake up and sleep back and not be affected. Yeah, it'll make me more tired.

Duncan didn't come! Hahahahahaha. Tomorrow too! He went for a sec 2 NCC camp. Cool! We got to slack for an hour. Got back my E Math Common Test, and I did, Good (that was what the chop said). Junhua got 21/20! Because she got one mark from the bonus question and she got full marks - no fair! I didn't know why Joyce was complaining about her marks, I thought it was okay, still A1 leh!


Got Lit project to do, -_-.

Melissa, Zhenru, Cindy, Einitar, Dacia, Xinyi, Alanna, Joyce, Louisa and Lydia.

Yikes, why am I so WHITE, seems like I'm some ghost that's not supposed to be there. Gee.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

V day present.

What do you think this means? Hahaha.

Made out of styrofoam, toothpicks and wires. Uh huh.

Chi choo. Dating at 15 and 30, and blah.

Ah, I woke up at 8.30am today. I was pretty surprised actually, considering the fact that I slept at 3am. Yup. Slacked around all morning, and had many many pieces of bak kua for 'breakfast' heh.

I haven't done my homework, laziness is so bad.

Went for CE class about moral choices, it was quite fun, and I was the silly 'choice' person. Hahaha, had to think of a dilemma and let my group discuss. And I was being 'suaned' the entire time! Sheesh.

Service! Ah my eyes were so dry during the entire service, was squinting away.

Headed to Novena for dinner. I banged into a glass wall while viewing the handphones. Darn, Mella was just telling me about her banging into a glass wall on Friday and here I am, banging into one.

Aye, home. Happen to take the same bus as Kevin (and Cheryl duh). Haha.

Okie doks. I'm waiting for my hair to dry.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

You're too wicked to love? Please.

I just finished reading this book, which is really quite a cute story, about an old spinster, and a totally-hot duke who was a flirt and slept with many women, a bit sexual, but if you're matured enough, I think you wouldn't be creasing your foreheads over those portions but on the actual plot. It seems a little fairytale-like though, not my type of book. In fact, I wouldn't be caught with a romance novel anytime, since it ends with a happy ending, which I think is brutally unrealistic and giving false hope to people who keep clinging on to their old crushes who have long forgotten them. Really! Aye, I was bored and picked up this book from my sister's variety of books. Yup, and read it!

Honestly, I would rather be in my bedroom reading an interesting book than going out to socialise and make friends. Less effort eh?

Haha, okay. Enough of this.


Mum "Eh, don't eat in the room"
Louisa -stuffs bakkua into her mouth- "Also never drop on the floor."
Mum "You know cockroaches are smart, they smell it"
Louisa -bored- "Gee." -remembers the previous night when she squished a baby roach with tissue paper.

Oh yeah, I suppose they do smell food in the room.

Friday, February 17, 2006


This is just for ranting. Hahahahaha. I don't want to get scolded for being materialistic, greedy and whatsoever.

And I want to buy one of these shirts with nice, plain graphics, but they're pretty expensive for quite average quality. Yup.

I think the adidas watch is so pretty lah! Have been eyeing it for like pretty long. I like the white and green one. Jolene has the green one! Cool, I shall poke at it tomorrow. Hahaha.

Although almost all the netballers in my school have it, which makes you look like a poser/copycat. At least that's what I think they'll say. Geez, everyone's hard to please.


It's Friday, yet again although I particularly don't like the weekends now. Seems so stressful. There's all that essays to hand up and stuff. The feeling sucks.

I've got English Compre to hand up and 2 stupid Chinese essays to hand up. Crap la, I want to town and eat Pepper Lunch.

Moo. School was alright today, had ACEs and we swopped our activites, so now the sec 3 cohort is doing ACEs with Mr Wilson Lee. Damn. He's nice and all, but super strict. I remember Mel and Darren getting caught on Thurs for some uniform 'disorder', bleagh. Ever heard of giving chances? Discipline-wise I'd prefer Freddy Goh anytime. We were playing the medicine ball game and Hiew was really nice not to rat on us because we were like cheating la, rolling the ball the way to the front, and Choco Chip was a pig la, she kept muttering "cheaters always win what, see my class never cheat then lose la"She sounds like a sore loser, come on la, we saw that her class cheated as well. Buyousness. Bleagh. Mr LLT kept ratting on his own class ... and made them get punished = 20 pushups.

