Monday, May 30, 2005

Haven't been back for ages. Yeah, and I'm not planning to. Ha.
Life has been bovine for me. Well, my birthday's over. Holidays are here. Lots of stuff planned out for myself [not exactly, but I suppose.] Pretty thangs for my birthday. I think I'm just gonna post pictures here. Besides that, the other blog has my writings. Remember to check back. ((:

Embrace my fragility.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

See, hear, speak NO EVILL. Nyahhs. =) Posted by Hello

Jeralyn, Jinghan, Cheryl and I - Flattened and pouty. Hoho. Posted by Hello

Jerlayn and I - On to church! =) Posted by Hello

Jinghan, Jeralyn and I Posted by Hello

Jeralyn and I Posted by Hello

Jeralyn and I - Bimbo Posted by Hello

Jeralyn's extra cookie mookie to me! =) Posted by Hello

Birthday present from Michelle Q. Part II Posted by Hello

Birthday present from Michelle Q.  Posted by Hello

Monday, May 23, 2005

Boy, did I look traumatized. Posted by Hello

Jeralyn and I, with our same shirts, hairbands and same shorts. =p Posted by Hello

Jeralyn and I doing 'HER' favourite face. -i look stupid. Posted by Hello

Michelle and I Posted by Hello

My birthday present from Jinghan. =p  Posted by Hello

My birthday present from Jeralyn (: LOVE.  Posted by Hello

Friday, May 20, 2005

There are many issues this set aside generation is facing, one being a problem so seemingly harmless it seems like a hobbie rather than a Demonic Ritual. Have you seen people dancing, no harm. Have you seen pole dancers, they are still clad with clothes, they just move differently, why are they so different from the other dancers. Let me draw out this fine line between seduction and plain artistic expression. The motive of pole dancing is to catch the eye of any normal man, to make them think, to seduce. The motive of plain dancing is to catch the eye, to make people think, less the seduction. this is the fine line, the element of seduction. What is seduction, enticing someone astray from right behavior, and where do people do this kind of non-poledancing seduction, in the clubs, the harmless, just for fun, just to relax, just to dance type of clubs, one industry this generation is driving.

Yes they argue, I do not go to clubs for those kind the women there, but the fact is those women are there. Imagine a club as an empty room for now, place those women there and what do you get, a brothel? Yes again you may argue, the women there have nothing to do with me, now think about the corinthians church, is'nt it the same. Back then it was a church, a church! what more is the club. Now, the songs in the clubs, what propaganda are the songs trying to bring forward, live free without rules, you control your own life both in which fall into the the catagory of the first commanment in the satanic bible, do what thou will. So now put the satanic music into the empty room, what do you get, an
anti-christ brothel, what can be more wrong than this.

Clubs won't put an upside down cross with pictures of ladies at the front door, but this is the main reason people are going in, they do not know, they think it's harmless but the matter of fact is that it is a potent drug, it distracts you from church, have you tried singing a "boring" praise song with your favourite club music pounding in your head. But what am I to rebuke you, I am but a mortal, but like me bring in the Divine, when you first go into the club, do you feel strange, don't you feel not at ease, is that certain something ringing? HEY! wait a minute thats the holy spirit and hey, isn't the Holy Spirit God? God does not shout to you in a mighty voice admist all the chaos of the music, it comes in a still silent voice, one the spirits the the club fear and try to make you forget about.

Think about it, this is only my mortal comment.
I know you know that God knows
-written by Jamin

I copied and pasted this in in hope of maybe changing of few people's opinion of clubbing. Hopefully, they really take heed. If not, we've tried, that's the best we can do? Oh well. Some may get offended but look deeper into this little 'essay'. Maybe you'll see. -louisa.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

School? Okay. Let's not talk about it. Was having birthday discussions. Look to the left side of this blog page. [That's my 'about me' area I'm talking about.] Oh yeah. My birthday is coming in 9 days. Wuahaha. =p

Presents? Watched Pay it Forward in school today. Nice, almost intellectual show ever watched. Personally, I found Shrek 2 stupid. Ha. It was nice yeah.

I finished reading my lit text "Red Sky in the Morning" already in 2 hours! 10am-12pm. Say i'm slow. Yeahhs. I read it not because it's my lit text! Okay. TTFN.

I'M MOVING. Blog-wise. Hmm. Remember to check back.
I regretted telling a certain few people my blog address. Now they're annoying me to ashes. -dies.

Laura, I'm really lazy to email? Tag me? =) [Bottom of left scroller]

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

School ended at 930. Cool. SO EARLY!! x) Went home, lazed around then got ready to go for piano lesson. Yawn. I'm tired. Elaborate more tomorrow or smth. The green mob at Pasir Ris swarming about the bus stop totally freaked me out. Yeeack. Went out with Lyn after that. She was LATE. VERY LATE. Bought two earrings and a shirt. Hmm. BROKE!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Went to get food from the kitchen. There were two cockroaches running around there. Gross. I was about to spray mosquito spray on the first one when I saw the other one. Then I got freaked la, not because I'm scared of roaches but if there's two, there's bound to be more.. I end up starving. Tsk-tsk.
Filthy "Clean & Clear" oil control films, grr.

Evening. Looks like my day has just begun.. all thanks to my very great ideas to take a nap just now. Darn. I just woke up an hour ago, bathed and did some maths work. Yeah. Say I'm hardworking... NOT! : Gee, I don't know what I'm going to do with all these time. Flarrghh. COMPLAIN. I've been having trouble keeping myself entertained while I'm awake this two weeks. Now, extra time? Oh god. -slaps forehead.

