Friday, December 31, 2004

Don't judge me tomorrow
By the way I'm actin' today
Mix the words up with the actions
You think that you know me
You think that I'm only
-excerpted from 'tangled up in me'
-skye sweetnam

Thursday, December 30, 2004

today had band. i was so tired in the late afternoon segment! hey, carnt blame. i slept at like 1.30am. but anyway, it was quite relaxed today although we did a lot of running ard locations 'cause everywhere seemed to be unavailable except the netball court and the quad and it always rained halfway so we had to run in and out of the shade. there wasn't PT today like yeAH! we did formations today then i didn't have to do, i just stood up at the staircase to watch the formations take form. it's so cool. and imagine, the formation comm drew all tt and made the steps and everything possible (i'm part of the fc but i was sick and din come oops) it was so nice. my marching bell (also known as marching glockenspiel) was so heavy after a while and blahdyys. band ended early but beiyu, jasmine and i had to stay back and see weifong sir, coz he wanted us to write ensemble scores!! then nco meeting. we are upcomings. like yuack. i'm upcoming percussion sl with wen theng..
jasmine - secretary!
bei yu - treasurer!
xinru - trombone sl
farhana - french horn sl
the rest i'm not suree.. hee
^so stressed man. councillor - i don't even know whatt i'm supposed to do for orientation. wad class i'm taking.. etc. I"M LOST!.. HELP ME SOMEONE.

Outer Shell - written by jamin
Deep slience of a quiet mind,
Physically fit and outwardly fine.
Never could express the bottled fears,
Never to let go with broken tears.

Emotionless grins of an empty face,
Anger or joy could just take its place.
For the eye is weak and easily tricked,
For a smile can be just as easily faked.

Never judge a book by its cover,
for what is real is what is under.
Both laughter and tears can express fears,
What emotion comes when loneliness's here.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

hello! today i spent my day from 1-7 out. i reached home at 7.20pm. it was fun, 'cept tt i was stuck with my mom. yay! my specs are done! i'm contemplating whether to wear it tomorrow for band. i'm just afraid if i wear the old one to band, when we pump then, you know, it will fall out then if i wear the new pair, i scared it will spoil while doing PT. *ponderss!* pt is quite violent - hoho. the new specs looks like it has a lot of surface area not covering my eyes but it is the same size as my previous one. it's nice and dark purple. hee =)
i just finished eating my magnum - yumm! - well. hmm, so i spent the day out. we went to portrait gallery first to return the graduation portraits because of defects so that we can get back a new one. the graduation photos are great and lyn's going to graduate in 2 years then they'll take another graduation photo. so nice although the mortar board makes everyone who wear it look bald - heh! - okay. then we took a bus to orchard then took train to city hall then took the free shuttle service to suntec city to make my specs and go eat .. hoho. we ate kenny rogers! how nice! there was no kopitiam or anything mahh. then my mom offered kenny rogers [coz she likes it] ... so we ate a quarter meal each at $13.90 [the offer not the meal] felt so full later.. *burpp* okay. tonight, hmm, i'm gonna slp at midnight 'cause tomorrow i've got band at 8.45am so gotta catch up on lost sleep already! tomorrows band is gonna be 9am-5pm, can die laa. okayy. gdd nightss now, maybe later i'll blog again. so watch out for mee!
you see, i nearly wake up every morning to smses. ugh. i'm tired you know.
so i woke up at 9.13am because of the sms.
after i replied, i was so tired
i just died out unknowingly.
later i woke up at 10.38am - my phone was blinking away
the next msg was received at 9.15am but i was asleep [remember?]
i'm normally not that porky and glutton-like
but hey, the holidays are going to be over...
gotta enjoy my heart's out now.
i didn't tell you about last night after the concert :
auntie dolly [aka ah boh] and uncle john brought us to eat
at chomp chomp [you know the semi-famous food centre at my house/stacey's house]
tell you what, i ate like a pig:
- 1 cup of sugar cane
- 1 and a 1/2 plates of carrot cake
- 3 chicken wings
that doesn't sound at all like piggish
but the way i ate was gross
hoho. i eat like a pig...
just that i don't look it.
aww, tt's too bad.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

came back from meridien's junior college symphonic band concert
it was quite good and the members were colour coded according to section.
the saxes ; red
the trumpeters ; light pink
the trombonists ; gold
the clarinets ; purple
oboeists ; dark blue
the tubas ; lime green
the baritone saxes? ; hot pink
the tubees [tuba players] were so cute haha, during the intermission the girl player was funny.
she and her lime green tie. hoho. so amusing! in the morning i went to my school to buy books. yoho!
when i came down the bus, i saw nicholas eng cycling hoho! the sight was amusing! hoho. buy books, wrap some books. quite boring. hey!! they changed the school pe shorts to some black shitty tyng tt is so big. the size 34 [the smallest size] was like the length of bermudas! so lame! anyway, nearly everything was out of stock and i was quite pissed loess. it is annoying. 9 books out of stock.. why am i so unlucky? yahoo. i'm talking loads of crapp manx. haiz. bored to bits. no one's talking to me on msn except jamin. shawn not back from phuket yet. so quite bored out. [he's annoying but a source of entertainment.. hoho]
okay. bored out. *yawnns*
last night I slept at 3 am.. how ambitious!
hoho. and i was still feeling hyper at tt tyme
i was talking girly talk with my sis from 2-3
i was supposed to slp at 2.. whoops.

Monday, December 27, 2004

hmm, i dunno whyye i'm feeling quite pissed at everything now
don't pardon me 'cause you might be the one i'm pissed at
i think i know why i am pissed laa, but it's too personal
but also, i don't think it's tt.
see - i'm contradicting myself again.
anyway, lets not talk about unhappy stuff and move on.
2005 is coming in less than a week
and i totally can't wait for watchnight service.
i haven't wrote my resolutions
normally i don't
but sunday school or royal rangers make me do it
so, i don't have much of a choice.
now i'm feeling so skeptical and i'm being plain r-u-d-e
to specifically certain people. hoho
i'm mean.
louisa, you're so louisa
and i love you!
heehee.. monologue-ing again.
now i'm happier than ever
was playing pool with jamin just now
oh come on, we were that bored. hoho
i have no idea why shawn's dad is delaying the flight by 2 days
omg. he watched the whole tsunami thing
and he's not afraid. i am for him.
so sorry.
i'm sorry to everyone, whoever i pissed
or scolded or misunderstood
or slammed down.
i'm sorry
-lowers chin-
i don't believe
why do i pretend nothing has happened
although alone i quietly cry
the painted scenes of happiness
are already torn apart
i still believe love is blind
no matter what will or has happened
people let themselves be manipulated
and some people just don't have the luck
so now i tell you
i don't believe in love
so don't come and comfort me
as my heart breaks into paper shreds
`badly written poem

taken from the movie
"the phantom of the opera"
all i ask of you

No more talk of darkness
Forget these wide eyed fears
I'm here, nothing can harm you
My words will warm and calm you

