Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Home is heaven.

It's time to cock our heads to the left and laugh, haha. Guys, don't shit all over the toilet... Haha!

School was good today, and Lina, Lydia and I spent English chatting about Manchester United (Oh, be surprised), Fido Dido and the Crimson Chin (Fairly oddparents). Don't accuse us and say we're childish (we don't really care anyway) but we were laughing at the cartoons (and how Lydia looks like Crimson Chin). Haha.

Dogs. River. Doggie cages! Haha, go go Dora! Oh lameness. -cracks up-

You can tell I'm deliriously happy, but this morning was quite a oh-no-i'm-so-bad. Oh betrayals, betrayals, I don't know when will we ever get enough of you. I felt so bad that I snapped at someone yesterday night but I repaired a dismissed friendship last night as well. Haha, I guess you can't have 'the best of both worlds' (Yes I know the meaning's off, but I mean it as something else) Hahahahahahaha.

Something about two worlds being together all the time, and breaking up and becoming not-really-the-worst of enemies, then both are hilariously sensitive towards each other's names. Ha. So nice to sit back and watch them cat fight, or more like, throw shit at each other (from the shitty toilet)

Cheeky, and there's more to come.

Monday, August 21, 2006


The last post written seems like centuries ago. Apologies.

No hurling my principles into the back of my wardrobe, not this time. I need to talk to somebody. I need to tell someone about it. I need a break.

I'm beginning to feel a need to talk about old times, be happy a little and get all sentimental all over again, instead of having this reality that I cannot sleep away and to wake up not remembering.

Cards thrown on the table for all to see. This game is not meant for me.

Then again, lying in the yellow fields blown out cold doesn't seem so bad after all.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Love 3/7!

Had a joined upper sec ACEs today, it was quite funny, and we liked the cobra position, where we just lied on the floor and I was exclaiming "Ooh, mass sleepover partay!" Hahaha, and Julia Bensily was doing quite funny stuff, quite amusing (Haha, not laughing at her, but with her!).

I got 10/20 for my Circles test, and 19 people got full marks, oh careless me :(

Hmm, had last-minute assembly where the principal addressed the issue of irresponsible blogging and such. Of course, I believe that everyone should exercise restraint in the way they blog, and of course not spew vulgarities in every post, like you have a total lack of vocabulary that only starred words is in your mind, none other than that. Also she talked about students blogging about teachers rudely and calling them names, and what consequences there is for doing that - Instant suspension. So everyone, let's go spring-cleaning because people have different definitions of insulting comments, so I'm cleaning up everything I've said about any teacher - Negative, of course. I don't want to ruin the content of my blog posts. Although I don't find any of my comments very negative or rude. In fact, I only talk about their bad moods. Haha.

Today is a nice day, and Function remedial was cancelled.

I've given alot of thought to
The nights we use to have
The days have come and gone
Our lives went by so fast

Those notes you wrote me
I've kept them all
I've given alot of thought
On how to write you back this fall

With every single letter
In every single word
There will be a hidden message
About a boy that loves a girl

Do you care if I, dont know what to say?
Will you sleep tonight?
Or will you think of me?
Will I shake this off
Pretend its all okay?
That there's someone out there who feels just like me
There is

Hello, this song reminds me of you, 'cause he's just like you.

For played cards,

More gossip is to come.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Chemistry + History tests tomorrow, so I'll just write a short post and run along soon, the problem is that blogger can't get connected, yeah so I'll just write this and publish later. I'll be doing PA for a month.

Had E Math common test on Circles. Haha, oh, oh careless mistake. VE was just all about boisterous laughter and unfunny jokes. Oh, and Johnson Loser!

Haha. I just checked out the class picture - I dislike the formal one but basically everyone doesn't look obnoxiously doing-something-wrong or out of place so it's alright. But haha, I look so short! -makes a face- Either I was standing supported on one leg, or Melissa and Lina are tiptoeing (We planned to tiptoe, hahaha, cheaters, but I didn't - eh I taller than Mellabello leh then become shorter). No fair, I look tiny. You can view both on Xinyi's blog haha. I can't post pictures now, my computer is a bit laggy.

I'm feeling cheeky today, and for the first time, I actually like Thursday.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Anything But Ordinary.

Chinese letter writing + English summary + breezy E Math + Physics test + return of SS test - copying of descriptors + video + History powerpoint slides.

That's about all for today. I thought it was dreadful, what with every lesson being a brainy lesson, requiring the use of my overused brain. (Yes, yes I know you can never overuse your brain but I was exhausted + I skipped breakfast this morning)

I don't like doing PA duty. I'm being deprived of social interaction in the morning. :l Haha yet it's fun doing it with Bei Yu.