School was uber lame and half sucked today [just that we got to watch Shrek 2! hee.] The Geography project was due today. LIKE omg! She gave us 3 days to complete it and gave us extra work not to mention. She was like lamenting non-stop on Friday, saying we're liars and traitors and blah-dy yadas, just because some of the class people swopped places. We were labelled as a class with such horrible labels. How did she expect us to finish?! For my group, Ervin & Jonathan were like PIGS la. Ervin did his work but didn't bring it to school. GRR. Jonathan was like going "Oh I'm gonna do the map. On ahh. You all better do." Who ended up not doing? POINT. So in the end we did away with the map [I want my marks Jonathan!] So handed up the 2 written sheets and the pictures Jasmine got. Ms Rachael was already complaining about how blur our pictures were. POINTS at JASMINE. Hee. But that I don't blame. Just that, erhm, she enlarged the pictures TOO BIG and that wasn't recommended.

Watched the Hakuna Matata song on the Lion King VCD & The Circle of Life Disney Special Edition. Yeah. Didn't know so many disney actors could sing that well. x) Don't know why Mrs Foo is always making us watch the Lion King show and stuffs like that. Maybe we're doing a project? or some assignment? COVERS EARS. Okay I so don't wanna hear about projects! Errgh.

ENGLISH!!! Wooh. We sure loved Miss Chan. She brought up a VCD like she promised one million years ago. [I'm surprised she remembered. x) OH well, she probably had nothing planned for the lesson. HA.] Yeah she brought up a VCD - SHREK 2. At first I was going all yuack! and insulting the Princess and the dumb ogre. So I didn't watch the first half an hour. I was doing student labour with some other people by helping Ms Chan cut alphabets for some English board. I guess I thought that was more productive. Hmm. Out of boredom, I decided to watch the movie. Yeah. Ms Chan went out, Mrs Yusoff came in. Surprised she allowed us to watch. HAHA. We were like watching movie and all the other classes were learning the uncovered topic in Science Syllabus - COLOURS. HOHO.

Talking about School makes me think about those filthy oil control films that used to hang around the area around the bin in my class. It sure doesn't belong to me but anyway, it's totally gross. Like your body secretions are all over the place and YOU don't want to aim properly and throw it IN the bin. GROSS. What's the bin for if you're going to throw all your rubbish around it? Pfft. When Miss Chan was talking about how disgusting it was, Jonathan was like saying Jinrong and pointing at Jasmine and I, just because he saw us using it previously. Why does Jonathan LOVE to point fingers at people? So annoying and puerile. ROLLS EYES.
Grow up laa, stupid monkey.

Oh yeah, and it's NOT Jasmine and I who has been littering oil control films around. Thank god it has stopped!

Oh well, I'll be back later. Oh yeah - Check out the class picture below at Labrador Park taken on 100505, yepps =p

Pfft. Nothing to do, more than enough time.

My class at Labrador Park :))* Posted by Hello

Monday, May 16, 2005

Read a little of my lit text in about 25 minutes. Read four chapters. Wonderfully interesting ; Red Sky in the morning. I don't understand why some may dread reading their lit texts. Personally, I find them pretty interesting. So far, I've read Sing to the Dawn and Roll of Thunder, hear my cry [did I get that right?] and also the diary of Anne Frank. They're nice books. Maybe you should try reading them. =p
Falling Up ; Escalates

This is everything that I wanted
Do you believe that I tried so hard to take it home
But never felt a single moment
Life has been a place where I've wandered
Moving slowly to understand what I can grasp
But understand that it's still not right

So come back to me (He's always waiting)
I can't find it but maybe I'll cope
And can you hide it and never let go?
Come back to you, I only knew

Lies have covered all of the smiles
And wakened thoughts that have turned my heart
To face the wind
And then fall to where I know I'll fit, but you
Do you believe that I wanted
Something other than fallen hearts that just belong
To places where the bridges give in

Can you see what I felt when I told you
Can you cope when it runs right through you
"Cause my heart it is broken with love that is coped
And now you tell me that I have something that's missing?

Paula Abdul ; Straight up

Lost in a dream
Don't know which way to go (Let me say that)
If you are all that you seem
Then baby, I'm movin' way too slow

I've been fooled before
Wouldn't like to get my love caught
In the slammin' door
How about some information please

Straight up now tell me
Do you really want to love me forever
Or am I caught in a hit and run
Straight up now tell me
Is it gonna be you and me together
Or are you just having fun

Time's standin' still
Waiting for some small clue (Let me tell you that)
I keep getting chills
When I think your love is true

You are so hard to read
You play hide and seek
With your true intentions
If you're only playing games
I'll just have to say, "Buh buh buh buh buh buh bye"

Do, do you love me
Do, do you love me, baby
C'mon now
Do, do you love me
Do, do you love me
Tell me, baby

Straight up now tell me
Tell me
Straight up now tell me
Tell me
Straight up now tell me
School ended early at one o` clock. Oh yeah, school ends at 0930 for me on wednesday and friday. Cool! Lyn's starting work on friday, so guess I wouldn't have anyone to accompany me.