SS Test. Chem Test. E Math Common Test.

Surprise surprise. I thought E Math CT was like super easy! For the first time! It's the two easiest topics - duh.

Triple English was so boring. Shahfain, Andy and I went to run errands for Ms Chan, and she wanted to see her crush, so I helped her and went with her - I'm so nice. Then Andy was wondering why we were walking on the third floor pass the NA classes and 4/5, 4/6 when we went up from the general office (different sides of the building). Felt a little lame after that. Hahaha.

Stayed back until 2, to supposedly do my Lit Proj with Melissa, then Michelle came along and distracted us, so we ate lunch and was playing with this freaky guy from 1/4 together with his freako friend. So insulted him for a while then chased him away to Gen's (+many other class people) table. Yup.



Ashlee Simpson - L.O.V.E

All my girls stand in a circle and clap your hands
This is for you
Ups and downs, highs and lows
And no matter what you see me through
My boyfriend, he don't answer on the telephone
I don't even know where the hell he goes
But all my girls
We're in a circle and nobody's gonna break through

L.O, L.O, L.O, L.O.V.E.
L.O, L.O, L.O (Oh, did you hear me say)
L.O, L.O, L.O, L.O.V.E.
L.O, L.O, L.O (Oh, did you hear me say)
L.O, L.O, L.O, L.O.V.E.
L.O, L.O, L.O (I'm talking about)
L.O, L.O, L.O, L.O.V.E.
L.O, L.O, L.O (I'm talking about love)

Say you'll be my girls for life
Girls for life

Oh, hold up, I need another one
I think you, you do too
Grab my bag, got my own money
Don't need any man in this room
My boyfriend, he'll be calling me now anytime
I need all my girls to keep him off my mind
So hold up, we need another one
What we got is all good

Love is an energy
Love is a mystery
Love is meant to be true
Love is a part of me
Love is the heart of me
Love is the best thing we do

I'm talking about love


I think this song is cute.

Yellowcard - Lights and Sounds

Hello, you, how was the rest?
You made it through, but nevertheless
I got you out on a wire
You be love and I'll be a liar

Tell it all and fill up the air,
But make a loud cause nobody's there
And nobody's there
And nobody's there

Stop, turn, take a look around
At all the lights and sounds.
Let them bring you in.
Slow burn, let it all fade out,
Pull the curtain down.
I wonder where you've been?

Make it new, but stay in the lines.
Just let go, but keep it inside.
Smile big for everyone,
Even when you know what they've done.

They gave you the end but not where to start;
Not how to build, how to tear it apart.

I've got a way to work this out,
I've got a way and you know how.


Aha, this looks like french braids without the braids. Heh, I was trying to keep my hair off my face in the neatest way possible without pokey pins in my head (I need 7 pins to keep my hair off my face if I just tie a ponytail, so here's the alternative. Try it yourself. Tie four small ponytails in a straight line, it really works. Haha, and you'll look real sweet as well. Hahahahahahaha.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


This is so damn fun.

Women are nuisances. Now that manly trait of mine has emerged.

That girl in the conversation is gonna kill me big time, but I'm a guy, and guys are irritating.

Get the gist. Hahahahaha.

Just The Girl.

Music: Ashlee Simpson - L.O.V.E

I like Yellowcard which has a violinist part of their band. Coolness.

Currently multitasking at amazing speed doing amazing stuff. Okay, that was such an exaggeration. Blah.

School started off with double Chinese, which was super boring. Yup, we had a chinese essay writing test and we didn't even know about it.

Double Lit was fun, we did Comedy, Humour and Puns, which is way more fun than the previous topic on Imagery and Sound. Ugh, we have our Lit project due on Tuesday/Thursday and have to start reading Macbeth - it's so boringg. =

E Math - Coolness! I actually understand the lesson since he was doing this, I shall daringly say, easy peasy topic on Linear Inequalities. Although I think when it goes to Quadratic Inequalities, it's gonna get difficult. Bleagh. Maths is so un-understandable.

Physics. Robot got angry with us! Hoooooray. My class seems to exist to anger Robot and Chocolate Chip. Yup, it's so amazingly rude.