I've been a mad insomniac for the last 2, 3 days. I have trouble sleeping at night, and I end up sleeping at 12+ to 1 even though I'm so tired, and then I wake up at odd hours like 4am, 4.30am or 5am, which is way too early for my still-craving-for-bed-body. (Some background info: I would jump out of bed the moment my eyes open because I always think that I'll fall asleep again & oversleep) The awful thing is that once I jump out and realise it's so freaking early I get so peeved and go back and sleep, and once I wake up the rest of the day is ruined 'cause I'll be so tired.

Today was even worse. I woke up and switched on my phone to do a time check. 4.30am. I was like "What the-" and I put my phone up on my table and you know what? It slid right off and hit me slightly higher than my forehead. So I was tired, my eyes were quarter-shut and I was peeling them open and a heavy 7260 bombs my head and I dropped my head into my pillow like a block of wood.

Ok I wave my white flag. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, phoney (pun intended).

After school, Mel and I were headed to our respective bus stops and then there were this group of 5 guys and a girl attacking a tree with tiles from the construction site, and then when we walked, the girl squealed "Hey, don't walk here! There's a beehive!" We looked at her quizzically, haha, her tone was hilarious. We looked at it then we walked out on the road, then we sped up a little because the boys were still attacking it with broken tiles. Haha. Hit then they all come out and attack you all ah, tomorrow I see you all red, spotty and ugly uh! Then I will stand there laugh at you. Haha, no I'm not so mean, I'll just laugh at the 2 boys who threw the tiles (the rest were calafare you see, gawking at the brown furball on the tree)

I make a good maid, seriously. What with all the housework I do now without complaints. Heh.

That everyone I knew
Was waiting on a queue
To turn and run
When all I needed was the truth

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Give in.

Tuesdays are lovely, and I have fallen in love with Chemistry. Chemical equations make good friends.

Assembly was kinda corny, with some 'professional storyteller' telling us 2 stories, one about Kama Suran or something, and it links to Sang Nila Utama and another one about 2 lame brothers. Haha, Melissa and I were trying to pretend to be kindergarten kids haha, and I slouched down and cradled my face with both my hands, looks kindergarten-kid-dish right? Haha, okay never mind. Ignore what I said.

Ever encountered love as bribery?

Life's so ordinarily exciting.

Take me by the hand, take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are but I'm with you

Monday, August 14, 2006

Stains on my t-shirt.

I miss blogging. All thanks to my screwy internet connection, I was abandoned out of cyber world for 3 days, straight. Perhaps it was a good break, after all this weekend was pretty eventful and interesting, with so many strange happenings happening. Had planetshakers on Saturday and it was hilariously fun, pictures won't be posted, since there's too many.

School was fun today, with our class pictures taken (at the goal post) and breezy speedy lessons. Haha, I need to do my long-owed E Math homework, because he's checking tomorrow. Aye. That's a drag but it's okay.

Heh Loulou is a happy girl, and just like the song I learnt in my primary school choir "A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep." I was reminded of it suddenly after school.

Let me tell you a secret, I'm in a horrible dilemma.

Haha, this is funny. You told me about your problem because it made you sleepless, now that you've told me and released your unsleepability. I can't sleep because of it. Heh - oh crap.

I walked a thousand miles while everyone was asleep
Nobody's really seen my million subtleties

Friday, August 11, 2006

Take it to the floor.

Here's my MSN chat logs for the past 3 days, everyone I've talked to is a mere less than 15KB of log, and a random unusual one of 45KB which is still very little. Haha.

A short school day before the weekend. Heh I love this week!

Went out for dinner with Lynette at chomps and had oh-so-yummy-yum-yum fat-carbo-full laksa. Haven't eaten that in years and the ones in school & the usual foodcourts sucks, with the school one being so concerned over the non-chilli-eaters that it is so bland and the foodcourt one flooded with coconut milk the soup/gravy is too light-coloured and weird-looking. Oh and the humps were huge. Haha, maybe I'm dense but they were twice the size of my usual charkwaytiao humps. Heh.

Ate another half a plate of carrot cake too. Heh, Friday nights are supposed to be happy, especially with that overused slogan "TGIF!". YES. But my idea of spending it is hilariously ha-ha. (:

Random >> Here's a picture of the old dirtier chomp chomp before the renovation and before it got way more famous & 'commercialised'. Haha.