Me = Hysterical. Yeah, totally. I was laughing at my maid non-stop 'cause she was vacuuming and Lynette and I were feigning madness 'cause of the noise. Haha. Then she accidentally sucked onto my CDs. Flargghh. But anyway, it was too big to get sucked into the vacuum. -heaves sigh of relief. I'm so bored! Yeeks and I'm probably going to stay home all day -yawn. Guess maybe I could catch up on my sleep. =(


Yeah, send me not on an eye-rolling spree.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Today, hmm, was a very, very interesting day for me. Yes, I suppose you can say that. Sure, that means I should have a lot to blog about. Hmm. Let's see where should I start. Okay.

My dad fetched me to church in the morning. I reached there at 1030. Half an hour early. Erk. Oh yeah, we didn't have care group 'cause we were going tracting for the Jesus Heals conference at my church. Michelle & Cheryl were already there at ten but when I went over to church, only Michelle [the china doll, haha.] was there. Yeah, Cheryl left with her parents for breakfast. Naughty Pig. Haha. So Michelle accompanied me to 7-11 and I bought a drink, in fact, two and we ate mashed potato. Heh.

Tracting-ed. Was grouped with Jireh, Shawn, Glenn and Jeralyn. Glenn was ultra, ultra effective with his chinese la! I was hopeless and I only took English speaking people, and mostly I talked to maids. -.-" Shawn was like speaking Chinese! Haha! So funny! I was surprised Jinghan didn't come along la. Aww, she missed out. Cheryl's group consisted of Sharon, Jamin, Chris, Kai. Yah. That's all. They encountered a lady only in her bath towel. Gross. Haha. But nevertheless amusing hoh.

Went to have lunch, Jamin, Shawn and Cheryl went for rangers. So went to the coffeeshop opposite Church, majority of the church people were there. Hmm, lets see. Thomas, Nicholas, Ian, Ruth, Alvin Kok, Jeremy, Marcus. Don't know about the rest huhs. =p Auntie Jasmine was there too, with some lady from church too. Heh.

Oh yeah. We were like bursting out with laughter la. This hideous woman wearing an SIA uniform [bought from some cheapo shop one la.] And this time, I really mean hideous. Jireh was collapsing with laughter and the rest of the two tables too. Ahaha. He also took a picture of her using his phone which wasn't very clear anyway. Should've gotten Michelle to take. Haha.

Jeralyn, Michelle and I went to toa payoh. Jeralyn and I then went Junction 8. Basically I was there to while away my time before piano lesson. Jinrong was there with Shuwen and Jasmine Thian if i'm not wrong. Jinrong was like "hello!" then I was like "huh?" then later saw Jas thian and Shu wen behind. Haha, didn't know they could recognize me in contacts. =x

Went novena and took 21. The bus journey was eerrghh. Terrible. It was so HOT in the bus. Bleagh. There was this like cheena pok couple in front of me, speaking terribly colourful mandarin. I don't mean vulgar but extremely profound maybe. Oh gross.

When I finally reached the Tamps area. A lot of people got up at Tampines Mall, oh my god. Tons of lians & bengs [mortified!!] came up and there was this gross bf gf la. Some idiot from behind had to put my ears to torture by playing tonghua super loud. SCREAM. and that girl was like singing along with it. Slap your face la. How annoying. I was already having a terrible headache and she was seriously not helping with her horrible cawing voice huhs. Yewk.

Jeralyn and I lost it. Especially her. She's been trying to be nice and trying to be less bitchy. I'm less bitchy now compared to last time, but only to everyone but two people. Haha. Too bad. But Jeralyn was plain vicious today. My BP* is back! x)

*bitching partner. =pp
Corrinne May ; Save Me

I drift I burn, I fly
When you sing lullabies
I'm helpless, I'm yearning
I'm like putty in your hands

I laugh, I dream, I cry
When you take me on a rollercoaster ride
You see me through and through
You see just who I am
Just take my hand and

Save me from this place
Heaven knows I'm falling
For you, my sweet embrace
Heaven knows
Heaven knows I've been waiting for you

I had a dream that I
Was falling from the sky
At 90 miles an hour
I was bound to crash and die
But out of nowhere you came and rescued me

There must be some grace in the touch of you face
I'm so happy that I've found you
I'm no longer afraid

Before I met you
Life was slow-mo
So slow-mo
I though I had it figured out
But you came and turned my whole world upside down

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Lifehouse ; You and Me

What day is it
And in what month
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time

Cause it's you and me and all of the people
Nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people and
I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you

All of the things that I want to say
Just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words, you got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here

Cause it's you and me and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people and
I don't why I can't keep my eyes off you

Something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right

Cause it's you and me and all of the people
With nothing to do, nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people and
I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of

You and me and all of the people
With nothing to do nothin to prove and
It's you and me and all of the people and
I don't why I can't keep my eyes off of you

What day is it
And in what month
This clock never seemed so alive

Pissification. Loser.

Hokay, forget about that. Lyn just came back, I just got off the phone and am chatting to Michelle Qua, Michelle Tan and Cheryl. =p Cheryl is nagging about tomorrow's schedule. Oh haha. She's so CUTE!

Met Jeralyn before church. She was late (as usual). We just went to Mos Burger and ate. I bought the drink and she bought the food. Yeah, we were super broke. Yepps. Did a little of my maths homework. Great. She helped me with it! Yeah. And her friends Wenqi and two other girls came along and gave her plasters. Nice people. Hahas. =)

I don't know what to say - I'm always being put in a spot? Oh bleh bleh bleh. Yak yak yak. -yawn. I'm tired. Probs not going church camp. Darn. =( but anyways nobody is going. Tsk-tsk. Jinghan & Michelle is not going la. Jeralyn is not confirmed. Yeah.