Lame VE - waste of time. Hiew collected the 2nd collection of the donation card and I didn't bring it and had $0 anyway. I'm such a slackerrr.


"The Fat Black Woman goes Shopping" HAHAHAHA.

I'm doing my Lit Project now.

I got you out on a wire.
You be love and I’ll be a liar.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I've been all around the world
I've been a new sensation
But it doesn't really matter in this g-generation
The sophomore slump is an uphill battle
And someone said that aint my scene
Cause they need the new song
Like a new religion
Music for the television
I can't do the long division
Someone do the math
For the record label puts me on the shelf
Up in the freezer
Gotta find another way to live the life of leisure
So I drop my top
Mix and I mingle
Is everybody ready for the single, and it goes

Ah la la la la
Now listen closely to the verse I lay
Ah la la la la
It's all about the wordplay
Ah la la la love
The wonderful thing it does because
Because I am the wizard of ooh's and ah's and fa la la's
Yeah the Mr. A-Z
They say I'm all about the Wordplay

Total Defence.

School was quite fun today, a little on the tarty side, but well, bearable. Heh heh heh.

Was quite energetic throughout the day, bouncing around, bullying a lower sec boy and et cetera. Damn fun la.

Had A Math period, which we just slacked and did our exercises, then double English, which was super boring. Then Chinese - which was so totally boring too. Haha.

Then recess, boy, I was with Sha and the other 2/7 girls. I tell you those girls are so freaking friendly! Hahaha, such nice people. Melody waved at me. Weini took a picture with me, haha, and I don't know both of them at all. Hahahaha. Friendly girls. Heh.

Talked with Meiyi during recess, was bitching away. Then with Mel and Xinyi. Heh, still on about the rebonded armpit hair thing. LOL.

Okay, I'm like blabbing, but heck!

Had music lesson after sch, but got cancelled, so Normila is so gonna kill me tomorrow.

Went Macs with Mel and did our A and E Math work plus the total defence reflection thing. I've got 288 words so far, and I'm not done. Yeah yeah.

Yeap, that's my day for me.

Macs with Mel was super funnaye. Besides I saw Cathy, Judith & Phyllis. They're so cute la. =D

Primary school mates.

Ring-a-ling, hear them ring.

I never noticed this heart shaped blogger logo. Haha, they changed this for V day, yups, it's normally the square with rounded edges! Haha. Fascinating although it looks weird.

By the way;

Happy Birthday to...
18th Feb - Melanie /15
24th Feb - Cordelia /15
26th Feb - Lucius / 17
27th Feb - Noelle /15
27th Feb - Emmelyn /16

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Overrated baby!

"I think spending all that money giving each other expensive presents is just overrated. I rather have a hand-made card, it's the thought that counts right? ;D" -Einitar

I agree with the first point.

Valentines' Day Valentina.

School was fun today! The morning was interestingly energetic, not as usual when everyone is like slacking/sleeping on the table or displaying super lethargic faces. The Lit students were borrowing lit work to copy and the rest were like giving their little V day gifts. It was a cute morning with everyone high in spirits.

Got a lot of candy from the girls in my class and some from other classes. Ah, gonna get fat. Joyce gave quite a few chocs, which I haven't finished eating. Hahaha. Doritty was passing around this box of cny goodies cum gummies for most of her ex-classmates & current classmates.

Ahuh, had Chinese, which was terrible. Then triple Lit, which was fun in a way - We did Imagery and Sound, and Sound was like super boring. We were learning about similes and metaphors and stuff. So funny lah, and Liyen had a spasm attack which made everyone laugh so, so hard. And my lit assignment was suckily done with only one foolscap, as compared to Melissa's one, which was a full 3-foolscap thingy.

Had double PE, we had volleyball basics and the sun was really scorching man. We could feel ourselves frying up. Seriously. Ms Lee even told us "The Sun is hot at this time, but never THIS hot" ... Yeah, rub it in, rub it in. She was saying our movement is slow and the girls are so un-positive in attitude. Gah, and Mel says we're always getting picked on for everything. We paired up and whacked the ball everywhere, my ball kept hitting Nurul's butt (and only there) and rebounded off Lina's head nearly twice HAHAHA. Lydia was like super funny, and Mel hit a ball until it hit Song En's butt (the guys were at the other side of the court) ... Hahahaha.

