Monday, November 28, 2005
Send me off.
I gotta teach Lynette how to play Sims so she can entertain herself with me absent from her life! Don't you know I'm an essential in hers? Haha, just kidding.
Anyway, packing time. Catch ya Sunday onwards honeys.
Resolutions, thanksgiving and christmas.
My first drawn out list of giving-to-whom christmas list: 29
My second drawn out list with giving-to-whom christmas list: 25
My third drawn out list with giving-to-whom christmas list: 15
Great... It's time for me to start saving money and just as I think about this bag I wanted to buy with my savings, the word "Christmas" had to float across my mind. Sigh, I'm like sacrificing for the season of love and giving. How noble.
I took out this pink notebookI got from Thomas for last year's Christmas with only four pages used and when I was reading the thanksgiving part, this huge, and I really mean huge silverfish came tottling over the page. Bahm! I slapped the book on the floor and oh, -plays music that the Sims game play when the Repo Man comes- the silverfish split into a couple of pieces and is now sadly decorating the floor with its silver bits of body parts. Haha, you know how much I hate (and enjoy killing) little crawlies that destroy stuff.
I was reading through my 2005 resolutions & Thanksgiving'04 together with some nice Bible verses and 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, some of my resolutions are still unresoluted (I'm sure that's not a word but heck) and pretty dumb too. Here's a snippet.
- Stop being so mean!
Learn to focusCurrently only focusing on stuff I am interested in.Learn to be more sociable!I think this is half done. But good enough.- Be less rude. Err.
Punctuality!I'm always punctual, unless I choose to be vain. =pBe a listener.I think this only applies for certain people.
So... means I haven't really achieved my resolutions anyhow. They're all half-done! Bad, bad, bad.
My sister, the pig is sleeping and tsking that I've turned the God He Reigns CD up too loud. Complain queen! =p I shall daringly turn it up, up, up! ... and blast her ears to smitereens and she can decorate my floor too! Wuahaha.
Ah, it's been long since I've blogged a proper post. Suddenly had an urge to write, I mean, before I forget everything. Yeap.
Toodles ~
Nice, nice, nice.
Hey, birthdays aren't just about presents you know.
So we had a great deal of running around playing catching and hide&seek, don't call us preschoolies, it's actually fun if you're not wasting half the time being self-conscious and obnoxious - Let your hair down baby!
Now my feet are like charcoal black, eeuuckk. Washed it for over ten minutes, and it still has faint (not so faint!) traces of black patches. Yuck.
Basically it was way fun, and way better than the last birthday party I went to besides Cheryl's one which was a total insider party and not a large-scale party.
Hur, I love birthdays. Mine is still far. Bah
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Christmas is coming!
Caregroup - Had discussion for Christmas partayy! =D
Lunched with Thomas @ the market.
Ate a little with Lyn & Thom again.
Hazel, Clara, Jess & Mabelline are soo cute! HAHA. =D -waves
Saturday, November 26, 2005
A chorus of dogs & bitches.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Hmm, I know boys do cry, guys do cry and men do cry, it's just about how appropriate the situation is. I mean, if girls were to cry almost at every upsetting juncture of their life, it can get a little annoying after a while, and also guys actually find girls that cry at everything and anything a bit of a turn-off after too much of it, which I know is true since heh, my sister told me one situation. And also because of their inability to express emotion (or how much they successfully try to hide them), their average dying age is earlier. Hurray to Female Domination. Hahaha. =p
Hmm, don't be childish and think I'm reading about Love & Sex because it just happened to be in a pop-up and I didn't know it was gonna be in that category of reads.
Read: The slap to Xiaxue's post.
Haha! An excerpt:
"Maybe, just maybe, it stems from the fact that no one but obsessed fangirls give a crap about details. Not that details aren't of interest, it's just that they're so... weightless. I mean, seriously, the only reason why Xiaxue noticed Barty Crouch's moustache was because she was on a details witch-hunt, and the poor man's upperlip hair wasn't "ruler straight". Anyone else wouldn't even have looked at his moustache. I mean, what's the point? You find him slumped, dead, against a tree. He's only there because he's a plot device, live with it. The most hilarious bit is her being upset at the speed of speech. It's yet again another translation problem. Miranda Richardson as Rita Skeeter oozed so much oomph during her 8 minutes of screen time that, hey, she doesn't need to talk fast to be a convincing Rita Skeeter. She was so convincing, I could almost smell her perfume. If she had to mimic the character ad verbatim, she wouldn't be a very good actress. Likewise for Moody and Dumbledore- whose intensity really reminded us that there were veteran actors in the cast.