Yayness turned to Booness.
Now you wonder why I have two blogs.
I post my class picture previously before this post but it seems to be unsuccessful. -jeer. Woke up at 10.20. Cleared up my wardrobe for about 20 minutes and I realised that I have quite a few new clothes that I've bought within 2 weeks ago. To think I spent so much. Yughh. By the time I reach my birthday, i'll be officially labelled bankrupt. Darn.

Oh my god, my mom said that "we'll all go together to church, take cab." Hello? Who said I was going with ya all?! I don't want to go with her. I'll be late, then she'll yak yak yak. Yeeeack. I hate that. I wanna get out of the house immediately but I suppose Jeralyn = pig is not awake now.

Ahh. I don't wanna return Michelle her sims 2. Heh hehs. =p Oh well, I will but later. Hahas. -grin. Hokay. SO, life's all over again boring. Yeah, I'm bored, pathetically trying to find some unfound entertainment.

Cawing? What do you call it. -peeved.

Self destruct.

Friday, May 13, 2005

If you're read yesterday's post, you'll probably know what I'm going to post next. That I'm a sinner, I'm a sinner and a sinner. Ha. I spent quite a lot today and I'm pretty broke for the whole of this week and next week. Darn.

I bought a jacket [which was incredibly cheap and pretty] and two tops. For below for 40 bucks! That's a bargain there. =) Heh hehs. I'm pretty happy with my buy but Jeralyn was giving me the look 'cause she had no money. Well, after i bought my stuff I was only left with 2 bucks in my wallet. Pathetic you might say - yeah, I agree with you.

School was dumb. I shouldn't have wasted my time going to school today. We had four free periods - Chinese and Art. Mrs Ong Hsia Li is always not coming. What a cow. We have changed our chinese teacher again. 5th one already. Pretty peeving that my class is getting all the trainee teachers - what about taking turns and giving us trainee teachers and when they leave, a new one comes along. Plus, we have to deal with more than many teachers leaving our classrooms for possibly forever. It's rather sad at times. Deng Lao Shi just left like that. He didn't even say goodbye or tell us that he's leaving. Now this ugly teacher is reliefing for him and she's really darn obnoxious. What's with the thick pouty lips? Gross. Yeeack.

Class barbecue on the 8th of June. Ayye. I'm so lazy to actually go for it. Not to mention, I'm not really keen on it. Not because I don't wanna pay class fund or anything. It's just that I feel kinda awkward and left out plus, I don't fit into the scene. Yeah. I can't fit in. Oh that's really tragic for me. Not. Personally, I find it better. I don't lose my grasp of the english language. That would be great for me!

Listening: Jamie Cullum ; Next Year, Baby =p

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Eating: Uncle Tobys Blueberry and Cherry Chewy Muesli Bars
Listening: Snoop Dog ft. Justin Timberlake - Signs
Feeling: Drained

Oh do I have nothing more to say. Life's been boring and always have been. I can't wait for the weekends. Again, tomorrow's rocking shopping malls day with Jeralyn. Haha - Ain't it a festivity already? -chuckle.

Jasmine Thian is such a sweet girl la. =) She was so nice during the entire day - I mean, she's always been nice but I never noticed til today since she's sitting diagonally opposite me. Yeah. Fun.

Miss Chan talked to each of us individually. I was pretty complimented by her. Well, I felt that way. Yeah. She expected better from me and I myself, expected better. Yeah. Sucky. I know the feeling of feeling inferior to people of lower standard of yourself. No offence.

Oh yeah. I love writing. =)
I shall go sim away now. == play sims 2 la. ((:
Well, finally back with little energy to blog. The entire funeral thing is over. Finally. I sleep at around 12-2 plus every night 'cause of coming back late from the funeral and also because I can't sleep. Last night? I slept at 9.30pm. Whoa. Hey, I was tired okay.

Got a few of my papers back. My results suck. Omg. I bet I can't be in Top 10 which will result me getting strangled and yakked at by my mom. Today was rather fun. Didn't do much stuff 'cause we were checking papers. Oh yeah, I finally bought a new uniform [shirt]. Yeah, makes me look much better.. not like last time when I looked so fat 'cause the size was small [but not too small!] x)

Laura is like so cute laas. Her emails are so adorable. To think that she is the same age as me, but she's taking something like her O's already. She's English and my cousin. =) Uncle Hang [her dad] sent Aunt Alice a wreath. Really cool. From overseas [but from Singapore Far East Flora. hahas.] Oh yeah, and she's sending me a birthday present from there. Cool! I think it's just food. Yep. =) Oh well, it's the thought that counts.

Oh ya, I counted the number of wreaths Auntie Alice had. She had more than 40 from everywhere, anywhere. She seemed really popular and she definitely knows a whole load of rich people [duh! Her husband's a doc, her son's a doc, her daughter's a lawyer, her other daughter's a dentist and I don't know her other daughter works as what.] They're all about saving something. Teeth anyone? HAHA. We all love her too. =)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Just came back half an hour ago from the funeral. Went there at about 2 plus to pay last respects and send the cortege off. It was really, really saddening. T.S was crying and wailing. The rest were quietly sobbing away. Pitiful. Went to Mandai Crematorium & Columbarium. It's a pretty nice place. But the cremation part was pretty weird. We could view it from above but not close up. Yeah. It's a really neat and clean place. Yeah and ulu too. =)

Bored to blog.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Crying people, sore skin and the disturbing girl

Life's pretty boring. All it does is to get more boring. I've just realised that some guys have pretty nice handwritings. Heh. Trust me to notice that, I must be really free. But Jonathan's handwriting is gross and it's the monkey I'm talking about here. It's terribly gay. Gwad.