Recess was great. With Xinyi & Huihui sitting with us. So we had Xinyi, Melissa, Huihui, Shafain, Nurul, and a few other other-class people from my ex-class. Yup and XY was saying silly things which were so funny la, she was suaning people who were super close by. Hahahaha and we just laughed and laughed. Oh ironed hair. Oh rebonded armpit hair. LOL.

Double E Math, got back our tests. I failed.

Chem, that chocolate chip is so annoying! Egh! Glande and Nurul left class early 'cause they were emcees for today's assembly.

Assembly- Had the Hollaback Crew from 98.7FM over. And they were advertising their shows and also the hollaback crew, blah blah and about the competition. Yup. It was quite entertaining. Then they had this local rock band (the one who sang 'Black Maria'), they didn't even tell us the name la. -_- They performed like 3 songs and it was so boriiingg. Geez. They were so emo and weird in a way, and their lead singer is an albino, not that I have any problem with that, but I'm just stating what I observed, yeah and I'm not that evil to despise albinos okay. Some other band performed another 3-4 songs and dragged school to end one hour later. Xinyi, Erica, Melissa and I were so peeved-ly bored we left la, then following us, practically the whole sec 3 cohort was leaving. Hahaha. Had to rush off 'cause of Mella la, late to meet her friends and stuff, while I was going home. Yeah - Home.

Yup. What a day.

The weather is so, so hot.

Talking to quite a few people on MSN now; Cindy, Angelina, Christopher, Ernest, Rainer, Michelle Leong (she's talking about the conversation between Joshua Ang and her. Gah, what an affair from primary sch) & Zeslene (the b'day girl) HAHAHAHA. I had a fun time suaning her.

For the singles and couples out there. Have a fun-filled V Day!

Being Single doesn't mean you can't have fun right? (there are really people who are quite disappointed with being single and boyfriend-less/girlfriend-less.) Tell you what, it doesn't really matter! =D

And thanks Einitar, Dacia, Julia, Cindy, Melissa, Erica, Joyce and other girls for giving me stuff to make my day more memorable than the rest of the school days. (: Cheese.

Haircut - you made me laugh out loud.

Do you matter? No.

"Happy Valentines' Day. Will YOU be my Valentina?" -Einitar & Dacia.

Monday, February 13, 2006


School was fine today, boring in fact with unstoppable yawns all day. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm stuffing myself with Maoam Pinballs. Egh.

Physics was crap, Junhua, Sha and I didn't bring our files and worksheets. Thankfully we didn't get called up.

Yeap. I'm tired & piled up with Lit work. It's so difficult, drats. Stayed in school for councillor stuff, was indeed a waste of my time, but aye, obligations and such. -_- Not too happy about it though. And Beiyu was shouting at Yiping the whole time.

I need help!

Oh my, my music teacher has been calling me a premature grandmother since I was Primary Four, and I really think I am, always being grouchy and grumpy when I'm told to play scales and arpeggios or something like that. Yeah I'm like that, grouchy and grumpy when I'm told to do something I absolutely dread.

Great, another bad character trait to add to my long, long list.

The LEO club has decided to do something totally cheesy yet again. Selling little gifts and v day stuff at the canteen and put up millions of posters of love and blah blah. Hey, not very nice for the singles eh? Hahahaha. I'm not being bitter here, just being realistic okay! The posters are really... quite sickening. I read a few, out of boredom and some weren't even related to love/v day but NARCISSISM. Bleagh. What choice of quotes.

I cannot stand 'Robot' and 'Chocolate Chip'. (What intimate nicknames for teachers)

Haha, okay, I'm not in too good a mood as you can detect from my highly boring-fying post. Yeah, catch you guys tomorrow.

Friday, February 10, 2006


This nostalgic feeling has come over me, I'm listening to jazz pieces & sweet non-clangy or noisy guitar orientated music right now and chatting with Michelle Leong on MSN, yeah, and Michelle is my primary school friend.

Feels so nice, with background guitar pluckings and what, comfort in sound.

Aye, I love this reminiscence. So sweet uh.

*and Michelle doesn't have a boyfriend. CHAY.

Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of

When madness gets to your soul.

I've been doing absolutely ghastly things to entertain myself since five, and nothing seems to be really engrossing for me. I played net games on some websites, read some blogs I haven't popped by in a while, thought of what to write in this post.

I think I've just died, in the mind.

Braindead? Geddit? Geddit!

Okay, sorry, but I'm just slipping into this madness which has infested my soul (yes, and Einitar and Shafain and et cetera's souls) Don't know, but maybe we've all been deprived of humour and then we all just start laughing for no reason, for hours about either nothing, or everything.

Hey, what do you get when you are confined to rooms of silence for hours? Madness lah!

Whatever, so much crap is brimming in my mind.


School was so boring today, and Sha and I regretted going and I should've just stayed home because I was pale as a sheet today, sick, with lips not even tinged with a lil bit of pink.

The Sec Fours were having career thingy, and many came in formal clothes and stuff.
And many random stuff popped straight into my mind:
1. If you wanna be in the limelight (positively), dress trendy & formal and behave in a demure/manly manner.
2. If you wanna be in the limelight (negatively), dress trendily casual and like a slut and behave like a gangster in a mini mini skirt.
3. If you wanna look like a man trapped in a skirt, clobber around and kick your legs around in your higher-than-3-inch-heels.
4. If you wanna stay out of the limelight, wear the school uniform.
5. If you wanna stay out of the limelight and also don't have clothes to wear, refer to point #4.
6. If you're really trendy and such, go on, wear it, strut it, but please, don't split your skirts or pants. Please. You'll be doing many a favour.

There's actually more, but I think I'll just write out the major mistakes of dressing. Mel missed it, she would've laughed herself silly. Well, I was laughing myself silly.
Some stuff observed was:
1. Some guys looked bloody gay.
2. Some guys looked awfully casual while the girls were overdressed.
3. Some girls thought they were going for a airplane flight and dressed like air stewardesses.
4. Aha, some tripped in their heels.
5. Four girls took it as a outing, and brought their cameras to cam-whore. [and they were wearing halters, bare-backs and such indecent clothing. I mean, you're going to school after all.]

Okay enough bitching, bitch.

I even thought they would get raped - Oh what false concern.


Had FPS today. The whole day. With Mr Freddy Goh.

Was sick, dying and also bothered by Cedric, Jonathan and er, I don't know how to spell the rest of their names.


Going to school was a huge mistake. But the school was so peaceful and quiet. With only the left-behind sec 3s in school and the sec fours (which were equivalent to non-existent because none of them were seen after 7.40am) The immature brats (sec ones) had an outing. Cooool. The school has never been, so, so peaceful.

I feel like going cycling. Mmm.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Daddy just got momsy, Lyn and I Mizuno polos. Cool.

Birthday song.

I just realised it's Jonathan (Tan) 's birthday! Yeap, Cousin Jon!

Happy Birthday!

Along with him, I'll wish Josslyn, er, Melanie and Zeslene, oh that cute fellow with her birthday on V Day. (:

The Old Woman.

An excerpt from Hejin's blog;

"School's celebrating Valentine's' Day under the guise of "Friendship Day". Cheesy, if you ask me. Teddy bears, chocolates, flowers and other paraphernalia associated with February 14th will be sold in the canteen that day. You can dedicate songs to people too. Meh. Valentine's Day is so commercialised. If you sincerely believe that you need to buy gifts for your partner because it's Valentine's Day, then I say you are a gullible little twit that needs to be educated immediately.

It's just an excuse for stupid stores to injure your finances big-time, dimwits! You don't need a designated day to show your love to your partner! Why do you buy roses for a girl on Valentine's Day when you can get it for half the price another time of the year? Why do you succumb to marketing tactics, huh, huh?! So you boys can prove that you've got dates, and you girls can show off your huge bouquets of flowers that you can barely wrap your arms around?

And I detest those metallic heart-shaped helium-filled balloons. Get that overpriced crap out of my way.

What else I do not like: Giggly girls. Pieces of fabric stuffed with polyester(read: soft toys). Single stalks of wilting flowers. They look so dismal. Over-enthusiastic friendly people handing out little packages of "sweet" hand-made parcels stuffed with pieces of candy or other miscellanous edibles.