Not that Xiaxue would've noticed, she was too busy wondering why Moody had blonde hair."
I spent a day at home, simming, sinning and whatever else. Went out for a short while to slack, then slacked again at Cheryl's place, then headed to chomps and finished a whole plate of sting ray, yummy. And, home. What a day! I'm tired.
I love the weekends!
I anticipate Christmas!
I gotta shop tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Hung Up.
Every little thing that you say or do
I'm hung up
I'm hung up on you
Waiting for your call
Baby night and day
I'm fed up
I'm tired of waiting on you
Time goes by so slowly for those who wait
No time to hesitate
Those who run seem to have all the fun
I'm caught up
I don't know what to do
Time goes by so slowly
Time goes by so slowly
Time goes by so slowly
I don't know what to do
Every little thing that you say or do
I'm hung up
I'm hung up on you
Waiting for your call
Baby night and day
I'm fed up
I'm tired of waiting on you
Ring ring ring goes the telephone
The lights are on but there's no-one home
Tick tick tock it's a quarter to two
And I'm done
I'm hanging up on you
I can't keep on waiting for you
I know that you're still hesitating
Don't cry for me'cause I'll find my way
You'll wake up one day
But it'll be too late
Waiting for your call
Waiting for your call
I'm fed up
I'm tired of waiting on you
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
"Mummy, the next bus is gonna be 136 that goes to our house."
Camp comm meeting @ 12, and I left the house, late. Not very late, but still late, if my sister insists on reminding me of that idiotic fact.
Idiotic fact #2: I missed the 317 feeder bus going to circus. I was just walking out, about a minute away from the bus stop, and I heard the noisy clatter of the engines & handles on the non-air-conditioned bus and then, it went past me off to the next bus stop. -.-
Idiotic fact #3: Stormed to the circus bus stop in a funny way because the floor was extremely slippery and I was afraid that I would slip and fall and end up in an embarrassing mess. (By the way, I was already half embarrassed by the way I was trudging (and storming away, grumbling about missing the bus))
Idiotic fact #4: Two Indian boys (siblings) were being absolutely annoying at the bus stop, yeah I know, they're just being inquisitive but oh come on, stop rubbing it in that my bus is so not coming soon. Let me reenact:
Younger "Mummy, the next bus is gonna be 136"
Older "You don't talk so much la, later wrong"
Younger "Oh no no no, the next bus is gonna be the 136 that goes to our house (Punggol)
Mother -pretends she doesn't hear anything"
Then the bus comes, and it is not 136!! It was 315. I nearly wanted to jump in front of that obnoxious boy and say "HA HA HA! It's not 136! It's 315, hey now you owe me $100 for losing a bet" Heh. -cheekygrin-
73 came and I was like chanting to myself "Toa Payoh!, toa payoh!, toa payohhh!" and what was the bus? 73 ANG MO KIO. I was so freaking pissed! (grumbling and complaining to myself) Also with a maid who was watching me and gesturing to her other maid mates that I was mad. =.= That fat swine.
Comm meeting @ Mos. Michelle didn't come for meeting, like yay, the person with all the information didn't come and -- doesn't keep her promises as well. -.- I drank Clam Chowder & Strawberry Shake! Mmmphhff!
Bought my Secondary 3 stuff (minus my Science stuff) and lugged it home in my haversack (if you know me, I wouldn't carry an ugly haversack out! No matter how glamourous it looks!) Humma humma humma.
I have a stalker. Shit.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Some think of husbands having affairs,
some think of their riches stolen,
some think of their family disowning them,
to sheer loneliness and abandonment.
Some think they've got all the friends,
some think they've got all the popularity,
but when trouble comes and you get hurt,
you realise nobody really cares.
Some think they are lousy,
some think they are stupid,
some think they are too unknowledgeable that no one wants to talk to them,
only because they choose to think so.
Some think they should kill themselves,
some think they should run away,
some think they should strangle the cause of stress (which is normally a woman)
but they know these are wrong.
Quiet times are not good for those with disturbed minds, but I believe such things in the second or third paragraph (not stanza) are quite realistic, in fact I can envision one person losing all his/her friends now.