L: Yes when you go offline. I will go and bathe. See - you come online ah, then I sacrifice my bathing time ok. See - I am so nice, so you must thank me.
HT: Hey I'm going offline.
L: Hey that doesn't mean immediately! ... Fine
HT: Ya???
L: So mean - ha, go go go!
HT: ..........
L: Don't dot me, I hate it!
HT: ............................
L: Do not!
L: DOT me. Haha, you stupid mcnugget.
HT: ............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111
HT: Mcnugget!!!!!!!!!
L: Lol. What, sensitive huh?
HT: My primary school friends used to call me that.
L: Huh why!
HT: Ha I've got a lot of names.

Haha you & your identity crisis. Ahem, ahem, cough, cough - Do not DOT me. :D

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Hello everybody. This is my cousin.

Louisa is a Sloth - I haven't started on my homework, the English and Chinese essay. Am I even planning to? You know I really hate it that the teachers always modify holidays into pseudo ones, by piling some homework on us and acting like they are supposed to be piling stuff on us. The final year papers are coming soon, the 'O' levels are coming soon, and Christmas is coming soon. Out of which, only one of it is actually something you'd be happy about.

I went out in the evening to the library and got another 3 books, and returned the other 3. One is Pictures of You by Matt Thorne, Eight Minutes Idle also by Matt Thorne, and another one by Scarlett Thomas called Going Out. One thing that got me pretty annoyed was the previous person who borrowed Pictures of You. Let me explain why.

I opened the cover to start reading when I got back, and to my utter mortification, it was missing the first 2 pages, that means all I saw on the first page was the title of the book, and the next page was page 5. Ha ha, so funny. Thankfully I flipped some more and found the missing pages, so because I find it an eyesore, I taped back the pages and realised that the entire inside of the book was like eaten by silverfish (destroyed, more like) or something - it was falling apart, and I spent a good deal of time plus used scotchtape to mend the book. Now I can read it in peace. Haha.

I don't want to do my homework, can I skip school tomorrow? Obviously not. -.-

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Pissum Mode.


What an awful way to wish everyone a Happy National Day and thanks for tagging (those wishing HND) heh. Lovely fellows.

Need. To. Go. Out.

Also, He Twin is sick.

Oh and agreeing with Joyce, the NDP this year was a bit, boring, like there's no interesting highlight. The song's quite nice, but besides that, not much rah-rah at all.

Kaira Gooooonggg.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Had National Day celebrations today, some programme, some NE quiz, some muster parade that was so freaking boring with so many long pauses that my classmates and I were all armed with a book. Read, read, read!

Oh well. Went home after that and did my journal. I have no idea what's for homework for the holidays, but I know it's quite a bit of stuff. Boy oh boy, I miss the thought of freedom, both mine and yours.

The lack of it is sucking the life out of us.

When you work out where to draw the line
Your guess is as good as mine

Monday, August 07, 2006

I am not a dog, hahaha.

My internet is going to die soon. Oh hurry, I have to speed this post up.

PE was fun, with the new petite adorable cute short teacher. For once, this skinny/sporty teacher is the only short one who isn't annoying. God bless her. We had to play captain's ball, and my team was Lina, Melissa, Wanyi, Debbie, Rebecca, myself and Liyen. Strange isn't it? Haha, we didn't even know we were teamed up like that. Haha, but it doesn't matter anyway. It was probably the only game I've ever played that I've been one of the more active players. Haha. Debbie's pretty good at her shots.

I think Serene, Meixuan and Denise are super adorable. Haha, I was teasing and annoying them the entire game, jumping and doing weird antics in front of them just to defend. Hahaha. I don't know what has got into me, but I just felt like doing something stupid. Hey, senses of humour, they laughed, and I like to make people laugh.

Math was a bore, with properties of circles. I never did like circles since their introduction to us during primary school, what with pi and its stupid 3.142 value.

Triple Lit was good, we had half our lesson at the library, and I got teased on the way there. What a laugh. I even smiled at that stupid fat boy who likes to laugh at me. Hahaha.

Okay la. I still like to make people laugh. So laugh lor. It's okay.

I sound ridiculous today and I don't know why. Hahahaha.

Well I think I'm getting a stupid flu, and my earlier part of this post sounds like I'm perverse. -chuckles- Liyen has msn! :D Angeline and Shandy too! Yay, for... well, msn. Haha.

Oh well toodles. Nothing much to say today.

So hey, wear your red tees tomorrow okay? :D

Sunday, August 06, 2006


So I didn't spend my Saturday morning buying stuff and borrowing books from the library, I was too stony to do anything at 10.30am when I woke up. So much for the belief of weekend-sleeping-in. I tell you that is the biggest scam anyone can ever tell you.