You make me feel bad. Just a little bit, mind you.I'm not being sour-grapey! *hollers for all to hear*"

Full post here.


She's one funny girl (the writer @ this blog add above). Hahaha. (Despite her being mean to me, yeah yeah, but I'm not gonna be so lame as in hate her just because of that one thing she did. It's dumb.) And the fact that she actually made me laugh today, hmm, I'm just shocked at myself. Read on.

I'm actually sick, really sick. I don't know, just everywhere I suppose.

I've got cramps, everywhere. I've got a sore throat (and this time, it really has got to do with my tonsils that I was forced to drink some gross herbal tea and my mom put in lots of lime & honey.) Ahuh.

I don't feel like talking, or moving or anything. In fact, I feel like sulking and just groaning on the bed like some old folk awaiting death.

Well enough about my old woman crap. I'll just write something here to satisfy myself, after all, this doesn't need me to open my mouth at all.


School was fine, slightly more boring than yesterday, but it was okay. Melissa came, and our class had quite a huge amount of kids that didn't go for the camp (Okay, why did I term all of us as 'kids'?) with Shandy, Zihui, Kennard, Zhenru, Melissa, Einitar, Shafain, Wanyi and I. =D They're quite funny people, really.

We started with PE, again, yeah, with 6 laps, again and Einitar got pumped for not tucking in her shirt. Poor her. But we didn't have PT today, no push-ups, crunches anything and Mella sat out 'cause she had an MC, that pig. Lol. Okay la, she's injured at the knee.

Had some dumb science quiz, and we were being treated like what, refugees or something. Super terrible. We were sent to the hall after PE, and then the sec fours were there, and Mr Johari rudely said "get out" and then we were sent to our own classrooms, then again sent to the sec two classes on the first floor (our classes are on the 4th floor! Darn!) to do the quiz. Then after a hour or so, we were chased out of the sec two classes, because yay yay yay, the sec fours were coming down to use the classrooms for their career I-don't-know-what camp. Mind you, those three yay words are so gay 'cause they were meant to be sarcastic. Lol. So we had early recess, bleagh, and surprise surprise, 80% of the canteen tables were put outside the hall, so there were few tables in the canteen. Like what the - .

Movie time, we were forced to watch some movie like 'Life is Beautiful' or something, which was about the Jewish treatment by the Germans in the mid-1800s? I'm not quite sure, kinda forgot my History stuff. Quite a sad show in a way, but we didn't finish watching, 'cause the stupid computer decided to hibernate and the teacher didn't know the password & etc. So end of movie, end of school = Didn't finish watching the show. Yeah, yeah.

Shafain, Einitar and I were so retarded today, laughing at everything. The atmosphere of the classrooms during Science quiz was really retarded, we were really, really mad. If you had seen us, you'd probably think we just escaped right out of the mental hospital, seriously. The madness continued until after school when we bus-ed home together. Yeah, freakshow man.

Home after that. Yeap.

That's my day for you, how's yours?

FPL not equal to FPN?

FPL, yes yes, the record number of times again. Yayness ;D

FPN, is so irritating, everything fell into place today, and I'm so peevedly grossed out. Still a turnoff, yes, FPN is a turnoff.

And, FPL ≠ FPN!

Hahaha, and tell you a secret, my maid is going out to buy stuff, and I, Miss Louisa (am going to be childish, because she is so darn lazy and piggish) and RAT ON HER.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Camp, camp. I'm so glad I could see FPL.

Today is the beginning of the Secondary Three Adventure Camp at Kota Tinggi, and I, Louisa Chen, am not there! Together with a bunch of classmates, namely Zhenru, Einitar, Shafain, Shandy, Wanyi and Zihui, and in the cohort, 80+ students didn't go altogether.

School was freaking fun despite our absence at the camp, due to medical reasons, passport problamos and some overprotective parents. Hahaha. Which anyway, we don't really mind considering the fun we had in school.