When you're feeling down and out, talk to somebody, then you won't feel like doing the fourth paragraph.
Why can't they just support the dog til it dies?
Misery for those poor little thangs, if my parents would allow, I would adopt all those nice little things rather than buy them, although I'd really like a Shetland Sheepdog now. =D
But my mom is strictly against it, and I'm seriously quite upset.
Boo. I hate my mom for that.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Anyhows, I'm just gonna write a quick post for today, although I'm not really sure why today's events are worthy of a post now that I've become rather sick of blogging because everytime I switch on my computer, my mom yells and squeals that I'm always on the computer, blogging, which I'm not always doing, but parents like to assume anyway, don't you agree with me?
And you must be wondering why am I rushing this post out so quickly (I'm like typing at the speed of hamsters running on those wheels of theirs at maximum speed or even faster), actually I don't really know, but I really wouldn't like hearing my mom yap non-stop (you see, she's bathing now, then at 9.30pm she's gonna watch her news SO, this is totally timely for a blog post without interruptions!) Heh.
Went for care group in the morning, Kai and Glenn were absent because they're both overseas! Kai's in Korea (or is it Japan?), I hope he gets some stuff for us although sometimes he kinda demonstrates his stingy-ness, so I shouldn't be looking forward to that. Glenn's in um, mission trip - I can't remember what country. But all I know is that he is with a buncha older women at about 40 plus. Ooh. Motherly women. Back to the care group situation - we discussed Psalms 23 and that every verse had a meaning, which I felt was pretty applicable and at the end we had to like meditate on one part of the whole chapter for the week.
I can't stand it Daniel is too intelligent. Rah.
So Uncle David was messaging and calling me throughout care group, making me pretty pissed - telling me that Cheryl was to look after Justin urgently. Bah, Cheryl has her own phone!
Went home with Thomas and my maid (I had to teach her how to go home) and also Stacey happened to be in the bus lah.
Ah I hear my mom's footsteps, yikes.
So at about four, I went out with Cheryl to a 5 mins away place - Coffee Bean, and a short while in Pets Station to peek around those wonderful little canines. Nice. The Shetland Sheepdog was quite appealing. Ooh.
Walked around chomps and prata place, saw Linhui with her family in chomps. Yeap. =D
Anyway, she just turned on the TV, but I'm going off now!
Ciao! And anticipate new posts soon!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Besides, your other flaws all start with B as well.
You're such a B sucker.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Socks pulled up high.
Eyeliner nope.
No-no to makeup.
What the heck am I talking about?
I see Love.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Dog fever. - for a long time.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
A quick post.
Went to coffee bean today and totally slacked my day off playing sims and stuff IN coffee bean, just to accompany my sister and share drinks with her. -.-
Michelle is being absolutely annoying with her refusal of sending me the youth camp schedule for me to include into the camp booklet.
And the other Michelle is spending half the time apologizing to me even though I'm like "Okay." . "Eh never mind la". I'm not quite used to nice people, just used to normal boring people, how about that? Yeah, and I don't like the idea of apologizing when it's really nothing of your problem at all.
So we had a rainy and gloomy afternoon at Coffee Bean, okay. It was freezing in there, but I had a windbreaker which was an awful 3 sizes bigger than me (I think it's an average guy's size) and I looked pretty dumb, so who cares! It was a freezer eh.
Anyway, I'm still superbly annoyed with everybody. So, I deem today as hate everybody day.
Okay that's really dumb, but I'm just trying all means to entertain myself and make myself a tad bit happier.
Not working.
Don't you!
For once let me get this clear.
Michelle Tan, my 14 year old niece & close friend shall be called on my blog Michelle, simply.
Michelle Qua = Michelle Q
This is too confusing.
Anyway, most of the time, I'm with Mich, not MichQ. Yeap.
So expect the posts to be Mich-powder-ful. Hurhur.
Or maybe I shouldn't even talk about Michelle Qua anymore so that it's easier for me & readers. YEAH.
Michelle: -sings!-
"Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me
Don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me
Don't cha, dont cha
Don't you wish your girlfriend was raw like me
Don't you wish your girlfriend was fun like me
Don't you, dont cha!"

Don't you think I look a bit, funny? Haha.