Let me be your freedom
Let daylight dry your tears
I'm here, with you, beside you
To guard you and to guide you

Say you love me ev'ry waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summertime
Say you need me with you, now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you

Let me be your shelter
Let me be your light
You're safe, no one will find you
Your fears are far behind you

All I want is freedom
A world with no more night
And you, always beside me
To hold me and to hide me

And say you'll share with me
one love, one lifetime
Let me lead you from your solitude
Say you'll need me with you here, beside you
Anywhere you go, let me go too
Christine, thats all i ask of you

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime
Say the word and I will follow you
Share each day with me, each night, each morning
Say you love me
(You know I do)
Love me
That's all I ask of you

Anywhere you go, let me go too
Love me
That's all I ask of you

i'm so bored
i'm dyingg.
now i understand what thomas said :
he said something like my future boyfriend would suffer
because it's so difficult to amuse me.
he was at my house on the 25th and he was horrified
as my whole family, to be exact, my closest cousins - jonathan & joel
are soo r-u-d-e. haha. like we all poke fun at each other and at our own parents either.
cheryl said they were mean. hohos. but tt night, i could say was the least insulting night
ever! hoho.
*remains difficult to please
i personally find this so amusing!
pah! me difficult to amuse? [look above]
today was totally funn!
after service. we had dis sunday school thing.
so actually, we ponned royal rangers - ouch.
we went to watch the phantom of the opera
i chose it!
hohos. jh was really bitter about it at first,
cause she couldn't watch her doopied ocean's eleven/twelve [forgot title]
i was so set on watching phantom tt i din care
oh please, the other choice was kung fu hustle
which i think - is a complete waste of my money and time
don't you just agree? [guys probably don't ;) ]
i'm so happy! the show is soo great.
and i'm not so confused already, isn't tt great to hear, jeralyn and cheryl
hohos. - it's a private joke. *griins
the showw was totally great. i have the book.
now i just dunno where it is, i just saw it this morning though.
okayy. my sis is chasing mee away 'cause she wants to use the comp
and i'm hindering her. my other comp's spoilt and i think it's my fault. ouchiesss!
hmm. stomachachee. ugh
okayy. byeee
good night
quote jinghan "smwahh x)"

Sunday, December 26, 2004

24th dec
hoho. hii!
backk after a long time, literally.
went to ah boh's house and I was exclaiming everytime
that christmas has lost its glamour to jon and cheryl
they were so unhelpful - jon was complaining too
-about his own house party!!
annoying right?
cheryll was just being lame and being stupid.
we felt so totally dumb 'cause jon like invited his entire montfortian clan
[a.k.a. gay friends, mwahaha]
and joel invited 3 or 4 of his mj friends soo..
the study housed all the kidds and we couldn't get in!
andd we were being suchh idiots, you know the song item we were supposed to sing
i feel like smacking jonathan's face! i told him to prepare
two or more songs and he only prepared one so
we only sang one - erg.
then everyone asked for more - hoho *honoured*
so in the end we sang four songs:
`destiny's child - do you hear what i hear
`christmas is a time to love
`mariah carey - all i want for christmas is you &
mariah carey - jesus born on this day
it was really funn, although the atmosphere was badd
i mean, everybody feels quite lethargic - tt sorta thingg. *heh.
25th dec
went to churchh!! we were fifteen minutes early
thanks to lynette!
goodness. really. thank god.
when we came, the entire main sanctuary was full of old laddies & ladies
so we moved to the thirdd floor. there was, to our surprise, empty - hoho.
so we sat in the front roww. hohos again. jinghan was totally being a pain
just because i forgot to bring her present - ergo!!
now i sound like jeralyn - oh no!
i lost my personality and style and uniqueness. ergo!!!
then we gave our presents aroundd after the service at the side hall.
funn to just stand there and collect presents, lol.
i mean, i do give people too laa. basically, exchanging gifts.

Friday, December 24, 2004

I woke up 50 mins ago. I was wrapping alvin's present just now. hmm. quote shawn "why spend two minutes wrapping a present and they just take 2 seconds to rip it open?" I totally agree laa. but at least better than him, he didn't even wrap anyone's present except the exchange gift for last night. hoho. jh got an evil present.. goodness! i was mortified and he was still acting like nothing happened. jh is less noisy now. [gives some encouragement to jh. =) ] last night, i was crazy, you can tell me tt again. i cried again, this time, for no reason that i know of laa - maybe i just dun wanna tell you, but i dunno myself. - i'm feeling quite giddy now. i have a sore throat and flu. erg. i dun even think i can sing for the christmas item at my aunt's house or at my own. ergo!! i'm dying already. stupid ernest go and curse me. *tumbles off chair* UGH!

*still on floor dying*

Thursday, December 23, 2004

hello! i just came back from our sunday school outing at 11.50pm! woots. i was so happy, i didn't even want to come home. [so true] but anyway, i don't want to come home everytime so tt doesn't make a difference huh? lols. yesterday i went out with cheryl and jeralyn to orchard. we walked around everywhere, buying nothing though. we went taka then, paragon then far east plaza. we met shawn and jamin at delifrance at paragon and they didn't know where was it (shawn to be exact bohoho.) okay, then yada yada, shopping til' 5.40pm. then when we were walking towards the mrt, we met christina, rachel wong and rachel liu. they were like terrorising all of us, literally laa. then we took mrt to marina bay, we were ten minutes late but there was not a soul [tt we knew] except michelle. she was so adorable, sitting there alone hoho. then we sat there was about half an hour to wait for the whole world to turn up then we walked towards the bus stop outside the mrt and took the shuttle bus to the steamboat place. we got an inside seat which totally sucked - everyone's smoke was blowing in our direction! everyone ate a lot, but jeralyn and I were not even quarter-full man!! shawn cooked everything for himself [doh] and a lot too was burned. whoops. lol. michelle was terrorising cheryl with her crude jokes. oh, then we had ice cream [comes together with the steamboat]. by that time, jinghan and constance left already. then michelle was making fun of her own ice cream - yuack. tt was totally gross, youu don't wanna know. =) - after the steamboat thing, we walked to the bowling alley to bowl laa [duh]. hey it's my first time bowling! woots. heh. i've been to a alley thrice or so already but never did i bowl laa. it was really fun. michelle slipped on the 'oily ball runway'. it was HILARIOUS! i never stopped hoho-ing. lols. then michelle was loser for both of the games. haha. it was really fun laa. tianle, jason and donovan din bowl, they went to the arcade la. hohoho.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