Yesterday was a busy, busy day for me. I had church, went for lunch with Cheryl and shopped for HER mothers' day present, piano lesson and finally the funeral service at night. Care group turned out to be rather fun although when I reminded them that my birthday was coming soon, they suggested that they come to my house for care group instead of church on the 29th May. Oh do I regret reminding them that my b'day's coming. Darn. I haven't confirmed with them but I totally am going dread it. If my care group only consisted of secondary twos, it'll be all my friends. But this time, I'm talking about the sec ones, which by the way, are mostly boys, the girls don't make an effort to come. Yeah. Oh well, I shall consider.

The Piano Lesson Conclusion: My Scherzo sucks. My Fantasia in C sucks. Aauugh. My piano exam's gonna be in September and my articulation is sucky. What do you expect? I'm alternating between how many octaves and my fingers are about to drop off soon. But I have to make the effort and I definitely HAVE to pass my exam this year. Tsk-tsk. If not I've to spend another year travelling to Tampines which is such a total bore and retaking a year is traumatizing. Oh yeah, I've got to pass.

The funeral was pretty okay. We rushed there from Cheryl's House 'cause we were having a mothers' day gathering at her house. Yepps. The food rocked.. but I couldn't stay long to savour it. Curry Chicken and et ceteras. I was gorging myself with food but as usual, I was still starving. I stayed at the funeral until about 10 plus when practically everybody left already except the immediate family and brother-in-laws, sister-in-laws, which by the way are my aunts and uncles.

Today - Ohhh. I didn't go school. Yeah, cool. My day made my day. -grins cheekily- Tanned and swam. My skin's terribly pink now and rather sore here and there. Ahh. Oh well. Sims 2 is so slow and lagging. Erhm, later!

Saturday, May 07, 2005

I'm so happy with myself yet rather uneasy here and there. Let's start with the uneasy thing before I move on with the good news [erh?] My aunt just passed away. It was expected yeah but she wanted to hold on 'til tomorrow 'cause it's her mum's death anniversary or something like that. Yeah, I think they'll be the funeral or wake tomorrow or on Monday. I haven't been through the family member funeral stuff before so I'm pretty estranged from such things. Yeah, not to mention I'm pretty lost. So far I've only been to one related person's wake. She is my maternal gram's sister or something like that. Yeah.

Let's get into the happy mode now. =p I bought 2 tops for myself ; A black tank top and another pretty top. Heh hehs. Oh yeah, and my mothers' day present rocks. A pretty white shirt and a stuffed toy flower. I'm so proud of myself and it! Plus the gold striped wrapper I wrapped it with makes it look so totally glamorous. Haha. [Of course I didn't wrap the flower. Duh.] Jamin passed me Jasmine's T shirt today. Pretty amusing and CUTE la. =p Had to pay him $15. WHINE. He was like going "Money, money, money." and I was like frowning and reluctantly taking out the money.

Chatting with Nic and Cheryl online. Cheryl is like so adorably talking about her mothers' day present which by the way, she hasn't gotten it yet. Haha. I exposed her! Oh it's Jasmine and my favourite hobby - Exposing people's little acts. =p -mischievous- Cheryl was dressed up pretty nice today when she was the usher. Hmm, somebody's starting to really rock. Haha. Kidding. =x Hmm, I'm pretty bored. Listening to Maroon 5's Sunday Morning. Yep..

Oh yeah,
1220 Left house
1245 Met Jeralyn
1300 Reached Orchard
1315? Far East
1400 Wisma
1530 Macdonalds' /Subway Niche
1550 Fox/TopShop
1600 Takashimaya
1630 Left for church
1710 Reached Church

Laugh. My birthday's coming in 21 days. Which means, the school holidaysa are coming in 21 days too! Woots! =ppp
I'm up early today. Yeah. I'm meeting my b2 babe at 12.30pm. I hope we both won't be late or something 'cause my shopping list is lonnggg. Heh hehs. I don't think I have enough money to buy all so I'll just buy the more important stuff on my list [which actually are all important, hehs]

Feeling less bitter now & feeling better, after I received a message from my ever so nice friend. =p So cute la. Anyhows, oh goodness, I'm going to be SO bored after church. It's like erh? everybody's having exams. Oh sucky and I'm the only person who has finished. Ay. Poor me. I think most probably no one is going to eat dinner with me - as usual. Oh well, I've got to get used to it! =x

I'm feeling really, really bored. EVERYDAY, TODAY and FOREVER. Tsk-tsk. I've got to plan some interesting stuff for me to do everyday now, besides practicing the piano, the guitar and some other stuff and slugging around watching tv and lame cartoons just for some entertainment. What a waste of time! Most of the time, I'll be reading but I don't wanna read too much 'cause that's how my degree went sky high. Yeah. That's pretty horrifying and my degrees are pretty high for a secondary two student. I always check in health checkups anyway so that they don't refer me to some doctor and I have to waste money changing my glasses. What's the point anyway, I change I'm encouraging my eyes's degrees to rise. If I force it to wear a four hundred one, it'll be fine. Hmm. That's not what Jinghan said anyway ... but oh well. Never mind.