AND I DO NOT LOOK FAT AND SHORT because you can measure my leg size with everyone of the females, but of course I agree, those guys have much skinnier legs than me, amazing! They've got mei tui. =D
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
Happy two years birthday to llife!
Do they want to forget about troubles?
Therefore clubbing solves their problems in a moment?
Does drinking all the alcohol and all the shots gonna make you forget your troubles?
How about this, you drink, you forget the troubles, get wasted, then feel worse, then you drink more? Don't you see the logic in it? That's a really good way to waste money, and an extremely strategic marketing strategy. Yeah, that's really smart of those creators of alcohol and stuff. Hurhur.
People always think the popular goes to clubs because they are popular, to mingle with other populars, and because most of these populars are pretty/handsome, so you get to make friends with many of the prettys and handsomes by clubbing and making more, nice-looking acquaintances. The only problem is, in the club it's so dark, even if some uglies get in, they wouldn't even know would they? They'll just
Are they insecure? I still question.
Insecurity is everyone's problem, so face up to it and get over it baby. (:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
havent even tok to me then say goodnite liaox
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
hahaha. why you miss me ah
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
HEY what's the silence for
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
crazy gal
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
hey, cannot be happy issit
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
okay la i talk to you first la
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
tonight is talk to everybody night (
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
saw u too
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
u were wearing a jacket
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
yes i was embarrasing myself on stage
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
NO i wasn't
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
only for the stage part & when I was coldd.
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
so embrassing la
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
it's so difficult
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
just kidding la
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
but i'm good at acting bimbo.
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
i agree
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
HOi you trying to say I stupid lor!
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
wait ah i go toilet
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
okay back!
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
so fast ar
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
did u stand to pee?
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
heh, no, i do not hav an expressway
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
it seems nice to have one, but gross as well
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
insulting me
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
so hows ur results?
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
hey! sometimes it's fun, but sometimes it's plain vulnerable.
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
like I can kick you there, and it's gonna hurt you everytime you pee, how about that! Perfect torture throughout a whole week man!
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
hmm not very gd,
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
eh bucket head,
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
answer me!
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
HEY, stop dotting.
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
so evil la
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
Girls find it very rude
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
like u can even kick like that
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
Why can't I.
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
onli petty gals will find it rude
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
I have Long legs. just not as long as models ok
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
nick says:
nick says:
nick says:
but guys have extra string arms to hold ur leg before it reaches that spot u see
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
it looks sickening like your pee is dripping on the screeb.
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
well only you
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
and you are so easily distracted
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
i can just ask jeralyn to wave at you and you'll be stunned for a million yrs long enough for me to kick you and runaway
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
i'm so sadistic and feministic
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
u reallie are sadistic la
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
nick -+--+-rebel. says:
evil gal
louisa enigma, explain me. says:
hey, not evil lor.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
So much, the joy of the Lord?
Nice, nice, nice.
I'm feeling ecstatically happy and absolutely cheerful! After getting my silly/lame new email which I still think is quite adorable in some sense.
From now on, please please please, contact me @ Hahaha, what good does it do if an email you log on to everyday doesn't make you laugh? Well, this does. How can pringles ever be posh. Ha! -chuckles
I spent my whole day/night on the computer. Not the whole day lah, I'm not such a geek. But the night was fulfillingly nice. =D I'm so happy! (that i'm repeating myself, yay! lmao) The night was spent... talking to:
- Clarence (yes, be amazed, new friend! Yay)
- Calista (ooh, I love this lil' bitch)
- Ernest (Pimpin, yucks!)
- Michelle Q (a few pathetic town sentences)
- Michelle Tan
- Shawn
- Caroline (my dear dear dear rich bitch)
- Engseng (he forgot me, what audacity!)
- Zeslene (her hair is pretty pretty!)
Yum, don't you think that's nice, a little primary school reunion (not so exaggerated though), but anyway, talked to Corny Celine -attempts to describe Celine with an adjective beginning with the same letter of her name- HA, she IS corny.
Happy, happy, happy! I love Clarence! HAHAHAHA. -just laughs with mouth wide even though it embarrasses-
Oh come on, sometimes you just gotta let go of being all preened and high-class and mess up your hair, run around looking stupid and taking spastic pictures.
Flamboyancy yeap!
I'm losing my inspiration's gone
Seeing through some different eyes
I can't findmy medication failed again, again
I can feel a change, I can feel, can you feel it?