Everything went better than fine, the surroundings were unusually chilly (both connotatively and denotatively) and I was feeling normal though, without the usual awful suppression of my chest. It is disturbing to find yourself unable to turn--

But it was all but a dream, I insist.

Dinner was spent with the girls at Yoshinoya, with cloudy thoughts of tummies wailing for grub. Then we complained how unsatisfying it was. Yoshinoya, you overpriced shat. Even this kid (I'm guessing six years old?) next to us could finish that $6 Bento Setto, and so you were saying? What about fresh-salmon-goodness & what other sales gimmicks? We're growing, yoshinoya. We NEED our grub.

So basically, an odd Saturday. Perhaps we need some Michelle who's gone on sec 3 camp.

As some Vanessa Mae accompanies me while I type out this post, I'd like to mention my day's activities, nothing too fascinating I'd like to delve into. Had care group in the morning, this time more interactive with more points to think about and learn from. Samuel didn't get to finish his devotion again, haha, it's quite a laugh.

I bought 1 litre of water chestnut & sugar cane drink at $1.60, and was happily dragging around everywhere I went. It's quite heavy y'know. Anyway I paid a visit to my long-lost friend, the library. I'm beginning to think of my relationship with books as a love-hate relationship. Pretty interesting, don't you think?

Much to my accomplishment, I have finished 1 out of 3 books I'd borrowed, in less than 4 hours. Not to mention with my piano lesson in between. It's called Cherry, by Matt Thorne and I like the way the illustration/design on the cover has to do with the story. It pictures, interestingly, a bloody cherry. Unfortunately I can't really look at it properly because of the stupid library barcode slapped on it. What a shame.

Basically the synopsis only links to the start of the story, and it's a fascinatingly grosteque story, and I like it. My piano teacher commented that I am a sadist, after hearing what books I'm interested in. So let me enlighten you, and perhaps you might (dis)agree with her. I like books about social misfits, mystery (not Nancy Drew type, I hate how she never dies) and especially those which talks about Mao's China, most of the time involving disturbing elements of violence, rape, prostitution, madness and murder. So after the last line, you'd probably think I'm some perverse psychomaniac. Of course I read other genres, chick-lit, one of my more favoured genres. Yup.

Well there is a reason why I take history in school, and it's not because I don't wanna take Geography.

I didn't know Cherry was going to end so weirdly, with the protagonist going to jail and what not. If you'll read it, you'll be confused. Haha. But it's a very interesting thought pattern, like I'm fascinated how the author thought of the storyline. Highly unusual. It did sound like a romance book (which I hate, but I like Matt Thorne stuff) although I didn't realise until now that it didn't have that silly pink heart shape at the spine.

Dinner with the folks was a weird. Besides that, life's never been happier and this post is not strange, just for once, less censored. We should practice self-control shouldn't we?

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sympathy, where have you gone!

Parcels or punches. Please don't punch me. Haha.

Louisa is happy. Louisa is mad. Louisa is a bimbo. Bimbo. Bimbo. Bimbo. Bimbo. Bimbo. Bimbo. Bimbo. Bimbo. Bimbo. Bimbo.

Excusemoi. I think my brains and all the white matter in my brain has flowed out of my left ear. Yay for Joy Luck Club! :D


Just done with bathing and the drying of my hair.

Festival of Praise was a blast. (: But no elaborations. The CCC Band was good, and Don Moen still sounds and looks the same since when I listened to his albums when I was, say, seven. Coincidentally, in the queue to get into the stadium, Crosby, Joel, Jenalyn and friends were behind me! Haha, surprise, surprise.

Flargh, I've got something like a flu. Nose on a marathon, yet they blow nothing out. (Slob slob)

Tomorrow morning will be spent borrowing library books & buying stuff, then church in the evening. I hope I do not have that stupid rush of time again. Heh.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Miss you for sixty days.

But with you
I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you'll catch me
Right before I hit the ground
With nothin' but a t-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby as I do now
Now that I'm with you

You speak and it's like a song
And just like that all my walls come down
It's like a private joke
Just meant for us to know

I relate to you naturally
Everybody else just fades away
Sometimes it's hard to breathe
Just knowing you found me

Come and take me
Love you, save me
Like nobody else
Now I can be myself with you

Thursday, August 03, 2006

One smile, one laugh & we're quits.

The last 2 classes to settle down during morning assembly - 3/7 and 3/8. Yay, we were embarrassed in front of the whole school, not that I'm actually complaining. It was quite fun actually, in fact, it was also thrilling.

