Thursday, September 29, 2005

When we think.

Something I saw on Zeslene's blog was rather, you don't call it moving, but let's say realistic, pretty much very realistic and just reminds me of times when I do think of certain things and reflect pretty negatively about myself and my friends.

Read: I think.

Amazingly true, but sometimes we just think too much. Heh. :D
  • Yay for Mrs Lim will be back, tomorrow!
  • Happy Birthday Meiyi! (1st October, -in case you don't see it on the first)
  • English examination tomorrow! Pray for me!

I brought sandwiches to school today, call me poor but I'm saving up for something, therefore the diet in school yet the binging after school (at home). HAHA. As we all know I eat like a pig, as I have a big appetite and I WANT TO GROW TALLER! Perhaps by a few more centimetres, but our wants are never really satisfied huh? So maybe I was 'fated' to stand at a pretty average 162 centimetres.

We had our Chinese test today, with the new format implemented where you have a choose-from-four-words Comprehension Cloze, two MCQ Comprehensions and one 8-questions Comprehension. Like what the- It was helluva difficult, considering the fact that I couldn't even finish it, I had three questions which I was totally ?? when I had 15 minutes left, so in the end I simply just wrote whatever I could that somehow answered the question.

Math was pretty fun, with Liyan, Shuwen and I chatting during the entire lesson complaining and moaning about how we did not understand anything at all. We were all sitting in the sequence of our index numbers, so everything was pretty confined to your own table (tables separated ma x) We moved about our tables during Math, and oh sucky! the first six numbers of the class is sitting at the last row nearest to the door next to the window, unfortunately there are no fans there and the windows are only useful when there's wind blowing in (duh right) so it's pretty useless most of the time!

Went home early today (as usual) and did my routine stuff until two-thirty then I took a nap, I set my mobile's alarm to wake me up at three-thirty. Sure, it did its part and woke me up but I fell asleep until five o' clock (oh I always OVER-sleep, not oversleep), and you know what? My Math tuition was scheduled at 5pm! I jumped out of bed, went to the bathroom and got my stuff ready and leapt out when she just came into the house. PHEW.

Well I argued with my annoying mum again (okay, I'm going to say this again, AS USUAL). I literally quarrel with her every single non-working day of hers. ERRGHH. Teenage angst, yada yada and menopause doesn't make a good pair AT ALL. In fact, it sucks! Boosomes! (Not bosom please!) HAHAHA.

My English paper's tomorrow. Stressed. Don't stress yourself people!

My God is big
So strong, so mighty
My God's plan for me
Goes beyond my wildest dreams
My God is good
He's so good to me

He's my God and He is my refuge
He's the rock on which I stand
He's my fortress
God, He is my life
He holds the oceans in His hand

There's nothing my God cannot do
-Big, Planetshakers

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