I saw FPL for a record number of times. Yayness. ;D

We started off with one-hour PE, which is normal and we just had to run 6 laps around the field and a couple of push-ups & crunches (I don't know how you spell it!) then we were done! So we went over to the hall where we had our supposed 'maths quiz' which was actually a couple of retarded worksheets about cubic stuff and et cetera. Sean, Shafain, Einitar and I ended up playing UNO, occasionally covering the cards with the stacks of worksheets loaded onto us, when a teacher walks past to check up on us. Tuck Wai, Cedric and gang were like being absolutely ridiculous and being rowdy- but they were actually quite funny, sticking chairs really close to this guy, Alvin. Haha, I really don't wanna talk about it. Sounds crude.

Recess! It is one of the most amazing recesses I've ever had! Hardly any queues, fewer people (yes at least 280 for sec threes removed). Hurray! See how happy I sound?

After that we were split into two groups and had to go to the respective computer rooms to watch the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie. Ah, I watched that before but watched it anyway, Einitar was like sleeping like a pig on my bag. Tuck Wai was playing with the movie thingy, forwarding it to the end of the movie like twice, so we had to watch the beginning part when the main starrings are shown and in the background with the chocolate factory in motion FOUR blasting times. Lol. And it started out in Chinese because of the blurdo IT teacher. -_-

AngSB: Hey! Who go and forward it?!
TW: -looks around- who? who!
AngSB: You tell me who did it.
TW: aiyah cannot lah, later I tell then I kena saboed.
AngSB: -_-

It was actually TW all along. Ha-ha-ha! That made Shafain laugh like shit lah.

Pooey, then I couldn't sleep because my eyes were so dry with the air-con threatening to make my lenses fall right out of my eyes.

Then home! Wow, time really flies.

Well, I really had fun, can't wait for tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow! Heh heh heh heh.


My window grilles are vibrating really vigorously now, because a plane just flew past - awfully loud.

Yikes, I think I have to wear FBTs tomorrow again, 'cause I don't have any more school shorts. -_-

One's gone MISSING (because I lent it to somebody who didn't return me during sec 2 camp), One's got a hole (all thanks to Meiyi whom I lent it to in sec 2 camp too) and I've got ONE left, and it's in the wash! Bleagh.

FBTs, here I come?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I am so sadistic at times.

Kaci Brown; Unbelievable

I wish you didnt love me
I wish you'd make this easy
It was love that caught me
Now it's fear that keeps me, with you
I wanna be by your side
So i can close my eyes
To the growing emptiness inside
That kills me, when I'm, with you

You try break me, try to hate me
So you can fall out of love
You wanna make me
Believe that im crazy that im nothing without you

It's unbelieveable but i believed you
It's unforgivable but i forgave you
Insane what love can do
That keeps me coming back to you
Irreplacable but I replaced you
Now im standing on my own

I feel you in my shadow
My heart feels cold and hollow
No matter where I run I see
Your eyes always follow me
You try to hold me try to own me
Keeping somthing thats not yours
You wanna make me believe that im crazy
Make me think that you're the cure

You're still haunting me in my sleep
You're all i see but i cant go back
Cuz i know its wrong for us to go on
And I'm growing strong to confront my fears

Monday, February 06, 2006


I'm having a fever. Haha, awfully coincidental that everytime I get a fever is before a camp.


Well my head is boiling, which isn't a really nice feeling especially if your body is oscillating between hot and cold, hot and cold.

I think something happened to my tonsils because of the water desperation part. Swallowing stuff hurts eh.

Water desperation.

I haven't drunk a little bit of water since 6.30am and now I feel horrible. Just came back from school after finishing my detention duty and I tell you, it sucks!

School was fine today with Social Studies test and Physics test. Yeap.

I did my english exposition during detention duty. Anyway, doing detention duty is like doing detention without the copying of the dumb student handbook. Bleagh.

I'm so tired right now, think I'm gonna take a nap.

"Why don't you come by my class anymore?"

Fugly. :(

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Love profusion.

I'm beginning to feel sickly and queasy and it's a really bad omen that I'm probably gonna get sick soon. My throat feels dry and prickly, I've got an ulcer on my cheek caused by my braces hooking onto the 'skin' there, I look kinda pale and my mood has been going down, down, down to the dumps because of the queasy feeling.