See it on the street
Watching heat from the pavement
Cause I'm here
Ready to take it all here
Everything's feeling unclear
I wish it was raining
Cause I hate every beautiful day
Faces in the crowd
fake smiles for miles
My imitation's wrong of them, again
Trapped inside this cheap hotel
bored as hell turning the channels 'roundin my head, in my bed
I can feel a change, I can feel, can you feel it?
I see it on the streetwatching heat from the pavement
Cause I'm here
Ready to take it all here
Everything's feeling unclear
I wish it was raining
Cause I hate every beautiful day
All I know I'll never know
All I know I'll never know
From Pamela
Bold those that apply to you:
i have a cell phone.
i have friends that use me. oh so obnoxiously
i am an only child.
i love dangly earrings.
i love cold weather.
i'm obsessed with the computer.
i can't live without music. my life!
i have no tolerance of ignorant people.
i have ridden on a motorcycle before.
i'll be in this town forever.
i've been to 5 other countries.
i get annoyed easily.
i eventually want kids.
i have neat handwriting.
i have more than a few horrible memories.
i love airplane rides.
i love taking pictures.
i hate people who are fake.
i can be mean when i want to.
my parents care about my grades.
one of my best friends is a guy.
i have way too many purses.
i'm obsessed with lip gloss.
i am easy to talk to. Too difficult in fact
i would never eat raw fish.
i cry easily. in private yes
i hate when people are late.
i procrastinate/change my mind quickly.
i have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.
i love to sleep.
i wish i were smarter.
i hate drama. tv drama yes, bitch drama love it!
i bite my nails.
i love the beach.
i have never had the chicken pox.
i have gone out in public in my pajamas. come on, I don't wear nightgowns
i can't control my emotions.
i have moved more than once.
i truly love my friends.
i have braces.
i have never broken a bone.
i love guys that play the drums.
i'm a happy person.
i love to dance.
i love to sing.
i love cleaning my room.
i tend to get jealous very easily.
i love cute underwear.
i love night better than day.
i don't like to study for tests.
i have been on the phone for over 5 hours.
i am too forgiving. I can be totally unforgiving if you want me to.
i have horrible sense in direction.
i miss elementary school.
i'm a daddy's girl.
i love the color pink. and green and ooh.
i love to sew.
i become stressed easily.
i hate liars.
i love the smell of rain.
i love the smell of the HDB lifts.
i love my family. how can i say not?
i hate needles.
i am a perfectionist.
i always wanted to learn to play the drums.
i hate the feeling of failure.
i have friends in other countries.
i know how to cook.
i can be quite selfish.
at times, i still behave like a kid.
i have food allergies. i used to be allergic to everything la
i love to read.
i wish i were more motivated for school. I AM.
i love getting stuff in the mail.
i have problems with letting go of old feelings.
i hate being alone.
i love the weekends.
i love black eyeliner.
i think im pretty. okay la
i can type with one hand.
i live in a one story house.
i wear make-up.
i have never rode on an underground subway.
i can't swim.
i have bad memories.
i go to church.
i sing in the shower.
i usually get what i want.
i have been on stage before.
i love roller coasters. omg, i'm so scared of heights
no one knows my full story of my life.
i don't have a curfew.
Chicken Little! Haha!
Numa numa i-ay
Numa numa numa iay
Kipul tow she dragosta din tay, ma mintesc day oki ti-ay
Vrais a pleche dar numa numa i-ay
Numa numa i-ay numa numa numa i-ay
Kipul tow she dragosta din tay, ma mintesc day oki ti-ay
Mi-a-ha ha
I know this is techno and I shouldn't be finding it cute, but I find Chicken Little dancing to it cute! Haha!
I think it sounds quite funny, haha. Well, the address's
So visit and get accustomed to both of us in different styles, I hope.
Now there's nothing there, except a few hellos, but you could just come by and add a hello too!
Long blog post, but tomorrow it shall come instead of today. Overdue!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Happiness & Joy!
For a moment I thought "Hey! That could be Michelle's name, you know like, Desmond and Desti" HAHA, but sounds a little like testi, so... okay, inappropriate.
I look forward to proper home-cooked food.
By the way, my mom's cooking sucks no matter how she boasts about it, I think it's worse than Lyn and I's put together man! Pooey!
Pitter patter.
