Saturday, June 25, 2005


I think we've all heard about this picture already. Jon's doing the Ruhua imitation. Ahaha. I used this pic just to try out the Blogger Images thing. Yeah. Anyhows, today's the big day. Let me say this first before Joel starts saying that nobody remembers his birthday. [So many people wished him on his blog!]
Happy Birthday Joel!
Yeap, and tonight's gonna be Gram's birthday party and I'm going to miss church. I wanted to go, but my mom kept saying it was impractical, so oh well, guess I don't have much of a choice. I hope Michelle goes church today, if not Jeralyn will be left with Jinghan and she'll be whining and messaging me. Aaahs. GIRLS!

I've just screened through the Granny Milestones Powerpoint and it's great and super professional. Yeah, I know my eldest sister is great at powerpoint [I know you're reading this, HAHA!] and yeah, basically good at making all this little shows of hers. Yeap. We were correcting the mistakes and adding the missing stuff, and my mom kept saying what was next. Arggh. When do mothers keep their mouths shut?! So fixed up the rest and added a few more pictures. Clar refuses to show anybody the powerpoint, except at the party. That's different for us 'cause we are the family in charge of it, haha!

Okay, I'm getting a little jittery over the performance. Anyhows, I'll blog after the whole thing.

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