i can't stand my mom! i was playing insaniquarium and she told me, dun play, i dun like. WHO THE HECK CARES WHETHER SHE LIKES IT OR NOT! goodness! She expects me to sit home and be stupid and retarded and just sit there and stare into space right? i might just do that man. then she'll regret it. YUACK. so strict. so controlled. sometimes i dun even want to come back after i shop, i'd rather go home with cheryl or something. erg.
michael buble - crazy little thing called love
This thing called love I just can't handle it
This thing called love I must get round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love

This thing called love
It cries
In a cradle all night
It swings
It jives
It shakes all over like a jelly fish
I kinda like it
Crazy little thing called love

There goes my baby
She knows how to rock 'n' roll
She drives my crazy
She gives me hot and cold fever
Then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat

I gotta be cool, relaxed, get hip!
Get on my track
Take a back seat
Hitch hike
And take a long, long ride on my motor bike
Until I'm ready
Crazy little thing called love

There goes my baby
She knows how to rock 'n' roll
She drives my crazy
She gives me hot and cold fever
Then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love
hmm. I just woke up at 10.50am yah? then came online .. okay, dis is boring. everyday, the same thing happens. i think i'm gonna stone at home. ergo ergo ergo. haha. i'm listening to michael buble. last night, i fell aslp to summer wind by buble. haha. the cd is so nice. i stole it from my eld sis laas. her boyfriend i mean - whoops - heh heh. i'm so bored - so lazy - so tired of everything. oh forget it, as if you'll understand. you're just a digital unfeeling tyng. ugh
get outta my sight. bwahaha.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

hmm, what a nice day today! I went out with my sister, cheryl, ernest, jamin and shawn. I was quite sure shawn was not supposed to be there as i was supposed to buy his present and *sighss so loudly* the two people whose presents are left are there. ergo. so i din buy anything la. we went to ps for half a day until 5pm - that was where, whoops, ernest shopped like a girl. haha. he was browsing everything, going into every shop. I nearly died frm walking around so meaninglessly. heh. me and cheryl were so lame, annoying each other and oh ya!
doopied shawn and jamin annoying us to death! they were making fun of my bell and cheryl's nose, but the nose was funny ya. haha. nose jokes - bwahahahaha. jinghan is backk. ergo again. i somehow dun miss her yakkiness. i seem to enjoy the silence. hehh. *no offence jh!* then we also went town. i dunno where but we took a bus somewhere. who knew where we went anyway, lyn n ernie were leading the way all the time. haha. so we were just like those stray dogss following along. then jamin n shawn saidd tt only lyn n ern were shopping yadayada*[classified information :) ] okay. we kinda agreed on it anyway. ok. so after town, it was about six laa. then we left and took train to toa payoh - all of us left the train except ernest *laughs bwahaha* then later we split, they went to their cell grp thingyy and we went to eat and lame ard - as usual. so that's it. byee.

`i love tt song below anyway!
michael buble - for once in my life
For once in my life
I've got someone who needs me
Someone I've needed so long
For once unafraid
I can go where life leads me
And somehow I know I'll be strong
For once I can touch
What my heart used to dream of
Long before I knew
Someone warm like you
Could make my dreams come true
For once in my life
I won't let sorrow hurt me
Not like it's hurt me before
For once I've got someone
I know won't desert me
'Cause I'm not alone anymore
For once I can say
This is mine, you can't take it
As long as I've got love I know I can make it
For once in my life
I've got someone who needs me
At least I can say
This is mine, you can't take it
As long as I've got love I know I can make it
For once in my life
I've got someone who needs me
For once in my life
I find someone
I've got someone who needs me
just woke up
to the sound of lynette's angry voice
on the phone.
my mum was on the line.
always gets us irritated huh?
i'm so mentally tired and I don't know why.
lyn was complaining and telling me tt she talked to ernest 'til 5.30am
Like it's my problem - bwahaha. =) fyne.
i should show some concern.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Kyra! Posted by Hello
today. goodness me! i woke up at 9.42am to be exact because somebody smsed me, 'boo!' and woke me up and while we exchanged sms, halfway i kept falling back to sleep and waking up to the consistent ringing of the sms tone every nearly 15 seconds or something. That carried on until 12.15 when i actually left the bed to go toilet etc. auntie dolly called and said she was coming to pick me already for christmas item rehearsal at my aunt's house and she said she wasn't coming so soon. she came at 12.40pm. i wasn't dressed, was still listening to music and eating -three quarter done- my lunch. when she honked outside, i realised it was her 'horn', i rushed into my rm and put on the shirt stacey also -red nike shirt- has and my skirt. thk god i already thought of what to wear. i dashed out and she picked me. thk god i live in a terrace house! okay so spent my entire day at jonathan's house singing and singing myself dead. then at ard 4 we went into the study and watched a little tv, cause we were totallie bored. then at ard 5 aunt dolly came back and we sang a round for her. o my god! kyra is so damn cute manx. so docile and so innocent. afraid of nearly everything. kyra is my cousin's dog by the way, there's truffles but tt's not safe to put down unto the flr 'cause she'll start running abt like mad coz she's very active. i'm quite scared of truffles as she growls at everyone and barks like hell. kyra is SO darn cute. i love her! and even bernice = the very afraid of dog kind = said i'd like to have a dog like this! KYRA IS SO ADORABLE.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