So went to church for comm meeting with Constance, Michelle, Jael and Audrey. Shawn didn't come because of some barbecue! That naughty boy. Lmao. Aud and I had to act out this really lame skit on stage and totally embarrass ourselves just for publicity of the camp. Man. We were acting like bimbos who refuse to share my mirror. Haha, Jael thought of it.
Had special speaker during service, the unfortunate part - I mistook her as a crazy auntie, since genuinely crazy aunties always appear in our services. =p
After service we went KFC for dinner at... Shaw Plaza and Jinghan was being absolutely bitchy, behaving like one la, Michelle was making fun of the 'white fat chicken' (he was really fair and flabby with wings like a chick chick!), JH was "EEEE, so HUMONGOUS", Cheryl and I were laughing about Jinghan's distorted expression and Jolene was, lost. Haha.
I insisted on going home to pee. Haha.
Home, and Desti (I almost called her Dusty), oops.
Friday, November 11, 2005
then why can't I paint you ?
The words will never show
the you I've come to know
If a face could launch a thousand ships
then where am I to go ?
There's no one home but you
You're all that left me to
And when my love for life is running dry
You come and pour yourself on me
If a girl could be two places at one time
I'd be with you
Tomorrow and today
beside you all the way
If the world should stop revolving
spinning slowly down to die
I'd spend the end with you
And when the world was through
Then one by one the stars would all go out
Then you and I would simply fly away
I didn't come on last night because my internet connection is screwed up, therefore I'm rushing this post in case it loses the connection again.
Nigel: Who are you? -confused-
Jael!: Hey! I don't even know who's Nigel, no one I've ever met y'know.
Elaine: Haha, cbox censors everything for you.
Julia: Call me dense, but what's LC. Hope it's not another vulgarity.
Celine: Okie doks, I think you meant a change in blogskin
Michelle: Everything burns hotter than Clarence!
All I know is that Annoymous is a very faithful reader and oughts to be rewarded for reading oh-so-faithfully. Thank You. =D
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
A day, all alone - the result.
After being woken up very reluctantly with my sister's obnoxious nags... :
"Oi, wake up!" -pokes
5 lonngg seconds later
"Hey! Wake up la pig"
15 seconds later
Then comes...
'Whack, pwack' with that darned bolster of mine
Ah -.-
Sure... I woke up, did the laundry, handwashed my clothes (and mind you, handwashing spoils my pretty, pretty hands -bimbotic-) while Lyn was tanning in my backyard (a very nice tanning area yay). Ah, she is such a wart head, haha(she only handwashed her clothes and my mom's skirt while I did the rest: Put clothes in washing machine, handwash own clothes & Clarissa's and hung out all the clothes on bamboos for drying. Oh the effort!
And that was how my morning was spent (hey, I woke up at 11.10am, so that's not really long), spent about 3 hours on Sims 2, which I agree is a horrible sin because I'm wasting my time, yes yes. Ah, I contemplated taking a nap, then I decided to... -drumroll- count my money and how much I owe people! Ooh, I owe three people over 10 bucks, that leaves me with less allowance next week to shop! Boo!
So, I spent about 2 hours on watching cartoons til 8 which is very rare since I'm such a computer geek I hardly even leave the computer to do something else, or watch TV 'cos I find TV screening such trashy stuff nowadays anyway, what with reality tv (which is so totally unlike 'reality tv') and dumb idol shows (eg. Singapore Idol, Star Idol, Project Superstar), oh you name it man! Singapore TV is hopeless, I have resorted to Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Disney Channel, Star World, MTV and other non-Singaporean based TV shows. Yeap.
By the way, I think Oprah Winfrey is a pretty good show.
So Cheryl was supposed to come by til about 10pm later when her dad fetches my mom home. Yeah, and you know what, Miss-Bathe-Forever is still at home. -.- She would either be getting her big fat ass off her sofa and get started on walking here, and spend half the time on the phone with me deciding whether to come now and stayover or just stay home and rot. Indecisive! Besides, if you even try to make up that mind of hers for her, she'll pwack you on the head and then start 'deciding (aka stoning)' again.