We were sent back to our classes on the 4th level and were to return to the quad and form up again. Haha, we were given 2 minutes, but we obviously slacked longer than that in class before going down, haha, but Shafain chased us out of the classroom and down. Haha, yes a very good epitome of a good chairperson. Unlike somebody. Hohoho. :D

So yeah we're supposed to settle down 15 mins before the second bell actually rings for the rest of this week and next week, sitting according to our index numbers, which means Erica and I are first up. Ugh, what a drag.

Oh yeah, we had to stay back to climb up and down the stairs 20 times, yeah but Mr Goh cut it down to 4 times, haha, don't we just make his heart melt? Lol. Then Hiew punished us with 300 lines of "We will not be late for morning assembly again from 4/8/2006 onwards." Haha. It was hilariously funny, everyone rushing to write out that stupid thing and get it done and over with. Oh and that punishment (the walk up and down one) was supposed to be humiliating, but ha! We all felt the opposite way - we basked in the attention! Man, we are terrible things to discipline.

So we had debates today, and hoho, I screwed up big time, but I feel pretty okay - don't know why. Haha, I was the bloody reply speaker because I was saving Dacia's butt. Our debate was stupid, Johnson's team defined gambling as a risk, but we were defining gambling as slot machines, mahjong and whatever games. Yeah, it was totally out of point. So how do I actually rebute?

Besides, Johnson was such an obsolete character, with Benji writing all his rebuttals. -.- Chee, and I had nobody to help me, in addition my 1st & 2nd speakers were rebutting and using up my points. Crap.

Anyway, no hard feelings about it. I felt quite accomplished actually. Like I spoke without that idiotic hiccupy feeling/noise, for once. So that's a good sign. :)

After the punishment, got daddy to pick me up to go and get stuff. Yup, he was so hungry he dragged me into Gelare, where I ate an oreo cheesecake and he ate a raisin scone and a new york cheesecake washed down with latte. Spent so much money today. I was pretty xing tia (heart pain)

Oh well, just got back a while ago, and I'm bushed.

Festival of Praise tomorrow, and I've got remedial and I need to go and get something from town. Gee, rushed for time rushed for time! Perhaps I wouldn't go fo remedial. :l I hope he doesn't remember I told him I'm coming. Hurhur.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Bloat for the feminity.

One disconsolate morning can spoil your track record of joy luck in a week. The day was spent very much unproductively, with 2 tests, Social Studies & Chinese, both of which I refused to study, despite a lot of time to do so with all that free periods. Yeah, forgot to mention we had free periods the entire day (tests & watching debates are brainless activities) because our teachers just decided to skip out on us.

Sure, free periods are spent with Melissa, and we just talk, and talk. We don't bitch except for recesses, when we see the people who dedicate their lives to either making our lives miserable, awkward or just plain weird. Song En then came along with Kennard and yeah, we had a chat. The highlight Song En said is that I'm the ultimate anti-social. Ha, perhaps, perhaps.

What a depressingly emo day. I hate emo shit.

By the way, I haven't been writing in my diary, and my sides are suffering excruciating stabs & stabs of pain. Napfa, I hate you.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

So far, the most accurate.

What Your Soul Really Looks Like
You are quite expressive and thoughtful. You see the world in a way that others are blind to.

You are a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from you, but they're going to get it.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is likely to be filled with great successes and accomplishments. You just need to figure out how to get there.

For you, falling in love is all about the adventure and uncertainty. You can only fall in love with someone who keeps you guessing.

The Reconciliation.

We discussed a slogan and a caricature of heads & arrows drawn and thought out by someone. It was something special, and I wondered how many of these people would go unnoticed in our lives, those people with gifts & talents, all priceless & not something able to be taught but something innate.

Innate talent, doesn't this phrase just make you pop on your thinking cap and think about how many people you know actually are hiding some potential or talent in them?

Can you imagine how many people out there, that are strangers to you, but they are such nice, beautiful at heart and sweet people, with gifts, like being able to draw well, write prolific good poems, sing until your heart melts in your hands or maybe just have such a simple yet powerful gift? The ability to love, anyone?

It's sad to know that you'd never have the time to know all these people.

Won't we never discover these, if we didn't take the time to love and share our own lives with them?

I wouldn't have found anything if I had switched off my mind to these people.

The reconciliation. It's like I've finally learnt to love.

And it's all because of you.

*This post is in reference to my school, not anywhere else*
Yes, I love my school for this year. For once I'll say it without a cringe.

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again