Yesterday had church, and had to rush home after that with Thomas and Lyn to be early for my house function. My daddy's side came over and they were really nice and funny. Besides, Nicola, Joanna, Weiting & Weihertz were so adorable with funny styles of laughter. Haha. They don't even laugh with 'ha-ha-ha' but with prolonged throaty crescendo-ing 'hhwerrrrrrrrrr's. Ha! Not to mention, we didn't know why they were so happy and fascinated with themselves, they were just running from my second hall to the backyard and back for the entire night and it just struck me that we all were once so easily contented with just running around the house. Now, it seems to me that everyone wants more of everything, wants something new when they just got one new want and basically don't really appreciate what we have now with all these materialistic greed. I myself am guilty of that, but I've stopped shopping for quite a long while 'cause I'm saving up!

It's so terrible that I can save for weeks and then just splurge it in one day at Orchard/Chinatown or something. It's so scary! And it can be JUST on jewelry, accessories or just one or two tops. Ah, the stuff out there are getting so darn expensive, everything burns a hole in my pocket. And I'm not rich either, so that's even worse.

Okay enough of that. Had CG this morning and Cheryl and I shared devotion, I admit I did quite a lame job today 'cause what I had planned to say, she said, so I think it kinda seemed to Constance that I didn't really do my job because I did it like at 12am - 1am last night and I was sooooo exhausted and braindead during CG. Bad, bad, bad.

After that had lunch at macs, and I just ate a Medium fries. Hahahaha, the whole packet with lots of garlic chilli. Nice! And I realise that Mella can't eat chilli! Hahaha. So we're not that twin-y. Haha. Ah, but she can learn how to eat chilli. =D

Rangers. We had quite a good start to it with overview of 2006 and stuff. Mark was quite funny and then after the whole thing we played a game. All about throwing a ball to someone, guessing whether he or she was female/male and then if you guessed correctly you feel the person's hand and identify the person. Ha! I kena-ed twice or thrice but they didn't guess correctly hahahaha. Jamin thought I was Rachel (he said she had fat fingers, so he's trying to say I've got fat fingers. Rah) and then Cheryl thought I was, eh, Audrey (whom Jamin thought was Rachel also which means he's trying to say I've got fat fingers.) Double bummer!!!

I do not have fat fingers. In fact, my fingers are long, skinny and wiry. Hahahahahahaha.

Okay I just came back from my piano lesson. Still gotta do my exposition essay on teenagers being fashion victims. Ah, enough with crapping lou!


"She is with her favourite friend lah, the computer." -Lynette, about me! Hahaha.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


I would say none the one was quite the stud as he.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Surprise, surprise.

After school, I took down all the lanterns on the 3rd level together with Melissa, while Liyen was on the fourth floor, and Johnson was nowhere in sight. Oh my, I cut one of the raffia strings and didn't catch the lantern, and ohmygodnessly, the lantern fell from the 3rd floor to the ground floor. Eeks, and some teacher was looking at Mel and I from the 4th floor and guys from 3NA were booing and jeering away. -_-

So after that, dumped all the lanterns in the Tamil Language Room and headed off to Bishan with Melissa. We were talking rubbish and stuff. Ate Long John's Clam Chowder at the basement carpark (yes yes we had nowhere to sit and we didn't mind sitting there). Saw Zhenru and Wanru twice. It was quite funny, she was like waving away at us. Then Mel bought her guava juice, her Mrs Fields' cookie and her long-wanted Billabong bag. She spent like 55 bucks altogether! Madness man. Melissa is a pig. Hahahahahaha.

Slacked and I ate LJS and then we both went home.

Yup, I'm going Bishan again later.. -_- My sister needs to buy her stuff. Bleagh.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Let's intimidate the world.

I've got A Maths common test tomorrow and I still have to go to my aunt's place to celebrate her birthday later. It was so last minute, I only heard about it today. Fine. Don't know if Cheryl is going, she's got netball if I'm not wrong.

I like tall guys.
They're nice to look at.
While short guys are meant to be trampled on
by the tall guys.
Hahaha. Lessons were fun. Lit was fun, but I don't like the grey lit files, purple cover page and green content pages. Ew, the colour combination sucks. Heh.

Louisa. Do. Not. Speak. (if not I'm gonna rattle on about how hot guys must be tall and lanky!)
Yeah and as if I haven't said this sentence enough: I hate stunted things - including people, clothes that make you look stunted and short fatsos.