And after me getting bored with waiting for her (and dinner from her dad dropping it at my house! Wow, I didn't have to even step out of the house -fascination-, queen treatment!) and reading the Matt Thorne book I'm reading from the library, I decided to snoop around my mother's room for some interesting stuff to look at or read, and deciding to look for her 'nail polish collection' and giving up, then I found it on her table! I must be blind! Although I have a few bottles of nail polish in my room, those colours are boring, had them on since Primary Four. SO outdated. Hahahaha. =p
Yeah, so I poked around the colours and had my nails done (actually quite reluctantly, it started with one thumb, then four fingers then ten of 'em, hurhur), but I think the colour's a bit gross, it's like a bit peachy yet extremely shiny and light-reflecting.
Now let me see, is Cheryl still stoning at home? Let me call her.
And she called, whoopeedoo!, and yay again because, -drumroll- she's not coming!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Yawn, all over.
Read the papers this morning, I think in Digital Life, they did write about Spam in blogs (Spam + Blog = Splog) which I fully agree is super, super irritating!
Ah! I went out with Cheryl and Michelle today to town and I bought quite a few stuff. And three christmas presents - Great! Cheryl & Michelle walked as slow as tortoises, and tired me out la.
Started : 1pm
Ended : 9pm
8 whopping hours.
Everybody's saying that I'm blogging really little nowadays and even when I blog, there's hardly any content & funny stuff. Ah, don't know why, but after Blogger keeps erasing off my posts, I don't really feel like writing really long stuff.
Busy now, bye.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Sms me okay. ((:
*open to both church people & others.

Cheryl had a chalet to celebrate her birthday for three whopping days (4-6 November), although it doesn't really count as three since we checked out this morning.
- Checked Streaming results
- Same class as Erica, Eveline, Rebecca, Jonathan and Shengwen & some others
- Lunch with Michelle
- Went home & packed
- Went Cheryl's chalet, with her dad picking me up and two other cousins
- Slacked at Chalet
- Played Badminton
- Called in Pizza Hut for dinner
- Jinghan came.
- Daidee-ed, played upwords and Uno
- Michelle & Jeralyn arrived =D
- Benjamin was being annoying the whole night, but JH and him got along pretty well.
- Cluedo-ed
- Lazed around
- Slept at 2 plus after much lame talk on the beds
- Breakfast at Downtown East foodcourt
- Wild Wild Wet! (I'm burnt!)
- Ular-lah-ed million times
- I refused to try the slide up! Hahahahaha.
- Shiok river-ed like mad too.
- One admirer of Jeralyn's was like terrorising us.
- He flipped over all our floats and we all got whomped. -.-"
NOOO, except Jeralyn's LAH. - Went back, prepared for party.
- Jeralyn and I fell asleep while JH, Mic, Benji & Abigail played cards.
- Got woken up by Mic (EVERYBODY HAD ARRIVED, oops)
- Barbecued. Yum, satay.
- Birthday cake! Lame jokes, etc.
- Had fun, sarcastic chats with Jonathan, Joel, Lynette, Thomas, Gerald, Benjamin, Justin(??), Cheryl, Jinghan, Michelle, Jeralyn, Abigail & Bernice. COOL. =D Love 'em!
- Nice baths!
- Played stress with Jinghan and Cheryl (Ah, stressful game, hate it!)
- Everybody exhausted, SLEPT.
- Woke up
- Breakfast in chalet
- Packed up stuff
- All squashed ourselves in the car
- Went Church for service
- Went on stage! Hahaha.
- Sleepy.
- Bible Blueprint class
- Youth Camp Comm Meeting. 2.45 - 5.50pm!
- Home. Ah, heaven.
I'll post some pictures up later okie? =D GREAT.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Wake up.
Anyway, I'M SO MAD! (angry, not crazy okay!) Shan't elaborate further.
I don't feel like moving, again.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Some Introduction! (haha, I know, this sounds really dumb)
I am Secondary Two and my books are in a really good condition (except my China textbk)
Here are the textbooks the Queen uses! (And everybody else in my school if I have to mention)
1. English - Step Ahead 2
2. Maths - Mathematics 2 (Shinglee!)
3. History - Understanding Our Past
4. Geography - Earth Our Home 2
5. Design & Tech - Building a Foundation with D&T
6. Science - Explore your World with Science Discovery 2 (Longman)
With really neat notes inside!
Yeah, so anyhows, anything, call me! =D
*Besides, you get free assessment books I haven't touched! =D
Hurhur, this is soo pathetic.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Screwed up blogger, because blogspot SUCKS.
This is what I call an issue!
Should I?