my life is boring.
my mom scolded me just now = not exactly. she was scolding my sis, rattling on about dunno whad okay? then i thot she was scolding me 'cause i was in the study and she was in here too. hrmms. *confused* okay. i'm peeved. i just posted a nicely written post and the page became - the page cannot be displayed. *scowls*
-went to j8
-bought thomas's, mum's and dad's presents
-ate mos burger
That's the summary. YEAH!
my life is still boring.
I'm so tired
i'm commanded to go to my cousin, bernice's birthday party.
I went to church late this morning - again
ugh. i'm ALWAYS late. so the usual happened, cheryl and I supposed to meet at serangoon garden circus bus stop to take 73. she woke up late. then i took 2 hrs to dress up [i'm not vain okay!] erg. then later my dad fetched me to the bus stop at 8.50 (supposed to meet there at 8, mind you!) then they weren't there. then my dad fetched me to cardiff and you know what? after he fetched me back to circus, they(cheryl's family) appeared(to fetch me to church) and oh my glutinous rice (copyright- hazel, bwahaha)! I got scolded on the way there. I didn't ask for it, hello! I wasn't in a good mood and this guy (cheryl's dad) comes along and mocks me. I wanted to smack him on the face. [cheryl, do not show this to your dad k? bwahhss!] i was so pissed. PISSED. what's with him, doesn't mean he can scold me because i'm his niece. yadayada respect your elders - pah! goodness gracious. my mum is older than him. his sister leh. but they're both as horrendous as each other. exact same genes. Yuck.
today was fun. whatever. i'm not in the mood to blog - at all. although so i'm doing a summary. went to church for christmas party. was so fun. yaas. then I ate a lot! the chocolate cake by ernest's mum was er, so rich and fattening yaas. anyway after clearing up then jeralyn, cheryl, michelle and I went orchard with the entire youth ppl. erg. we were peeved. it started with the four of us then lynette, then thomas, then stacey then the whole world was suddenly going with us and we got no presents and all we had was wasted time all thks to the dodo girls man. erg.erg.erg.erg.erg.erg.erg.!! okay. then 'shop' shop shop until ard 10 plus then went coffee bean to er, lounge around la and drink coffee, chit chat - fellowship..bwaahhahas. ok. then went home. -boredd-!!

Friday, December 17, 2004

today woke at 12pm [whoaa!] then I had to be in church at 2 so had to start dressing up immediately [aft doing toilet stuff. hahas. nyahaas] supposed to leave the house at one but left at 1.20. ugh. so i was late to meet michelle at tp interchange. after that, went church blah blah. wrapped finish the chinese books and tied the bows then it was only 3.30pm. 2 hours early! we finished the two projects we were supposed to do faster than 2 days. yay! but later we spent the 2 hours laming around and glenn's phone was condemned or something. it was sending everyone 'i love you' msgs. bwahahas. practically the whole 'church' got it. mwahhss!! some cursed phone he'd got. after that we left church and took 124 to orchard mrt. the bus was so crowded and full and cheryl, jeral and I were feeling so claustrophobic. we practically had not enough oxygen. it was obvious and after what seemed like hours, finally, we arrived so we waited for ernest at mac. he was late. bwahahas. fifteen minutes. but we weren't so gd either. 5 mins late. i mean, not for the performance laas. then later we went to the place where the stage was then waited for them lorrs. we had to carry bags for them like erg! my sis's bag was a bomb or something. so friggin' heavy. ok. overall the performance was gd but seemed like kenny was so serious and trying to be heard or talent spotted. yuck. carnt stand this kinda ppl. but carnt blame 'cause he couldn't get into singapore idol. haha. *pitys* i'm feeling quite tired noww. my legs are on the verge of falling out - think i need to elevate it. okayys. i think i'm not gonna chat with anyone, even though jas is online. hrmms.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

you know what,
i've just exploded.
i was crying
a second ago.
I dunno what's with it la. I'm so grumpy blah (read then i keep exploding. I either start crying and cursing at you or get angry. i think you'd rather the crying one. 'cause if you happen to piss me off or get in my way. you're gotta got shot by me until you die. esp. when i angry with you. i'll shoot you (with my words) until i dunno whadd. ugh.erg. i carnt take it laas. pardon me this week. and don't make me angry too.
*tries so hard to type and lick her melting like mad ice cream* yumm. am eating ice cream now. yay. split to be exact. today's events really made me feel good all over for the rest of the day although I am like pms-ing awayys. dunno whyyes. the last four days have been so 'hectic' for me, literally. i was always grumpy [except when I am with special ppl, the jamm gang, et cetera.], always feeling pissed off and angry with people which is so true 'cause it shows. ya. serious! lyke I just scolded cheryl, 'cause she was annoying me on msn. not reallys but sending a lot of 'msgs' and splitting an already short sentence into like FOUR messages. my nose hurts by the way and my leg disease is recovering. (well, if you mean turning darker instead of whiter in air conditioned places) lames! my eldest sister just cut my hair and i've just finished bathing. it's reall short and I totally love it. So cute. short and bouncy. (don't think dirtyy) today. we went to church early at like 9.30 for christian service. yay. it was so fun. we were at tp interchange at 9am and michelle was like hitting us for being 10 mins late. then jeralyn was so late. we left and took 145 by ourselves. she was left behind. ouchies. it totally was not my idea. it was michelle's then later cheryl agreed with her then I too. I was also grumpyy laas. i hate waiting for people you know. for christian service, so fun! we wrapped the newcomers' christmas presents, cut up and folded the invitations (tt was all done by me!) and service time sheets. then we went lunch together at mac and chatted with ps. lindsey about baptism (she broached the subject ferst) . thenn valerie a.k.a miaomiao a.k.a marcus's sister kakakakakakakakakaka-ed away. blabbing her own nonsense and omg, she was practically contradicting herself in every sentence she spoke which made us totally collapse with laughter as I did the invitations and cheryl n val were doing wrapping. i did a lot of bow-tying and present wrapping and bible study!! omggg!! okay. later in the afternoon, we wenta see two patients at sgh (one has cancer, one has liver problemsss) by cab. it was frightening, the hospital i mean. the woman with the liver problems was really friendly and nice and seemed fine. she was just admitted into the wardd 3 daes ago. her husband had leukamia (no idea how to spell) ouch. really saddening. then the cancer guy. he's only got one month to live. they only allowed 2 visitors so ps. lindsey and michelle went in. while cheryl and I were outside playing with the vending machine (buying drinks and watching the cups be filled and the dispenser and everything else) we were retarded - fyne. oooh. i love my hair. yaya! okay. i felt really sad for the cancer guy anyway, at first it was 6 months to live. now it was cut short to a month. but actually he might feel it better to be earlier for him to expire 'cause he has growths on his body. i imagine it and it looks gross. ouchh. i wish i could do something instead of just watch him die so silently.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

