Thursday, August 03, 2006

One smile, one laugh & we're quits.

The last 2 classes to settle down during morning assembly - 3/7 and 3/8. Yay, we were embarrassed in front of the whole school, not that I'm actually complaining. It was quite fun actually, in fact, it was also thrilling.

We were sent back to our classes on the 4th level and were to return to the quad and form up again. Haha, we were given 2 minutes, but we obviously slacked longer than that in class before going down, haha, but Shafain chased us out of the classroom and down. Haha, yes a very good epitome of a good chairperson. Unlike somebody. Hohoho. :D

So yeah we're supposed to settle down 15 mins before the second bell actually rings for the rest of this week and next week, sitting according to our index numbers, which means Erica and I are first up. Ugh, what a drag.

Oh yeah, we had to stay back to climb up and down the stairs 20 times, yeah but Mr Goh cut it down to 4 times, haha, don't we just make his heart melt? Lol. Then Hiew punished us with 300 lines of "We will not be late for morning assembly again from 4/8/2006 onwards." Haha. It was hilariously funny, everyone rushing to write out that stupid thing and get it done and over with. Oh and that punishment (the walk up and down one) was supposed to be humiliating, but ha! We all felt the opposite way - we basked in the attention! Man, we are terrible things to discipline.

So we had debates today, and hoho, I screwed up big time, but I feel pretty okay - don't know why. Haha, I was the bloody reply speaker because I was saving Dacia's butt. Our debate was stupid, Johnson's team defined gambling as a risk, but we were defining gambling as slot machines, mahjong and whatever games. Yeah, it was totally out of point. So how do I actually rebute?

Besides, Johnson was such an obsolete character, with Benji writing all his rebuttals. -.- Chee, and I had nobody to help me, in addition my 1st & 2nd speakers were rebutting and using up my points. Crap.

Anyway, no hard feelings about it. I felt quite accomplished actually. Like I spoke without that idiotic hiccupy feeling/noise, for once. So that's a good sign. :)

After the punishment, got daddy to pick me up to go and get stuff. Yup, he was so hungry he dragged me into Gelare, where I ate an oreo cheesecake and he ate a raisin scone and a new york cheesecake washed down with latte. Spent so much money today. I was pretty xing tia (heart pain)

Oh well, just got back a while ago, and I'm bushed.

Festival of Praise tomorrow, and I've got remedial and I need to go and get something from town. Gee, rushed for time rushed for time! Perhaps I wouldn't go fo remedial. :l I hope he doesn't remember I told him I'm coming. Hurhur.

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