Sunday, January 22, 2006


Had Caregroup today and Samuel was doing sharing about John chapter 3, his opinion was really unique in a way, not in a literature way, neither in the normal reading and analysing style. It's just unique. Haha. Constance was quite amazed, in a way.

Well Cheryl and I have to do Chapter Four next week. =D

Had lunch with Michelle while JH had to run off for Teachers' meeting. Fascinating to think that Glenn and JH are junior teachers now, and they are songleaders in the children's ministry. Yeap, they're teaching Kindergarteners! Heh.

I've got nothing to write because my brain is so fried.
  • Went for piano lesson after gallavanting in Novena with Michelle.
  • Didn't sleep at all on the way to Tamps.
  • Super brain fried & tired
  • Music lesson
  • Waited for Cheryl's lesson to finish
  • Took a lift from her dad
  • Visited her grandma (her mom's mum)
  • Went to her house for dinner
  • Made myself totally at home
  • Got molested by Justin countless times
  • Got sent home by Auntie Dolly
  • Auntie Esther is flying off to I don't know where!


And I am going shopping with her this week for CNY stuff. Wasn't expecting to be able to shop for more clothing. I'm quite broke. =)

God is gooood.

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