I talk a lot, seriously! Look at my blogposts now, they're like ubaa long. Heh hehs. My sister says I can ramble on and on for the whole day. Which is true 'cause yesterday I was talking non-stop. Hmm. But I still think Jinghan talks more than me. HAHA! =p Feeling pretty mischievous everyday, trying to find some excitement in my life, playing pranks. Yes, childish but FUN! =p Look at how many tongue-sticking-out smileys I've put here already! HAHA =p!
This goes out to someone I really dislike. Hmph.

Simple Plan ; Shut Up

There you go
You're always so right
It's all a big show
It's all about you

You think you know
What everyone needs
You always take time
To criticize me

It seems like everyday
I make mistakes
I just can't get it right

It's like I'm the one
You love to hate
But not today

So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down

There you go
You never ask why
It's all a big lie
Whatever you do

You think you're special
But I know, and I know
And I know, and we know
That you're not

You're always there to point
Out my mistakes
And shove them in my face

Don't tell me who I should be
And don't try to tell me what's right for me
Don't tell me what I should do
I don't wanna waste my time
I'll watch you fade away

Friday, May 06, 2005

I bought a shirt just now. Man, I'm so happy. Ever so exhilarated. Maybe 'cause the exams are finally over. Yeah. It totally rocks but unfortunately, Jeralyn, Michelle, Jinghan & whoever else's exams aren't over. Pfft. So guess my early end to exams ain't that great after all. Then it comes back to the point that I'm being lonely and abandoned again. Can't there be anything more exciting in my life?

Thomas was at my house just now. He just left about half an hour ago. When he arrived, I was playing the piano and revering in my solitude, somehow. [It sounded like some altar call piano part, haha but i enjoyed it thoroughly.] Later I decided to practice my grade 8 pieces. Oh well. I'm pretty stressed up this year. I mean, the last piano exam and sec two streaming. Oh screw it.

Thomas was trying ever so hard to play my Scherzo on the guitar. Well, the first few bars. It's pretty difficult to catch or maybe he's just slow.. but I doubt so. He took forever just to get the first four bars right and I was complaining jokingly, hehs. Dinner-ed .... at home.

Slugged around for like one million years waiting for Lynnie dear to get out of the toilet yeahhs. She took forever. Hung around in the bedroom and Thomas was like sleeping so I couldn't switch on the light. Tsk-tsk. Later he started telling me that I wouldn't get a boyfriend in JC 'cause blah blah blah. I shan't elaborate. I told him that I've got a target to achieve. -To attempt not getting involved with any guy in my school. Yuck. Anyway, nobody in my school is up to my standard. -raises eyebrows & yawns-

Hmm. I'm going out with Jeralyn tomorrow. I hope she doesn't play me out again, as usual. Erhms, we'll go town-ing, wisma-ing. Whatever. We've got the time and the money. Yeah. =p Relaxing to Pointless Nostalgic by Jamie Cullum.
I'm free! Oh finally. I didn't go swimming in the end. Because there was no sun so it's pretty pointless for lyn and I to go. Hehs. And it looks like it's going to rain anyway. Maths was hard man. Paper one was hell. Paper two was quite easy. Yeahhs. Cool.

Listening to Alex Parks's Cry. His voice is HIGH. When i told Lynette that it's a guy singer, she was totally taken aback. Nwaha.

I'm going out with my mom and lynette later on after lunchtime. Wooh. I'm going to spend all my mother's money. Nahhs. I'm not that mean like .. never mind. =p Oh well. Later!

Next year, baby.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Oh I found a new date to replace my stinking b2 babe. My stinking b2 babe played me out again. Third time in a row. Ern said she obviously doesn't want to go out with me. I told her that and she got whiny and all. Haha. Quite amusing.

Guess who's my replacement? Lynette - my pretty sissy of a babe. Heh hehs. We're going swimming. So we pushed forward the Saturday thing. Woo. Cool man. Now I can go with Jasmine to Starbucks to eat and slug around on Saturday. I can finally tan! x) I'm probably going straight after school. Yepps.

I'm pretty cheesed off now, not because of my stinking b2 babe, but because of the huge MCP I know. Whoa. Like oh, so now you think you're so great. Oh piss off. Your problems don't become mine. I've been ever so nice to cover myself up like shit so that I don't piss you off or something like that. Basically to be nice to you and you use this to your advantage. You very well know I'm very nice to people I'm relatively close with. You don't have to use it to your advantage. Always like that. So childish, so irritating. Yes I know I'm mean and all but when it comes to my closer friends, I'm pretty obligating and nice to them. I hardly use the sarcastic tone I always use on other people. And when I finally decide to use it on you, you get all defensive and all. But when you insult me, I pretend you're just being puerile. You're not just being puerile. You ARE puerile. Get your facts right.
I'm so proud of myself! I love modifying skins! I'm not actually free but I took 10 minutes just to do up this skin to my liking. I took some original skin, removed the stupid kissy wissy image and moved the boxes til they looked like that. Fascinating. It's much better to create your own skins or modify them so they become uniquely yours. Yeapps. COOL .. and Pamela's skin rocks. LOVE. <3

I'm so bored and I have totally nothing to do. Besides revising Maths, which I so should be doing instead of hanging around online sending music to Nicholas. Tsk-tsk. I'm a lazy bum. I can't wait for tomorrow and Saturday! I've got things planned out. Tomorrow, as I said in the previous post, I am so gonna rock Orchard with my b2 babe and on Saturday, I'm going swimming with my other babe - Lynette! =p ROCKS.

