Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Listening : Jesse Maccartney - Take Your Sweet Time

This song has lyrics so sweet, probably only one of the 'lovey-dovey', 'I'll be here for you, blah blah' kind of song. Heh.

I am doing my Art exam coursework now, I think I'm like two weeks behind time, considering the fact that I did Richness (Heritage & Culture) first, then I couldn't find anything to research besides all the museums and Google so I changed my topic again, after two weeks, to Distorted. Now I'm racking my brains to think of stuff to add to my 'Distorted' mindmap. I actually spent half an hour of my precious studying time doing what? Colouring and designing my demented 'Distorted' title on the A3 Art Block, plus two words that branched out of the mindmap. Pathetic, I'll say. Not to mention, the design of the word is fine, but the colouring sucks, I couldn't find my black markers (I like doing things simple - Black and White) so I had to use my multicoloured coloured pencils and to create the 'distorted' effect, I coloured the worst colours together, those that didn't even contrast or match with each other. Haha, now it genuinely looks... DISTORTED.

Hmm, school was fine. I was pretty amused throughout the day though. Heh, Meiyi cabbed home, like asdfkjhev?! (No vulgarities here, just speechlessness) Some things are just better left unsaid eh? Haha.

I was just reading a not-close-at-all friend's blog and I was laughing at every single sentence, it's pretty funny, not that it was really funny funny, but stupid/silly funny. That sort of thing haha.

I think the Google start page with the cakes below the Google word is pretty cute, makes me crave pastries! (Not J.Keck okay! Definitely notnotnot.)

Man, I think I'm leading a double life with split personalities.

The enemy has been defeated
And death couldn't hold You down
We're gonna lift our voice in victory
We're gonna make Your praises loud

Shout unto God with a voice of triumph
Shout unto God with a voice of praise
Shout unto God with a voice of triumph
We lift Your name up
We lift Your name up

-Shout Unto God, Hillsong

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