that perfectly painted scene
replays ever so often in my mind
so beautiful. so wonderful.
i question myself if it is but not a dream.
extracted from 'dreams so alive. they speak.' written by louisa

another eventful day. woots. i went out with jeralyn. heys. i dunno whadd the heck's wrong with my msn. keeps playing tricks on me. like signing in and out and when i talk to certain people, it closes the window automatically. *smashes computer* and my computer, not to mention. is so annoying. i'm currently using the one in the study (which is faster although pentium 3! ironic! *mine is pentium 4 by the way.* ). i hate using the one in the study laas 'cause it doesn't have my stuff to do stuff. hahas. i'm crapping. okay. my phone inbox is full. stupid phone. my smses from jasmine and whoever that msgs me. carnt delete. Cause, i like seeing my inbox full. lame right. fyne. smack me then. *grins* woo. jason is online. whoops. i feel like i've forgotten about him. the last tyme i was talking to him, i was trying to get him to go to church which was hopelessly failing. he's darn cynical and all i can do is watch him insult me (normally i do retaliate, now, i'm trying my best to get him saved so i don't care!) he's my cousin's friend you see. we really want him to go to church and experience what we do. he's too 'un-open' laas. he's so cynical you can strangle him. but we must be patient. *runs 1 corinthians 13:4 in mind* yes. yes. yes. I pray. I pray. Jonathan pray. Cheryl pray. pleaseee. he's a really hard nut to crack. I PRAYY for his salvation! okay. as i was saying. this morning i met jeralyn at 11.30am at toa payoh. redd circle theree. sod tt. let's go to the more interesting or to us, mortifying parts. =) okayes. big news huh! i met one jiko (old man pervert?) while waiting for jeralyn (half hour!!) he peeped into the woman's (next to me) blouse. well. it was little bit low cut at the back. in fact it was not. but he peeped anyway. don't see any fun in tt. pah. after jerall arrived (after i practically fainted and was pissed off.), we went tp library to return her overduedd books. then here comes along this disgusting bogay [no teeth for your info] who asked us if we had change to take bus in mandarin. i knew he had something up his sleeve 'cause he only singled us out when there were tons other ppl to ask. then we said no. then he kept llike pressing on. i felt like bashing his already like bogay mouth to remove the excess teeth and complete the bogaying job! then later when I stormed off (jerall was like slowly walking behind me, following me!) he shouted, where are you going in mandarin yet again. you know what i did? i was appalled at my actions. i turned behind, said 'huh' in a very mean way and rolled my eyes so hard at him. unintentionally. it just came out. i didn't know. but anyway good for him. harassing young girls when he should be like, getting a dental job. then the third one. at somerset mrt. we were walking and talking towards somerset mrt (through the carpark) then this khaki shirted guy was like tailing us so near LOR. practically stuck to our plastic bags of presents already. then i felt disgusted then i linked arms with jeralyn and walked really fast to the escalator to the mrt. he followed in the same speed. yuck. then down the escalator, he was behind us. STUCK to us. mind you. ok. then when we were walking through the 'corridor' he tailed so near. so jeralyn and i tried to act silly and disgusting 'cause she pointed out the damsel-in-distress whistle the entire jamm gang has (jinghan, michelle, jeralyn and i) then i pretended and i said, 'wah, your boyfriend give one ah. let me see. so nice. wooo.. ' *tries to be annoying as usual so as to lose the pervert* we then slowed down because of the so called so nice whistle then he walked in front of us laas. wadd a freak. and he kept turning behind and looking at our faces. I felt like smacking him!!! ugh. tt's the fun part laa. the rest are history la? okay. peace out.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

i just saw yong liang's display pic. yuck.
*really faints*
todayys so FUNN!! I went out ard 11.30am. Uncle David was going Tampines Mall with the Hongkong relatives, granny and Justin then Cheryl and I tagged along. I din know we were going to eat lunch at Crystal Jade Restaurant. hoho! We met Aunt Esther there, who already booked the table and seats yada. Then there was no place for cheryl and i then the lady dragged along two other chairs. we felt so totally like EXTRA. yeah. we ate so much and aunty esther ordered so much and cheryl and i reallie felt like we were gonna explode or something. granny ordered a char siew rice thingy and omg, she couldn't finish and asked us to share it. we were dying by tt tyme. whoaa. after tt, ha, my stomach really felt sick. then we walked ard with justin for a while, while uncle david was drawingg money then the old people [granny, hongkong relatives (couple)] took him away. *scowls* anyway he was dragging me along [coz he didn't want to hold cheryl's hand. bwahhaaas!] i feel so loved!! justin's a PERVERT man. trying to like touch cheryl's boobs all the tyme.. yuck. babies just have a fetish with tt just because they drink from it. [dun get grossed out by dis plsss - facts!!] haha. and oh yah. justin is always laughing or smiling to himself when he sees any woman in reality or on tv. PERVERSE!! haha. later after that, walked ard tampines mall then took a train down to orchardd! So FUN. then went to heeren then saw wen long. omg in jean perrie. yuck. after tt felt so disturbed. thk god i din go out with jerall and she like bankedd out on me too! THK GODD! eh? before heeren we went takashimayaaaa! then bought like SO many christmas presents! wooh. yay! then okaes. took train to toa payoh then went koufu to chat and drinkk sometyng coz i was dying of throaties. [dry throat la. my name for it!!] then later msged ard then went home lerhhs.. wadd an eventful dayy!
hmm, i really would like an mp3 player for christmas. hrmms. mom probably won't allow says i'll become a slave to it yada yada. you know, sometimes she can act really holy but sometimes she also can act unreasonable and totally ungodly! I don't get it. I will not give you the details but still. Last tyme, all the aunts and uncles joined to give me one present. A sony radio. okay. Really nice! More expensive than my two sis's ones. bwahaha. (tt period of tyme la. tt was the newest wadd) haha. it's still here though. i don't really use it 'cause lyn got a big one and nice one for her birthday from my dad (those players and plugs and blahh) really nice. looks a little like a long pancake. haha.
heyys! i just woke up (like duh!). Last night although I slept really late at like 2.30am but as usual, i'm still hyper! I'm just afraid I get bad eye bags laa. My family, *sighs*, is known for eyebags like for some people, when they sleep late everyday, nobody even knows. For my mom, when she sleeps TOO late for just one time, her eyes will look like a panda in the morning. BWAHAHA. That's the funniest part! For Lyn and I, still quite okay - haha - we have eyebags (quite bad actually but compared to a panda. nah) i'm eating last night's cheeseburger. my dad saved it for me and i din eat it. i was talking a short conversation on msn with mevis just now. after we talked a little, she said she had to go. *makes weirded out face* I'm supposed to go out with Jeralyn at 2 today, after her band. But this morning, sad, she msged me and said, i can't go, need to see doctor yada yada. I let her laas. 'cause I'm so nice. bwahaha. She's really sick laas.