Oh yeah. Screw the sec one pig who walked in front of me today after school. Suckers. Since you're so FAT and your skirt is bursting, please kindly let other people overtake you, fat lard. I mumbled 'fat lump' under my breath quite loudly and she so did not hear or maybe, pretended not to hear. Oh well, she is a fat lump. Her skirt was seriously bursting. It was tight and her butt cheeks looked totally suffocated and squashed, not that I could see it from the exterior but that was what I imagined would be the scenario. Nwahahas.

Newsflash! I'm officially MAD from I-don't-know-what-disease. Yesterday, today and forevermore. I'm laughing at everything very loudly and boyishly. It's rather amusing to me. Not to mention, I'm so darn pervertic. It's like the man-killer Michelle has taken over my body or something. Heh hehs. Or maybe some guy has taken over my thoughts.

I'm proud to be Mr. Humsuplo! =p
Hey ho. I feel free! Although the exams aren't completely over. Two down, one to go!! Maths - How am I going to study that? I'm just gonna practice a little later in the night. I heard the 'home' song on my way to school this morning on TVmobile. It's pretty nice.

Went out with my momma at 2pm today. We didn't exactly go any fancy places. Just hung around Ang Mo Kio to get her necessities. Yup. There's not a soul of a deyian at Jubilee though. HAHA. x) Oh, and I cut my hair, of course not in AMK. Wootifying. Haha. I think it's only nice now and after I have my bath, it'll be whoooosh, back to its horrible state. Hehs. It's half bob-by looking. Quite weird actually and I look quite manly. Eeks. Can't blame, a guy cut my hair for me.. Yikes!

Chinese wasn't as bad as I thought. Although the comprehension was a little confusing. It was about the length of my index finger only.. So short! I think it was something about killling mosquitoes in the neighbourhood, seriously, I didn't get the comprehension at all. The essay and chinese paper were joined together.. So we couldn't bring dictionaries. Anyway, no harm done, I never ever bring my dictionary... Why should I kill myself with that thick & heavy thing?

Home Economics was easy peasy. I hope I get a good grade. Who knows? Sometimes when you feel that you'll do well, you do badly. Oh, I'm feeling scared now. Oh well, can't change anything now. Tsk-tsk. I can't wait for tomorrow! I'm going out with my b2 babe. Yeahhs. Rocking the - SHOPPING MALLS? Hmms. Cool. Nope. Looking for mothers' day's presents. Ugh. I'm so broke. I still need to set aside $15 for Jasmine's presents. Got it already.. Eeksifying. I'm so BROKE! Somebody give me some money!

Gorging myself with Nimm2 Candies. Yumm. I'm a pig. Oh yeah.

Later. =p

Alex Parks ; Cry

Never thought you knew me, never thought of you with me.
Always fighting in the dark before.
Never got to tell you, I don't know what I mean to you.
No need to explain any more.

But I'd cry, I would die if I lost you.
And I'd cry.
When I think about us,
It's only me that comes between us.
It's only me that closes the door.
But I'd cry, I would die if I lost you.
And I'd cry.

And you know you held me up.
Held me to the sun when I was yours.
And I know I let you down.
Let you down the day that I was gone.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Once again, I shouldn't be here yeah. This time, I really should be studying because tomorrow's Chinese and Home Economics. Omg, it's almost a nightmare. Eeks. I've been listening to the radio the entire night when I was studying [8-9.50pm]. I studied so long. Whoa, and I'm not done yet with Chinese. Home Econs? I'll study more in school tomorrow. I've got most of the crappy food facts already. Just reading my Home Econs textbook makes my stomach gurgle.. I'm hungry! I need my brain food! <3 LOVE. Hehs.

Listening to Howie Day - Collide. Pretty song. Mmm. Music truely drives me. Whee~ I'm going nuts just by listening to music. Nuts as in crazily happy. Wooh. You and I collide. Yeah.

Science paper was way harder than I thought. I studied like MAD la. Now it's almost useless. I started Science revision 2 weeks ago. Way before the rest of the subjects which actually I only started this week. Eeksifying. I freaked out when I realised I couldn't do so many stuff... The paper was really tough. Sigh. I'm afraid I don't do well.

The English paper was fun! We only did the essay writing and letter writing. Yepps. I chose the essay question : Discuss what are the advantages and disadvantages of being in a mixed gender school. Cool topic. My thoughts were free to flow! I wrote continuously! Non-stop until I finished the paper. Word limit: 250-400. I wrote 488 words.. The topic rocked. I hope I get good grades for the essay.... I feel goooooodd. Oh goodness. I'm becoming like Cheryl. Nyah.

Later, Lynette came in and gave me a look. Ahhs. STRESSED.

I end with

Maroon 5 ; Sunday Morning

Sunday morning, rain is falling
Steal some covers, share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in
But things just get so crazy
Living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew
That someday it would lead me back to you
That someday it would lead me back to you

That may be all I need
In darkness, she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave

Fingers trace your every outline
Paint a picture with my hands
Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm
Change the weather still together when it ends

But things just get so crazy, living life gets hard to do
Sunday morning, rain is falling and I'm calling out to you
Singing someday it'll bring me back to you
Find a way to bring myself back home to you

And you may not know
That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Oh, come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow, driving slow (all I need, all I see)
I'm a flower in your hair

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

I've been studying for the past hour or so. Hmph, I think to those big brainers you'll think that's peanuts to you. I used to be able to study for at least 2 hours straight without anxiously looking at the clock all the time. I'm really, really tight for time actually. So I don't know what I'm doing online when I should be burying my head in my books. I've got English and Science Exam tomorrow. English should be okay as it's one of my best subs and Science should also be quite okay here and there 'cause I spend quite a lot of time on Science doing notes, revising and all. I'm not quite worried about these two subjects.