Monday, December 13, 2004

my dad bought an entire feast of like mcdonalds'. i aimm eating a mcflurry - cappucino. haven't heard about it.. suaku!! msn messenger beta is so nice. =)
i changed my skin. again. i reallie like it so much. although i have no idea whyye my tagboard is purple. i tried all means to make it, er, black but anyway i love it. so purple then so much blog post area [from reading, you should know i usually blog more than maybe 100 words or far more than tt ya. so yarh. finally found the perfect skin that is purple, has big blog posting area. oh yeahh!!!

Jamie Cullum - Everlasting Love
Hearts gone astray, deep in her when they go
I went away just when you needed me so
You won't regret, I'll come back begging you
Won't you forget, welcome love we once knew
Open up your eyes, then you'll realise
Here I stand with my everlasting love
Need you by my side.
Girl, to be my pride.
Never be denied everlasting love
From the very start open up your heart,
feel that you've fall in, everlasting love
Need a love to last forever
Need a love to last forever
Need a love to last forever
Need a love to last forever
I need a love to last forever

i am so boliao.
i decided to just tell the whole world
my likes and dislikes ya?
-playing the piano [music is my life!]
-listening to music
-laming around
-goofing around
-insulting people [hoho]
-observing people's actions [eccentric ya?]
-intelligent conversations. [heh]
-intelligent people *grins*
-making people laugh [my fav]
favourite music/ songs//*
-richard marx and donna lewis : at the beginning
-skye sweetnam : tangled up in me
-selena : dreaming of you
-destiny's child : do you hear what i hear
-jamie cullum : everlasting love
-counting crows : accidentally in love
-linkin park : numb
-avril lavigne : nobody's home
-hillsongs : one way
-nearly all hillsongs =)
-mushy talk *yughh*
-mushy songs [some are okay]
-papa roach
-offensive songs
-the osbourne family [they all look gross]
-hot weather
-being cold
-laming around
-contradicting myself
-laughing at cheryl's blurness
-pitying old helpless women ['cept those with attitude prob]
-want to help those donation thingys
[but sometimes don't, 'cause they might be lying.]
-always trying to be nice but people misunderstand me
['cause i'm basically not, all the tyme]
-when i'm really concerned, people think i have a motive
-scowling! *grins sheepishly*
Frozen Emotions
Winter comes the river freezes
Out cold with chilled sneezes
Water under a winter's spell
Upon the ice some children fell.
Upon dead logs the parents sat
Watching children and feeling glad
Little knew they could not grasp
A young boy sat alone and wept
Skating shoes and warming gloves
Did his parents sent with Love
However far his parents were
All he could was wear his gloves.
Tears rolled down he's wheelchair bound
Firmly locked wheels on ground
He was sad, yes he was sad
Until warm hands touched his back.

-written by jamin choe
being happy and positive really paid off.
i'm not having a fever no more.
praise the lord!
37 degs!
i have a fever at 37.9 degrees.
ouchies. i felt it this morning and when
i took my temperature. oh. i hit the nail on the head.
oh yeahh. i feel like dying suddenly. must be strong.
bwahaha. must keep myself happy. argh.
i'm dying. hey! must think positive.
i'm strong. *faints on table* guess i'm not.
i am not fatalistic!
mind you
helloe! do you know what time i slept last night? 7.30p.m unbelievable! i was supposed to take a 'nap' lah and wake up at 9 plus and omg, i woke up at 2 in the morning then went back to slp then woke up again at 7.30am, with my eld sister coming in and out to do make-up *-_-'* yahh and finally i woke up at 9.30am. Woohoo! thenn i came online at 10.15. bwahaha. i'm madd now. err.
I miss jerall!
I miss the pastors!
I miss youthh camp!
; mwahhs ;

Sunday, December 12, 2004

helloes again. i hav been online since like erm, 2 plus. i am listening to skye sweetnam - tangled up in me. yuck. the lyrics are so lame. ugh. she is like so b.h.b! anybody readin this pls read the four previous posts... haha. dun count the youthiee camp pic la. so nice. shawn sent it to me yay! haha. i'm madd. i'm so happy. can't wait to come online later in the night night night to chat with cheryll n et ceteraa.. bwahaha. hols are so boring. now tt band has stopped for christmas yah? i'm not sure whether i'm going to the band 'excursion' to sentosa. whadd is there to do at sentosa anyway, that is free? boring stuff rightt - the beachh etcc.. we just pay 2 bucks for admission tt's all. whadd better can we do? team-building games - get a life. ppl in the saxophone and percussion section are like so bad to each other. percussion juniors to sax seniors laas & vice versa. they are like so bossy and everything else. pahh! *piak face* hrmms. okaes. bye again! Hurray! Jing Han is in China - wow, so quiet manx. =) bwahaha. *evil laughs* byeesss

Combined camp with Sembawang A/G and Faith A/G! Youth camp rockedd! Posted by Hello
i love my youth camp grp
: the pastors :
i love rachel wong.
i love louis.
i love ernest.
i love pamela.
i love myself.
i love lynette.
i love christina.
i love jireh.
i love kevin.
i love bernice.
i love sophia.
hmms. i've just changed my christmas-sy skin to this urm, very me skin?
sorta la. although i'm not that wild but i kinda like it.
i am SO BORED. save me. last night i slept at around 1.30, 1.40 'cause i was chatting with ernest on msn then i transferred to him the song he wanted [selena-dreaming of you] then it took so long. i think it probs is 'cause of his comp laas. 'carnt be mine right. heh heh. i was also chatting with cheryl, shawn, clark and audrey online too. wow. i din know they were hell of a fun!! audrey was farnie. shawn was farnie and lame.
clark was weird but funny too. cheryl, as always, blur and funny, nvr fails to amuse me. i am hysteric!! I don't know the reason but i think i got influenced by jerall. today during service, we sat at the main sanctuary not the usual third flr a.k.a. balcony. haha. it was really cold but i 'stole' cheryl's jacket
[not exactly, she offered when i asked... *why am i contradicting myself?*] the sermon was by rev. humprey choe [jamin's dad, bwahaha.] and translated to english by ps. lindsey. er. i was quite surprised that he was preaching coz he was a chinese service person. yah. i was nearly falling aslp in the service all thks to jerall's sleepy brainwaves tt made me feel sleepy too. haha. she was practically lying on my shoulder most of the tyme and i was like dying too. btw, shawn and jamin joined our sunday school class today. i was second in class [i mean, the time we clock in. mwahhaasss] they came round 9.30am then jamin came in last so he had to do the closing prayer then he said it's a blessing and all of us were like rolling our eyes out. haha. okay. lets go to lunch [i am so darn talkative man] we ate at loy kee. porridge with egg. ergh. i like it tho. *contradicts herself again* then jamin was like annoying cheryl saying she does everything with her nose. sing with the nose, yada yada. then you know the egg in her porridge wasn't really cooked (the egg white rather) then it looked like mucus then jamin said tt since she eats with her nose, she'll have mucus in her porridge. well i agree it did look like mucus laas. but it's gross. haha. i've got nothing to say. well. i'm bored to bits. okk. gotta run. = )
i lay my life down at your feet
you're the only one i need
i turn to you and you are always there
in troubled times, it's you i seek
i put you first that's all i'll need
i humble all i am, all to you
one wayy, Jesus, you're the only one
that i could live for
one wayy, Jesus, you're the only one
that i could live for
you are always, always there
every how and everywhere
your grace abounds so deeply within me
you will never ever change
yesterday, today the same
forever 'til forever meets no end
you are the way, the truth and the life
we live by faith and not by sight, for you
we're living all for you

Saturday, December 11, 2004

ugh. cheryll was at my house just noww slpin, coshh i think her house was emptyy laas. i wanna goee christmas shopping after church withh jerall tomorrow. i dunno whether she's free laas budd just thinking coz during the camp we hadd thought aburt it laas but never confirm (as usual) ... yada yada. okaess. aimm feeling reallie boredd right now. hmm. i lost interest in a lot of stuff dis tyme. i'm not reallie sure. i mean during the camp. bwahahas. stacey (my dormm mate) kept asking cheryl, jerall and i who we liked. we weren't even interested. then they(hazel, stacey,clara) said we liked wen long like *barfs* yuCk! okaes. budd had fun and happy being in their dorm.. *although i slept like a pig on the last nite at ard 3
heyyo!! i'm backk from youth camp!! yay! was so great and spiritually reviving. bwahahas! it was soo great manx. it was at the boys' brigade at zion road. reallie reallie nice!! ok. i'll give you a summary of the entire camp kaes. woots.
day one
we went to church at 1030. woots. uncle david
fetched me n cheryll. woO! okays. then we left for camp at 1.30 plus.
the BB was reallie nice. haha. after we reached then we had to split into our grps
then we played the game - familiar strangers- budd it was quite
lame. we played 'bomb' in our grps lah. so our grps were called according to
the five-fold ministry. lyke the grp names were teachers, pastors, evangelists, prophets and apostles. cool manx. i'm glad i didn't bring anyone along although the worship n everything was great cause they will hinder me in worship n activities n stuff coshh they'll be like clingin on to me and liking n flirtin wiff all the guys. carnt take it. okaes then we washed up after the like warming up gamess n then dinner then night service by ps. eileen. tt night = the first night= was the praise n worship night so had a lot of singing n dancing. cool. then until leg painn! numb larx. okaes then supper then lights outtaa!!! woots.
day two
6.50 wakey wakeyy haha. then devotion n breakfast then morning service entitled 'surfing emotional tides' by rachel hee. the service was reallie gd abt love n then gender thingys bwahaha budd of crse gott spiritual stuffies too larx. ok. then was dirty games in the afternoon aft lunch. we played like a relay. we had to pair up guy girl (ppl in the same grp) then crawl under the rope n not hit the coconuts/obstacles then spin ard 10 times then slide across a soapy table wahaha. then carry his legs thenn he crawl to the other line. bwahaha. being gurlls so fun. haha. then the whole grp mus do the same thing. bwahaha. then the usual budd the service was by ps ronald reallie nicee and reallie gd. then the usual again.
day three
same. same. same. then workshop by ps. lindsey called scoring goals in life. then usual then R&R then liquid tension and reallie reallie wet game(s). lyke soapy dog and bone. bwahaha. then nicholas dislocated his arm.. ugh. it was reallie reallie gross then casualty marx so then we go n make water bombs for the next game-bombyss!! then okay yah the day b4 i fell off the lower deck of the bed n injured my last toeee.. ugh. it looks rotten nows.. okay then after that usual larx.. [shawn was aiming at me the whole tyme of the water bombing game coshh i was dry] then USUAL.
day four
ALOHAA!! today is banquet night n the theme is aloha! okay. morning service and then night service change to 3pm. then we had to think of the skitt.. ours was like based on battle royale . ugh. gruesomee. then chioin urpp then boy meet girl. i got joshua who is lyke nearly twice my age. bwahaha. then cheryll gort yishun ugh. oh yah. in the skit i had to act lovey dovey with lyke ernest[i love you, you love me stuff]. ugh. then it was so funny coz the moral was like everyone was killing each other so(after ernest 'killed' me he got killed too) ughh abt the rhythmm n passion blahhs. okay then later really fun tyngs happened. the presentation of the skits n all. then after eleven no lights out can do anytyngs so the guys go play soccer thenn the girls have talk n lorxxxx.. very funny. then i fell aslp while everyone was out. I know, i slpt like a pigg. budd it was like 3 am lerx. the other ppl slept at five plus lorx.. haha. okays nites.
day five(today)
yay. go home lerx. woke urp damnn lates brkfast already over somemore. wahaha. clean up. thksgiving. wah. almost everyone mus give testimonyy then homE SWeET hOmE!! yay! So HApPYY!!!!