What I'm worried about is Home Economics and Chinese. I have to resort to a lot of desperate measures to help me remember my Chinese vocabulary words and Home Economics, I mean, it doesn't matter if I don't pass. But I need the subject to pull up my subject average to an A1. Eeks. Say I'm stressing myself to death. I can't help it. I've got goals to work up to. [Is that how you put it?] It's not really about my mom stressing me or anything. Yes she is but that's not the main point. The main point is that I achieve my goals.

Hmph, I don't know how I got so good grades in Sec One. It was truely a miracle. Now? I've got to work really hard 'cause I've been slacking for the entire half of the year. I have to do well for this SA1 and my do well is get in the top 5 positions. Better if above 3 'cause I dropped from second in sec one SA1 to third in SA2. Yes, sky high goals. I'm gonna die. Tsk-tsk. It's just the stress of being from a convent school that I should be better in a government school. That sorta thing. Yeah, it's an unfortunate part of life but oh well. Get used to it and get over it, as I always say.

Listening to Planetshakers now, if I'm not wrong, My King. Hehs. Currently destressing. Whee~ I studied Science like mad just now, doing notes again and all. My eyes are so gonna go cross-eyed from all the studying after the exams which by the way, ends on Friday for me. It totally rocks! That means on Saturday I can, as my mom always says, gallavant! Woot. Unfortunately, the others's exams aren't over. Cheryl's exams are like a million years, it lasts for 2 weeks?! Jeralyn's exams are on Monday and Tuesday. But she's going out with me on Friday and Saturday anyway. Mothers' Day is on Sunday. Ahh. I have to get the present by Saturday. My entire week is so utterly stressful. SCREAM.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Yes. Yes. How unfortunate for me. I couldn't study at all today. Firstly, I got my dad to get me loads of ice cream because the weather is so sweltering hot. Great. I stuffed myself with ice cream before lunch. Had some elastic noodles for lunch. Eek. It was nice but I was having trouble chewing it up. Tsk-tsk. Stuffed myself with more ice cream. Tried ever so hard to study some Home Econs [I need it to pull up my avg mark. hehs.] I'm so glad my art exam assignment's over. If not, I'll be so stressed up man. Oh gwad. Okay, okay. I'm getting crappy. Lyn and I spent our days laming and she was talking about youth camps and all and how mean I was during the 04 camp in the skit practice. Haha. Oopsie. Exposed! Errs. Ay, I shall blog later. Nothing much to say!

Oh I'm hopeful, yes I am, hopeful for today
Take this music and use it, let it take you away
And be hopeful, hopeful, and He'll make a way
I know it ain't easy but - that's okay
Cause we're hopeful

Finally, I can use the computer without being hacked to death with words from my mother, nagging and nagging as usual. You must be wondering why I'm here 'cause I'm supposed to be studying. But I am, listening to music, eating my breakfast [which is by the way, breadtalk, haha] and blogging. Hey! It's a public holiday. So, study later. =p

This year seems pretty relaxed. But seriously, I don't really like it to be so relaxed. Suddenly you feel like you have nothing to do although your exams are coming up. Now, I'm only having examinations for my core subjects and Home Ec. I don't know why there's an exam for Home Ec though. How silly. But the exams will be back. All of them for SA2. Because this examinations of core subs is just because of the school official opening. Yepps. The building's a year old.

So I've got nothing much to say. My study date ran away and abandoned me for today. Oh boos. How tragic for me.

Yesterday, yesterday, yesterday. Okay, so I went for care group in the morning. It was super fun although at 10am on the dot, only Glenn, Chris and I were there. Tsk-tsk. Michelle came in at 1005 and Thomas, the TEACHER!! came in at 1008. Oh turned out Michelle and I were the only sec twos and the rest were sec ones. Took attendance. Jeralyn as usual didn't turn up. I called her house, her sister said she was sleeping. Oh goodness. I was almost replacing Jinghan in care group. I was SO chatty and noisy while the class was so quiet. Hmm, ahh, Jinghan has a way of overtaking peoples' bodies and then carrying on her 'trend' of talking so much in care grp. It happened thrice already! x)

So we went Con's (Constance) house to watch Passion of Christ. I took one million years to get to her house! We took two hours just to get to Tampines Ave 2. Oh goodness me. Waiting at the bus stop for 67 at Eminent Plaza was way long in the sweltering heat as well. Oh gwad. -faints- Hmm, we ate like pigs and the banana split ice cream thing Con and Michelle made was SO nice! I was stuffing myself with ice cream and bananas. Ahahas. While Clark was looking at me in disgust as I was shoving truck loads of bananas into my mouth. Heh. People are hungry okay. Erhhms. After a movie, I left her house, I was supposed to leave with Michelle, but she abandoned me. Boos. x

Walked out to the main road myself. Went to the bus stop myself. Asked the uncle which side 18 was going. He couldn't speak proper english. So oh well. Crossed over to other bus stop. Took the bus. Reached my piano teacher's house at 1544. Late but better than unable to come. Yeah. Sucky. After that Dad fetched me to fetch Lynette to fetch Mummy to fetch Clarissa to my Aunt's mother-in-law's birthday party. Yeah. Was pretty boring o'er there. Tsk-tsk. That's where my phone comes in. I was wearing shorts. How unglamorous. Oh well. It's over. So over. Haha.

Out I go.