Monday, December 06, 2004

r we reallie changing class? 1/6 to 2/9 sounds nice budd i reallie lyke our class! mwahhs *sob* sadd manx. couldn't go to dah sleepover. actuallie could lahh. budd my mum was preaching awayy and i thot best not to go. budd anyways, i'm not reallie ready wiff the aloha! thingyy. i love the neos i took wiff jerall//* nice!! today had band. jasmine came today! she told me eighth then comee back, tt lil' liar. budd anyways, i hope i can still go to the sleepover. lyke a miracle if my dad comes home, you know, you know. yada. hmm. boredd to bits. =)
sighh. aimm reallie sadd carn't go. they both broke up. wakakaka. *laughs myself to death* you know, two days i was saying - his nick was "only true love lasts forever". factually, true love does not last forever, coz nothing lasts forever. dunn you get it, when you die. you either go to hell/heaven yada. do you think love exists in those worlds. my ans is no. so, true love does not last forever. seriously. i think tt the one tt lost out was the guyy 'cause he doesn't know tt she actually flirts with every senior in band and more. so i feel sad n happy for him at the same tyme. she's probs reading this. budd never minds. it's kinda a fact. erica knows n actuallie told me.. two ppl told me too.. so it's kinda the news. budd i dun think it's really a gossip story .. i think it more like a sad story. exploited boyy. flirtatious/flamboyant girll. pities

`carntt goo. all dah effort gone to waste

Sunday, December 05, 2004

todaes was a funn funn daee! churchh was so funn. we were so hyped abt the jamm gang thingyy then michelle got us souvenirs fromm korea or japan? *confusedd* a whistlee n some hp keyy chain. the whistle (we named it the jamm gang help call.. bwahhaha) was so cute! i got red, jerall got purple n jinghan gott bluee. later, aft rr, thenn jeralyn n i wentt novena then walk for abt an hourr then we go heeren take neos n oso shopp lah [altho we hadd no money so windoww shop] my mum practically ditched me n left me stranded in church - mwahaha. tt's why we decided to go shoppinn!! woots. haha. i'm not going to pon band to go for the partyy at jh house - so called. - i'm jus going at nights 2 slp n playy daideex n morees.. then do the jg [jamm gang] blogg.. bwahaha. amm madd lerhhs.. so.. gd night. gort no tyme to packk my youth camp stuff you knows.. hmmph!!
{dis entry goes into bothh my blog n the jamm gang blogg plss}

`__i love jerall//*
i aimm a weird gurll
umm. woww. it's late now. burtt i'm reallie hyper coshh` took a nap frm 4.30 to 7.. i think i'm going to slp lerhhs.. just now was talking to jamin on msn.. he lamer lah.. u knows, the jamm gang(made up of our b'day months n names) consists of jerall, me, jh & michelle, then he say he wanna join, he so childish for sec 3 going sec 4 ahhs. denn youth camp for the last night service, i aimm support singer with him and my sis - ughh! he's prob gonna like blast my ears off wiff his dreadfull voice. bwahahas. they actuallie arranged all four of us (except michelle, the jamm gang strikess again!) for each night for support singing, which is so damm dohh.. i carn't bearr goin to youth camp then leaving my comp at home n stuff! ; heartbrokenn ; burt okay lorhh. i mean i come online everyday which is nort gd lahh.. but i'm so bored thenn coshh always got band so too tired to go out on tt day lerhhs.. so jus come home n use comp for a long long time b4 dinner or take a nap or somethinng.. i was looking at cheryl's blog (jerall's lookalike fwen) so cute. haha. budd it's become so typical to have pictures on blogskins tt show lil' children kissing or going to kiss.. actuallie, it's quite disturbingg. lyke how do dey take the pics.. ughh, carnt imagine, and the kids are probably doing it without knowing, tt sorta tyng yeah. todae hadd band, practically standing the whole morning, we din even sit in the band rm once (except for announcement la). denn percussion nearly died, morning started wiff a lil pt, then later a bit of drills wif inst somemore!! denn later do 'carnt take my eyes' new dance steps. omgg. denn convention then chingayy. the usual lahhs. was so tired then was so dirtyy n sweaty coshh mus run here n theres if not shikin mam will pump us. haha, talking abt tired.. i'm feeling tired toos... okiee.. gonna runn off soon. urms. was quite funny lah today and fun. supposed to go kfc wif doreen n steph after band, but in the end steph n i ditched doreen coz darn sleepy. i reallie wanted to go wiff doreen lorx. budd so tired. haha. nature's call (does nort apply.. mwahaha) i aimm going noww. tomorrow will be busy packing liaox then monday got band n maybe i going to jh's sleepover aft tt then youth camp! woots. so miss mee!! =x

Friday, December 03, 2004

today actuallie wantedd to go out [ i did ] budd hadta wake up at 8.30am coshh must go and meet the formation comm at 11. i wenta meet beiyu first at the school bus stop denn we went to find kfc, to be exact, we spent half an hr findin the dumbb kfc. we met at 10.15am then later found kfc at 10.45am. we reach there then sit aroundd then abt five minutes later, haowen 'appeared' with foodddd... he was such a pigg, eating and ugh, the soundd!! we were asked by haowen [ dahh stupidd headd of formation comm. ] to copy the four formations for chingayy thenn we hadd no graph paperr, then he gave us one stack ok then yada yada. next sylvia then syarif then jezebel thenn bixia camee. wow. i tink bixia got lost. she arrived flustered and red and seemed like she ran a few miles before arriving - bwahaha. okayy. then did formations, numbering, grping for a longg longg tyme til' 1.45pm. thenn finallie finish so we left then i went home. later then go out wiff my mumma n auntie dolly [ my fav aunt!] then we went to the concourse to get christmas stuff then later went rivervale mall to do stuff then later go homee then when she fetched us backk then i ask her to support dmb! she donated 6 bucks. woots. lovee herr!! btw, changed phonee! haha to another ah pok but colour phone.. samsung onee!! okiee... gotta goeee... byee

`wooh laa laaaaa

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Ughh, i just wrote a post then when i published it, it went to the page - the page cannot be displayed - and no matter how much i refresh, all it gave me was this empty post page. *smacks computer!!* Okay. i was saying, there is no one online and everybody's still sleeping. I thought Jing Han (JH) would be awake coshh her mom actually forces her to slp @ 10pm n wake up around 7-8? Wooh! Someone's online - phyllis!! - Lols. Well, just now when i was bloggin, it was 7.50am. Now it's 8.21am. Ughhhyys! Anyway, gort's nothing to say. So Ciao!
